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May 10 2016

Rossums added a comment to T87003: Character stops running when coming upon small hills.

When your character reaches an incline over a certain angle he will begin to walk as it's too hard to run up.

This is intended behaviour.

May 10 2016, 3:12 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86987: Upon death, if you log out and rejoin a server rather than respawning, you still have your gear..

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

Original report added to relationships for access.


May 10 2016, 3:12 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86970: I never die.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86969: My character is invincible.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86967: Zombies in a school having pathing issues.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86958: Please bring back map shift-click location feature.

As other users have pointed out, this is more of a request than a bug report and for that reason I'm going to close it.

If you'd like to discuss your suggestion further please visit the DayZ Forums: and post in in the DayZ section.

Thank you all for posting feedback, hopefully it can be discussed in a more.. constructive manner on the forums :)

May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86958: Please bring back map shift-click location feature.

It's a map, it's not rocket science - I learned how to read a map in primary school.

I think this should be enabled for those with a GPS but not for the base map, it's easy enough as it is.

May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86942: The name of the Mosin-Nagant rifle currently shows up as "Mosin 9130".


Small text change is all that's needed.


May 10 2016, 3:09 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86928: I have an African American Character.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:09 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86923: Climbing up ladders on to roof of medium high-rise.

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 3:09 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86919: Character can be pushed through walls.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86915: Haven`t seen a single zombie in 3 hour play time, 4 different cities and 3 servers yet I hear zombie noises all the time.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86913: Zombies clip through floors of Supermarket.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.



LeYuno - please stop posting these messages, you are just making everything harder to keep track of.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86912: #vote kick-command IS instakick (on all servers??) without any admin privileges.

Acknowledged and reproduced by Matt Lightfoot.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86912: #vote kick-command IS instakick (on all servers??) without any admin privileges.

Problem resolved.

Fix will be pushed in next update.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86910: Character stuck under building..

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86900: Global VOIP, a weird noise, and game freezes.

Yep, you're right.

Closing as duplicate, you can select 'Monitor' on the other report to ensure you are kept updated with any changes.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86896: Would like animated pictures of hunger/thirst/tired insteed of spamming messages..

This is not a bug and has already been discussed by the developers.

The current messages are only temporary placeholders and are going to be replaced in the future.

May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86894: Zombies walk through doors.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86890: metal sound at wooden ladders.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this problem, this is due to new sounds not yet being implemented.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86886: Bizzare Graphical Strobing.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

Many other AMD users have reported the same graphical artifacts.


May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86885: End of torch is always lit.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86884: Character.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86882: Zombie aggression audio when none anywhere.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:05 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86879: Mouse Acceleration Button doesn't work.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:05 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86875: Zombies sounds everywhere.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:05 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86870: Can opening.

Resolved in comments.

Functionality is to be added.

May 10 2016, 3:01 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86870: Can opening.

The functionality is proposed but not yet added to the game.

May 10 2016, 3:01 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86862: Localization.

Thanks for the clarification, the developers have been made aware.

May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86851: Flooding Loot/Zombies/Server reboot.

These are duplicate reports and the developers are already aware of these bugs/problems.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86849: Mouse feels weird.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

The mouse acceleration/deceleration is not being change correctly in accordance with user input and will be looked at by developers.


May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86848: Graphic glitch..

It seems to work fine for me.

It's on the forums -> DayZ -> Announcements & Information -> Early Access Important Information / Known Issues

.. if for some reason you can't access using the link.


May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86848: Graphic glitch..

Not a problem, just making sure - some users are unaware of the respawn feature.

May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86848: Graphic glitch..

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

You should be able to select 'Respawn' from the menu and respawn yourself though - are you still able to respawn using this method?


May 10 2016, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86844: Random zombie sounds coming from underground, sometimes where they shouldn't be.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86843: Flashlight light bolbe will be on when the flashlight is off..

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86836: "I Understand" button is misplaced.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86835: Game turn into tiny window while running window mode.

What is the resolution of your monitor and what resolution are you running the game in?

May 10 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86829: Soda opening sound plays regulary in distance..

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86828: Ladder bug.

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86822: Flashlight look like "ON" when it's "OFF".

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86818: Stuck inside a building.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86817: Stuck inside a building.

Double post

May 10 2016, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86811: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86811: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86808: Crash follow VOIP chat.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86807: Zombies walk through building walls and rocks.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86804: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86804: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post on a problem the developers are already aware of.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86801: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86801: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post on a problem the developers are already aware of.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here: [^]


May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86797: Death screen log out then log in and still alive..

Tidied up.

Devs have been made aware of this issue.

May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86795: Drink spawns are too rare.

After the feedback I am going to close this report.

The developers are aware of the current issues with loot balance and it will be changed in future updates to bring certain items in line with others and make others slightly rarer.

Thanks for the feedback.

May 10 2016, 2:45 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86794: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86794: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86787: Clicking a bug on the 'View Votes' page takes you to a different bug report.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.

Seems to be a popular, recurring issue.


May 10 2016, 2:38 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86781: Zombie agro noises when no zombies are around.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:38 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86776: Unable to use rifle bayonet.

Functionality has not yet been added and is scheduled for a later date.

May 10 2016, 2:38 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86774: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86774: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86771: List of bugs I found on 3 hours of gameplay :) some you may know about!.

All of these bugs have already been confirmed or reported and are being looked at.

Please check the 'How-to' at the top of the page which will show you the format that bug reports should be submitted with.

You should also use the 'Filter' field to search for keywords of existing reports.


May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86764: Climbed to the Top of a Ladder, went to climb back down and got flung off and sent back up to the top of the ladder and Killed..

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86758: Phantom flashlight cone left behind.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86745: Ladder instant kill.

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86743: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86743: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86735: You can hear anyone drinking soda on the map.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86732: Door doesn't open.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86731: When Dead / Unconcious player is able to talk in Global (Kicks players in game).

Issue closed.

Please use the related report above.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86730: Door doesn't open.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86729: Door doesn't open.


May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86713: Itens spawn in air.

Please post images of the specific locations.

LeYuno, please stop bumping up older posts in this manner - there is currently a backlog and they will be handled when they are reached which you are making more difficult by bumping them up but adding no additional information.


May 10 2016, 2:34 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86711: Unconscious is out of control..

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:34 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86709: Climb to the top of ladder then falling.

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 2:34 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86702: Ladder propulse me on the floor.

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem. (Most of the most popular will be up top if ordered by Priority).

You can also use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword if it's not close to the top.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

I've added the original as a relationship which you can use to post any additional information in the one place.


May 10 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86691: Mouse arrow unmoving.

I have added a relationship to issue #804 with the same issue on Mac machines running Windows.

I think it may be due to the high resolution on iMac and Retina Macbook Pro causing issues with Windows Hi-DPI Settings.

May 10 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86675: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:31 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86675: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:31 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.

Hi there JJRimmer,

It is true that players are often unaware they are broadcasting.

The issue is players that are broadcasting in Direct when they are killed/respawn continue to broadcast but it uses the Global channel instead.

Cheers for feedback.

May 10 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.

Developers are aware and it is being internally reviewed.

May 10 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86658: Huge Graphical Bug!.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:07 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86646: Bug Report #1.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of all of these bugs/problems.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

Please don't bundle the reports, check if the report has been made and if not compile your own after reading the 'How-to' at the top of the page.


May 10 2016, 2:07 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86636: Food and drink doesn't do anything.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86634: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86634: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86624: Zombies not using stairs. Stuck in floor.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:05 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86615: You Are Unconcious... Forever [PRIMARY REPORT].

Hi there f1v3,

Sometimes a few of the bugs end up being intertwined and are fixed without having to be assigned.

BI also uses an internal tracker for keeping a closer eye on issues that they are fixing, the developers are definitely aware of the situation though.

It will be fixed, you can Monitor this thread for updates on the matter.

May 10 2016, 2:03 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86615: You Are Unconcious... Forever [PRIMARY REPORT].

Since this report has garnered the most feedback from all of the reports on the same topic this is now the main report concerning unconsciousness.

May 10 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86610: DUPLICATE.

Closed duplicate post.

Please refer to original post in notes.

May 10 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86589: Equipping a new item without turning off an equipped Flashlight leaves a light on the ceiling indoors..

This is a duplicate report and/or the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

You can use the 'Filter' textbox to search through existing reports using a keyword.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86584: Zombies clipping through walls/objects.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 2:00 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86573: [PRIMARY LADDER THREAD].

This is now the main thread for the falling off ladder issue.

May 10 2016, 1:55 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86570: Hearing another player's mic/voice chat.

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of this bug/problem.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.


May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86569: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post on a problem the developers are already aware of.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86569: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate Issue Closed

May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86559: Spaghetti doesn't work.

This is not a bug.

You must first open the tin using a Tin Opener - if it's not open, it's not a consumable item.

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86556: Hear cut-off zombie sounds even if none are nearby.

This is a problem that the developers have been aware of since testing phase.

It's already being looked in to.

Thanks for the report.

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86555: DUPLICATE.

This is a duplicate post.

Please check if the bug has been reported before creating a duplicate report and instead vote up the original.

The original report can be found here:


May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Rossums added a comment to T86555: DUPLICATE.

Duplicate post closed.

Please refer to original issue in notes.

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ