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Mar 27 2013, 7:35 PM (601 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65939: Backpack Gear Theft.

The lock and unlock feature for backpacks is needed. We cannot react the way we would in real life. Also, based on my experience, people don't get surrounded by a bunch of trolls trying to get into their backpack. The only option we have is to shoot... or walk/run away. In real life, I can just knocked a thieving bastard the fuck out. Cant do that in ARMA...

May 10 2016, 2:20 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65939: Backpack Gear Theft.

Backpack theft is a real hassle... Especially on Stratis Life servers. Voted Up.

May 10 2016, 2:20 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65819: Explosive Barrels, slowly tip over when shot 10 times.

They're not really explosive barrels... They are marked as containing a flammable substance. Shooting them does not mean they will explode. Maybe (In real life) they will catch fire. The only way you will get some type of explosion is with a pressurized system and an existing flame.

May 10 2016, 2:14 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.


My mistake... 2035... I revise my statement to 22 years. (The original statement will remain as it is) The following revision is for XSnipa.

Look back over the past 22 years. That takes me back to 1991... Operation Desert Storm era. Can you tell me how much has really changed as far as waging war? From my perspective, Not much... I still say an increase in drone use. I could say changes to camo patterns but the fact is, the use of camo is the use of camo. More service members are issued holo/red dot/magnified optics. I would say stealth tech improved but it really didnt... The stealth tech we are looking at now is 80's/early 90's stuff (At least the stuff we know about).

In the end, my point remains the same. The overall goal is stealth.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.


You failed to understand the context. If you paid attention then you would have comprehended my statement. I said:

"STANAG's (Standardization Agreements) have have not changed much over the past several years. As far as future warfare goes, ARMA 3 takes place in 2025... Thats only 12 years from now. Look back over the past 12 years. Can you tell me how much has really changed as far as waging war? From my perspective, Not much... Maybe the increase in drone use."

Key statement:

"Look back over the past 12 years. Can you tell me how much has really changed as far as waging war?"

This was in response to XSnipa's statement:

"Real experience in armed forces may not fully apply here on futuristic armaverse where armed forces could have very different standards than what we are used to, even if those standards seem ineffective and confusing."

Did you look at that? If you did then you know that the discussion related to (NATO) combat "standards"... Not STANAG magazines. The fact that you said, "30 RND 6.5 and 100 RND Belt 6.5 are NOT labeled as STANAG in game ;)5.6 ARE. 6.5 are NOT.", tells me that you did quite comprehend the context. That was a discussion between myself and XSnipa... YOU decided to jump into the mix and add your (unrelated) $0.02 cents.

You go on to say:

"I know that the STANAG goes way beyond mags only but in THIS context (the issue talks about mags, so...) the STANAG goes out of the window."

This reinforces your lack of comprehension. The CONTEXT I was speaking in was HISTORIC combat standards. Therefore, my mention of "STANAG's (Standardization Agreements" are very much relevant. Furthermore, (again) this was a discussion between myself and XSnipa... How are you going to tell me what is relevant to the Lighthammer2531/XSnipa conversation? Did you miss that fact that my statement was being made to XSnipa? I'm looking right at it and it starts off with "@ XSnipa:". Something should have told you to put two and two together before drafting a response.

You also state:

"because you don't know me and you don't know what my knowledge is."

You are correct on this one... No denying it. However, I do know that you had/have no knowledge of the context of the Lighthammer2531/XSnipa conversation. If you did, you would know that historic combat standards do not encompass only magazine use... Thats pretty much it.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

I have no idea... The current sound issue is very annoying. Not because I cant locate the source of shots, but because projectile impacts in the distance sound like they are impacting near me. However, I know there is another topic about that. My main concern is the tracer issue.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.


WTF are you talking about? Did I EVER refer to STANAG Mags specifically? I said "STANAG's (Standardization Agreements)" and did not include mag. If you look at the context of my statement then you would understand that. STANAG's go WAY beyond just mags. If you bothered to do any research the you would know that.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

@ XSnipa:
Why restrict 100 rnd drums/mags to support weapons?

You say:
"Real experience in armed forces may not fully apply here on futuristic armaverse where armed forces could have very different standards than what we are used to, even if those standards seem ineffective and confusing."

My response to that is:
STANAG's (Standardization Agreements) have have not changed much over the past several years. As far as future warfare goes, ARMA 3 takes place in 2025... Thats only 12 years from now. Look back over the past 12 years. Can you tell me how much has really changed as far as waging war? From my perspective, Not much... Maybe the increase in drone use.

From what I can tell, military equipment manufacturers have been working on increasing stealth capabilities and increasing the force multiplication aspect of combat units. Basically throwing up a sign that says "HEY HERE I AM!" does not help with stealth.

One main point kinda grew into two... My first point was that mags not specifically labeled as tracers mags should not have tracers. The mags that appear to be non-tracer mags (Based on label designations) fit the profile of tracer mags in the real world.

The second point was that, if these mags remain in game, these mags should be relabeled as they are misleading. Someone see's a tracer option for a mag and then a mag that does not state that it has tracers... But then SURPRISE! Sure surprised me when I watched those red streaks fly out of a mag that was not labeled as being a tracer mag.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

Back when I was in, I served in a small boat unit (Small Craft Company) within the Marine Corps. We loaded tracers on our machine guns, but we had good reason... Ever try firing an M240 from a boat and using iron sights? I have... Tracers are your sights in that situation.

Tracers serve two main purposes. One purpose is directing fire... At that time it helps not to have too many people using tracers. The other main purpose is to find out where your bullets are landing... Some guys like the light shows because tracers are pretty cool, especially at night.

The down side is, ITS AN ANNOUNCEMENT! It lets the enemy know exactly where you are. When in a small unit, tracers can be a death sentence. When you are with the main force, or on a FOB, then its not that big of a deal. I have tested my stealth capability several times in TDM games. I do fine WHEN I do not fire, or when I am in a secluded spot and I fire on a nearby enemy. However, medium to longer range combat generates a ton of problems when the tracers come out. That's when I start taking incoming...

If these mags stay in the game then that fine. However, complete non-tracer mags need to be added in while the current improperly labeled tracer mags need to be re-designated. Its very misleading when you have mags that are labeled as being tracer mags and mags that are not labeled as tracer mags; only to find out that the non-tracer mag you picked up has tracers. Like I said before, the mags which appear to be non-tracer mags, fit the description of a tracer mag in real life.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

Wow... The children are out in full force... There are many things that are working as "intended" that contradict reality. The points being made you down voters are NOT VALID. You are not going to tell someone that served that tracers are common in all mags... THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

If the "devs" wanted mags with tracers then they should be labeled as such. The current system is MISLEADING. If you need tracers at the end of your mag to let you know you are getting low, then you shouldn't be playing. You sure as hell shouldn't enlist in the armed forces... If you dont have the fore-thoughtfulness to know when its time to change, then there are games out there for you. They are called "Call of Duty" and "Battlefield"...

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.


"Tested myself and my clan mates and noone can see the tracers when not expecting it"

That statement makes no sense AT ALL... The FACT is that they can be seen. The FACT is there are tracers in mags that are not designated as tracer mags. Your logic on this issue is flawed. Its not about seeing them or not seeing them because you are not paying attention. When you get some real world experience, then please come back and speak on this issue.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

To me, it is misleading to place any tracer rounds in a mag that is not designated as having tracers. When I was in the service, a tracer was loaded every 5th round. However, this was for the guys that were actually issued tracer ammo... Typically machine gunners. After that, it was the operators choice.

For our M16's, the ammo we were issued was typically loaded on stripper clips. We would attach a load charger spoon to the mag and then attach the stripper clip and just push down. These rounds did not include tracers. So, to have a tracer magazine in the service would be something similar to the description posted by TraxusIV. Meaning that the magazine not designated as a tracer magazine (class 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag) in game, is pretty close to a tracer mag load-out in real life.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

There should be mags with no tracers at all. One major negative about this system is, since its common, not only do you know that you are going low on ammo, but so does the enemy.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

Its the entire mag... Especially the 100rnd non-tracer mags. I load 100 rnd non-tracer mags and I get tracers. I load 100 rnd tracer mags and I get tracers. I load 30 rnd mags... ALL TRACERS! :P Its very annoying.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.

First round out, and pretty much every other round I pay attention to are tracers. Firing a single round ends up getting me killed.

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 edited Steps To Reproduce on T65000: Ammunition: 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag default ammo is firing tracers.
May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 edited Steps To Reproduce on T64807: Problem with mounted grenade launcher optic. (Grenade Launcher Red Dot).
May 10 2016, 1:37 AM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T64188: Climb up on trees.

For scouting/lookout, its an interesting idea. Not so good for ambush... Another thing to consider is the thickness of the tree foliage and if the player will be able to see beyond it.

May 10 2016, 1:16 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

Non-shooters... Their arguments are funny...

May 9 2016, 10:01 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


How much AR experience do you have?

How much AK experience do you have?

May 9 2016, 10:00 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

The non-shooters are making themselves obvious again... They dont bother to read the posts of real shooters (Such as myself) and go on to state assumptions. The Bushmaster ACR (The weapon the MX series is based on) does not perform in the manner portrayed in the game. For those that have never served, or lacking extensive shooting experience, military weapons are selected based on many features. One of the primary features is controllability...

If you have to struggle to control your weapon, then you are screwed. There is a natural reset with these weapons. With these natural resets, a well trained shooter can turn his weapon into a "tack driver".

May 9 2016, 10:00 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


Its called a buffer system. In AR style rifles, the tube portion of the butt-stock contains a buffer and a spring. When the weapon is fired, the bolt makes contact with the buffer.

May 9 2016, 10:00 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

Also... In real life your calculation does not hold water as it is meaningless. How many experienced shooters will tell you that they will allow their weapon to remain at that 1-degree mark? Many shooters know that there is a NATURAL return to the approximate NPA.

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


Your approximation does not hold a candle to my 20+ years of shooting experience. Math formulas are nice when working out theories but that fact is... You are not considering the entire picture. Look at what the EXPERIENCED shooters that have posted here. They, as well as myself, know better.

I even posted videos as evidence. Not only that but my posted videos represented apples-to-apples comparisons. How many years have you been shooting and how often do you shoot? I ask because you seem VERY inexperienced when it comes to real life application. Remember, just because you qualify with a rifle every now and then does not make you a shooter...

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


I have been thinking that myself...

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


Comparing an SG 550 to an ACR is a terrible comparison. I posted video's of the weapon that the IN-GAME MX SERIES is based on. The MX is NOT based on the SG 550. It is in fact based on the ACR.

As far as the first video you posted... That rifle returns to NPA. The slop is from the shooters movement. Your video basically assisted in proving my point.

Also, the 5.6 Gw round is pretty much interchangeable with the standard 5.56 NATO round. Damn near the same round...

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


Perhaps your rifle is just a bad item or you need more experience with shooting if you think the muzzle climb in ARMA 3 is realistic...

The following videos show rapid fire and full auto with ACR's (The rifle that the MX is based on):

Little kid with an ACR:

Now do you really believe that the muzzle climb in ARMA 3 is realistic?

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


The gas operation is for cycling... I am not sure what the Swiss use as far as GL's go... However, in the US we use M203's and M320's...

Why simulate a return to approximate NPA? Because the player does not feel what the avatar feels. Therefore, reset is typically sloppy. Really it would not be such a huge deal if the muzzle-climb was not so insane.

In the end you are confusing the hell out of me... I am not sure if you support my position or not. Some of the things you say make it sound like you are annoyed with the same issue that I am annoyed with... But then you make statement that seem to support the current muzzle-climb system as it is.

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


Dude... I am not going to explain all of this to you. If you dont know what a buffer system is then do research. I am not too sure where you are going with mentioning gas-operated rifles... Was that supposed to bear any relevance? If so, I am just not seeing it.

I have been shooting since I was 12 years old... So about 20 years now. I am also a former marine. Weapons with muzzle climb like this would not cut the mustard in the service. Military select-fire rifles are extremely manageable. They are so manageable that, when properly trained, the shooters muscle reflex along with the weapons operation allows the rifle to fall right back into the shooters approximate NPA.

That is how it is supposed to work. The thing you are failing to see is that we are not attached to the avatar we are playing. We dont feel tired when they run up hills, we dont feel the weight from the gear and we dont feel pain when they get shot. ALL OF THAT IS SIMULATED! Being that these avatars are detached from us and are controlled by our mouse and keyboards, excessive muzzle climb with no return to the approximate NPA becomes problematic.

A return to NPA, especially on semi, would make the game more playable. By the way... Do you know what NPA is?

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


The muzzle does not climb from recoil alone. Its the force pushing the rifle back into the shoulder of the shooter. However, in order to reduce recoil, military weapons have buffer systems. Any significant recoil not handled by the buffer system pretty much causes muzzle climb. However, the muzzle climb is remedied by a compensator.

It may not take all of the muzzle climb out but there is very little. The fact is, the game makes no effort for the shooter to "return" to his NPA. That is a key factor that is missing.

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.


It is not hard to control... ACR's are VERY controllable. And why are you talking about recoil? This is about muzzle-climb... How much experience with firearms do you have? Also, the weapon at 2:04 is the .308 version. Rapid fire on that is going to cause some good muzzle climb but nothing close whats being experienced in the game.

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

Having experience with several firearms, including belt-fed machine guns, as well as rifles with burst and automatic selector options. From my experience, I can confirm that the muzzle-climb is very unrealistic. These weapons fire as if they lack buffer systems and have no compensator/muzzle-break or flash-hider. Military weapons are not built like this... With military weapons, muzzle-climb and recoil must be minimal and manageable in order to maintain accuracy. Otherwise they are useless...

In a life or death situation, the goal is to engage the enemy quickly and effectively... Not fight with your weapon.

The weapon in this video is an ACR, which the MX's in ARMA 3 are based on:

Just watch the tracers and then compare that to the MX in ARMA 3.

May 9 2016, 9:59 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

The non-shooters are making themselves WAY too obvious...

May 9 2016, 4:13 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.


3 years in ROTC eh? Thats pretty hardcore... You fired a couple different military rifles and pistols eh? Wow dude... Color me impressed! LOL!!!!!

OK I'll stop joking now... You have what I call LIMITED experience. Of course this is based on what you have stated. I own an AKM variant as well... I also own a .45 ACP pistol. Additionally, I a former marine. Which AKM variant do you own? Which "Colt" model do you own?

The fact that you are not specific with this stuff leads me to doubt your statements (as well as your statement about the in-game muzzle rise being realistic). I have a 95 Maadi RPM (One of the better AKM variants imported into the US - and a PO P14 (Upgraded). The muzzle climb on my RPM does not touch the in-game muzzle rise, and that's even when my 9-year old son fires it. The only way someone would consider the in-game muzzle rise to be realistic is if they are terrible shooters with absolutely no sense of balance... And no muscle at all.

May 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

@Stalker 1:

Yes! Thats why I stated the following:

"The muzzle-climb issue needs to be fixed. I am not suggesting that there should be zero muzzle-climb, or that the projectiles from the weapon should continually impact the same exact spot. I am suggesting the weapon should “return” to its approximate NPA especially when on semi. In addition to that, the muzzle climb needs a severe reduction."

May 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 updated subscribers of T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

@Stalker 1:

You say:

"The recoil in this game is unrealistic, but the way the muzzle climbs makes you have to re-acquire your target after each shot just like in real life. So, on that note, the muzzle climb isn't a bad idea to leave the way it is."

The problem is, game muscle reflex does not come close in comparison to muscle reflex in real life. Additionally, the muzzle climb in game does come close to the muzzle climb in real life. Especially when the MX series is considered.

The following videos show rapid fire and full auto with ACR's (The rifle that the MX is based on): [^] [^] [^] [^] [^]

Little kid with an ACR: [^]

The bullpup rifles & carbines in this game demonstrate muzzle climb characteristics that are just not seen on bullpups in real life. Bullpups are VERY stable even without a compensator. As for machines guns... When I saw the muzzle climb on those (in-game) I just left them alone.

I was with Small Craft Company (SCCo/HqBn/2nd MarDiv). We operated on boats... RAC's (Riverine Assault Craft), Raiders, Zodiacs (Handled by our LF6F element). I was on a RAC as a port-side gunner on an M240G. The first volley I fired out of the LMG MX took me back to the first time I fired a 240 from a boat...

That was dealing with a moving boat and swells... About the only time I had to fight in order to make the weapon keep firing in the approximate target area.

May 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

For anyone that has presented a case in support of the muzzle climb in this game... How many of you have experience with firing suppressed weapons? This is one point where I can really take the wind out of your sails when it comes to muzzle climb within the game...

May 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3
Lighthammer2531 added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

+1@ OfficerHotpants & +1@ squishall:

I am a former marine myself. I was not any type of special operator as I was a FRO with SCCo/HqBn/2nd MarDiv (Now deactivated). However, I do have much experience with belt-fed machine-guns, in addition to selective-fire rifle & carbines. That being said, the muzzle climb in this game is insane.

I see people saying that the current level of muzzle-climb is "just fine" along with suggesting that we use our mouse to fight the recoil. There is a huge problem with this... You are not supposed to fight with your weapon. The control issues presented in this game (As well as the previous ARMA releases and the OFP:CWC/RES releases) are highly unrealistic.

Dragging your mouse down in order to (attempt) returning to your NPA presents a couple of problems... The first is that you will eventually run out of mouse space. The second is that you have to lift your mouse off the pad in order to prevent it from going off the edge. This is ridiculous especially when in close quarters (up to 25 yards +/-) and on semi. Sure the prone position is a much more stable firing position in comparison to standing, however in the CQ scenario; going prone will just get you killed.

The muzzle-climb issue needs to be fixed. I am not suggesting that there should be zero muzzle-climb, or that the projectiles from the weapon should continually impact the same exact spot. I am suggesting the weapon should “return” to its approximate NPA especially when on semi. In addition to that, the muzzle climb needs a severe reduction.

May 9 2016, 4:12 PM · Arma 3