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Zombies in a school having pathing issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey there devs!

I was in two separate schools in what I think was Cherno, on the bottom level I got chased into a room with 2 zeds, both of them had some pretty serious pathing issues on the stairs, and especially around the shelves. THey just kind of stood there as I tried to wack them with a baseball bat (which doesn't seem to work very well indoors yet)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Lead zombines up stairs or into room with shelving system in the middle.

Event Timeline

itsmalarky set Category to category:aibehavior.
itsmalarky set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
itsmalarky set Severity to None.
itsmalarky set Resolution to Duplicate.
itsmalarky set Legacy ID to 3274767965.May 8 2016, 2:10 PM
Rossums added a subscriber: Rossums.May 8 2016, 2:10 PM

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