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Bug Report #1
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Zombie's will go through building -(walls, stairs, other..) - when following you.
  1. You're standing inside of the ground instead of on top. (only happened in the shop)
  1. Sometimes entering a house(etc.) doesn't allow you to get through, and you have to crouch to get inside.
  1. You cannot, or almost impossible acces loot that's on top of a closet or acces loot thats inside a closet or similar.
  1. If you stop walking/sprinting and want to walk/sprint you will stop and move your weapon, and than move on this takes around 1 sec. And randomly happens but not rarely.
  1. In one of the flats models, the stairs are broken and the only way up is the stairs inside of the elevators. but when you want to go back down, you cannot jump over the higher ground, and eventually have to access it by going back up and jumping over the broken stairs which can cause broken legs.
  1. Ladders can be acces way out of range.
  1. Some large doors, cannot be accessed easily.
  1. You cannot eat cans of beans, aswell as other loot/food/drinks you cannot use.

Impression: I like the game so far, there aren't really any game breaking bugs. The graphics, and the game it self is way more optimized and loads more fun to play.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Notrox set Category to category:structures.Dec 17 2013, 3:42 AM
Notrox set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Notrox set Severity to None.
Notrox set Resolution to Duplicate.
Notrox set Legacy ID to 3877797832.May 8 2016, 2:00 PM

Bundled bug reports are NOT the way to go in a bugtracker. Please, if you find a bug, look it up to see if somebody has reported it already, then open a single issue for each bug you found, not one for 10.

Most of these issues, if not all, have been reported before

Rossums added a subscriber: Rossums.May 8 2016, 2:00 PM

This is a duplicate report and the developers are already aware of all of these bugs/problems.

Please check the feedback tracker to see if an issue exists before creating a new one and instead vote the original one up so the developers can see it's a common problem.

A list of important bug/issues that the developers are already aware of can also be found on the DayZ Forums:

Any additional images of the problem in question is always appreciated (if possible) and can be added by using the 'Upload File' section within a bug report.

Please don't bundle the reports, check if the report has been made and if not compile your own after reading the 'How-to' at the top of the page.
