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May 10 2016

Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76918: If player aborts immediately after death, his body gets frozen (doesn't fall down) [PICTURE].

still an issue (see second pic)

May 10 2016, 8:13 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76918: If player aborts immediately after death, his body gets frozen (doesn't fall down) [PICTURE].
May 10 2016, 8:13 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76889: HadleHeal EH Doesnt work in multiplayer.

The code with allunits is just to test if it works for you, as it does for me. For some reason the event handler has to be assigned on the healer pc to the injured for it to fire when you heal the injured. It will fire on your pc obviouly. If you expect it to fire for injured on his pc when someone is healing him, this doesnt work.

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76889: HadleHeal EH Doesnt work in multiplayer.

Try assigning EH to the injured on the healer PC. Run this code before you heal another player:

_x addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", {

		player sideChat str [name (_this select 0), _this];

} forEach allUnits;

It should fire when you start healing him.

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76882: REMOTE and JOIN buttons are broken in server browser.

today both buttons work again

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76882: REMOTE and JOIN buttons are broken in server browser.
May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76881: curatorObjectDeleted entity always null.

@h0rs deal with the deleted entity in the scope of event handler

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76881: curatorObjectDeleted entity always null.

Just tested. curatorObjectDeleted correctly returns the entity deleted.

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76881: curatorObjectDeleted entity always null.

Im going to test this as soon as BIS fix server browser REMOTE button

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76881: curatorObjectDeleted entity always null.

so scripts\hooks\objectDeleted.sqf is called but output is <null> ?

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76881: curatorObjectDeleted entity always null.

_object = _this select 1;

should it be

_object = _this select 0;

in scripts\hooks\objectDeleted.sqf?

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76880: Explosion in objects with names (z1,z2...) conflict with names.

Maybe z1, z2, z3...etc explode after 20 seconds because you have a trigger in mission that setDamage to them after 20 seconds?

class Item2

			expCond="time > 20";
			expActiv="z1 setdamage 1; z2 setDamage 2; z3 setDamage 1; z4 setDamage 1";
			class Effects
May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76878: [RESOLVED] Zeus - "Set Editing Costs" Module - Delete - Not Working.

Marking as resolved on author's request

May 10 2016, 8:12 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76809: Attchto fails when delayed.

Possibly related :

May 10 2016, 8:10 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76809: Attchto fails when delayed.

Confirmed. Very weird behaviour. I'd guess this is because of the object entering resting state? This gets really annoying. The most popular attachto command deserves a Guiness book record of its own on how many time it has been broken since A3.

May 10 2016, 8:10 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76808: Vehicle collides with invisible attached object.

to add if you are a driver, hidden object seems to exist for the vehicle yet you cannot see it. If you are on foot you can walk through. This has been happening with invisible objects since day one regardless of attachment.

May 10 2016, 8:10 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76804: wp waypointAttachObject objectId is not working.

Maybe triggerAttachObject can be looked at as well while at it? same problem

EDIT: ah, just noticed Master85 mentioned it already :)

May 10 2016, 8:10 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76783: Server Crash [Files + Video].

Seems fine now, thank you.

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76783: Server Crash [Files + Video].

Whatever caused crash is at your end, there was no joinSilent or any other join on my end.

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76783: Server Crash [Files + Video].

Splendid work Iceman! :)

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76783: Server Crash [Files + Video].

Added a mission. After joining press zeus key and place ASPERS mines walk into them, die, respawn press zeus key and place some more, walk in them, this should do it.

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76783: Server Crash [Files + Video].
May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76774: setPos doesn't work for JIP, but it changes getPos value.

possibly related

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76774: setPos doesn't work for JIP, but it changes getPos value.

Ok add to this that it is random! Just retested and teleport didn't happen on the second JIP not the first one

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76774: setPos doesn't work for JIP, but it changes getPos value.
May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76771: playSound3D is global command that is *not* JIP compatible.

updated repro

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76771: playSound3D is global command that is *not* JIP compatible.

related to server side of playSound3d being broken

May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76771: playSound3D is global command that is *not* JIP compatible.
May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76767: Uniform and vest containers do not get deleted after addUniform and addVest commands.


May 10 2016, 8:09 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76758: Please, why server keep crashing?.


May 10 2016, 8:08 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76757: Identity of player-controlled body changes after player respawns.

George, is it possible to give us profileParams command just like with squadParams so that we can set appearance of a dead body exactly as it is in players profile including custom face?

May 10 2016, 8:08 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76746: Opening Gates is bad for player's health both in game and in real life, due to the fucking aggravation.

While this is frustrating to all of us, bad language doesn't make it more constructive.

May 10 2016, 8:08 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76733: Moaning sounds everywhere..

Cannot reproduce it after today's update

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76733: Moaning sounds everywhere..

+1 Noticed the same today just playing in editor

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76722: IRLaserOn/IRLaserOff actions are broken.

Thanks Iceman, this clears it up :-)

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76722: IRLaserOn/IRLaserOff actions are broken.

Works now, thank you very much Iceman!

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76722: IRLaserOn/IRLaserOff actions are broken.

Something weird is going on. Before I typed this comment this ticket showed 1 comment (I can only assume it was BIS_Iceman's comment because he is the one that changed the status, but I cannot see it) Now after my comment, it shows 2 comments, yet I can only see 1.

I noticed this on other tickets too the amount of comments showing on the summary does not meet the actual number. I thought they could have been private comments, but this is my ticket so theoretically I should see even private ones but I don't.

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76722: IRLaserOn/IRLaserOff actions are broken.
May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76708: Some muzzles added to unit more than once.

Ok thanks will do it later

May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76708: Some muzzles added to unit more than once.
May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76707: Add proper support for selectWeapon "" [VIDEO].
May 10 2016, 8:07 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76703: Vehicles unaffected by Gun recoil.

+1 But I'm afraid this could be another "design decision"

Tank recoil tweaked

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76700: New command "CurrentGrenade".

Added command currentThrowable

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76700: New command "CurrentGrenade".

Oh yeah true :-( Im going to have a look at it later, there might still be a way

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76700: New command "CurrentGrenade".

Ok I give up finding command that returns anything useable. The only way this could be done is by displaying any grenade you want and when user hit G you can override default button press and instead execute forceWeaponFire with grenade that is displayed.


May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76700: New command "CurrentGrenade".

magazinesAmmoFull is what you need

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76696: Lightpoints deviate away from their attached position at high speeds.

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76696: Lightpoints deviate away from their attached position at high speeds.

Seems broken in many ways. If you spawn flare in the sky then there is no guarantee you can see it as at some angles it disappears, while it is in your field of view. What's new.

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid updated subscribers of T76696: Lightpoints deviate away from their attached position at high speeds.

@Polaris try setPosASL with draw3d eh by readin position of the vehicle with visiblePositionASL

May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76692: MK6 Mortar smoke shell is actually a smoke grenade.
May 10 2016, 8:06 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76667: Sides infependent != guer.


str side myUnit == "GUER"


Or you can assign side to GUER

GUER = resistance; //or GUER = independent;

then you can compare it directly

side myUnit == GUER

May 10 2016, 8:05 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76640: Paramsarray defined on server at pre-init, but not on client.

I don't know if others see admin selecting params on role selections, i cannot test this, but JIP see default options even if admin changed them, this means paramsArray gets PVed

May 10 2016, 8:05 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76640: Paramsarray defined on server at pre-init, but not on client.

paramsArray is not even reserved variable in Arma. My guess it gets publicVariable "paramsArray" on the start, if this is the case then it is understandable why it will not be available in pre-init on clients.

May 10 2016, 8:05 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76640: Paramsarray defined on server at pre-init, but not on client.

This is intentional according to this:

May 10 2016, 8:05 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76631: Knee on the back [VIDEO].
May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76624: Introduce a Reload EventHandler.

Some recent changes made to "Take" event handler urge for Reload EH even more.

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76620: getHit command.

Marking resolved!

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76620: getHit command.

It could be relatively easy copy paste job from VBS2

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76620: getHit command.

can the getHitPointDamage command be simply modified to read selections instead of hitpoints if modifying VBS source is a problem?

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76612: Rain gets quieter the stronger it gets!!.
May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76612: Rain gets quieter the stronger it gets!!.

sound volume fixed, "click" sound is another matter. closing

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76612: Rain gets quieter the stronger it gets!!.

Also please edit out the click sound from loop soundfile, it is really really annoying

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76612: Rain gets quieter the stronger it gets!!.

The fading after 0.8 seems to be fixed, the clicking sound s not. The click is the drop hitting some metal object in rain sample. Because it loops it gets annoying after awhile. Please make new sample or edit out that "click"

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76596: Weather desync issues [PRIMARY REPORT].

overcastforecast is not synced between server and client. This is how it works at the moment:

if I use

A setOvercast B

on the server, overcastForecast will immediately become B on the server and overcast value on the server will start changing in accordance with A

on the client the overcastForecast will be synced with overcast value on the server and not with overcastForecast value. overcast value on the client will be changing very very slowly. I think this is one of the reason the weather is out of sync everywhere when you want to change overcast gradually.

For example.

if overcast on the server is 0 and I execute

360 setOvercast 1; on the server

overcastForecast on the server will instantly become 1
and overcast value will start changing from 0 to 1 steadily...0, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003 etc etc

the overcastforecast on the client will start changing in sync with overcast on the server (not overcastforecast) however overcast value on the client will be changing very very slowly because target overcast for client will be not 1 but will be dynamic 0, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003 etc etc.

The client need to know target overcast (same as server) value and time allowed for the change, which at the moment is not happening.

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76596: Weather desync issues [PRIMARY REPORT].

nextweatherchange just loops on client while it counts down on the server:

nextweatherchange on client:

[time, nextweatherchange]

nextweatherchange on server:

[time, nextweatherchange]

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76596: Weather desync issues [PRIMARY REPORT].

The rain and overcast do sync in todays build, nextweatherchange does not

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76596: Weather desync issues [PRIMARY REPORT].
May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76596: Weather desync issues [PRIMARY REPORT].

BTW it is not just rain, overcast also doesn't sync and so is nextweatherchange and probably a dozen of other params.

May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76589: "setGusts" doesn't work as expected MP.
May 10 2016, 8:04 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76568: One street light flashing with each shot from rifle [video].

fixed, dunno when

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76568: One street light flashing with each shot from rifle [video].

yep, still valid.

Start editor on Stratis
Open debug console

setDate [2035,3,31,18,45];
player setPos [2534.57,5730.67,0.00259399];
player setDir 51.7427;


Shoot rifle and watch distant light flicker

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76568: One street light flashing with each shot from rifle [video].

The same light would also flash with pistol shot or grenade explosion. This also happens in the editor, same light.

to test execute setDate [2035,3,31,18,45];

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76568: One street light flashing with each shot from rifle [video].
May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76542: Feature Request: Ability to check if certain player speaks in VON.

In the meantime

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76542: Feature Request: Ability to check if certain player speaks in VON.

I'm thinking speak.who.nooo.zombies.fetch.fetch

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76542: Feature Request: Ability to check if certain player speaks in VON.

To add, since unit moves mouth already across network when player speaks, it would be great if this was global command and global EH so that it was possible to check it from any PC

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76541: [Security] Can open Debug Console in MP.

Sorry for distracting you from your Zeus work, Karel, but recent changes made to accommodate debug console as include in Params array made it even easier to launch debug console on client providing all the benefits of remote execution.

createdialog 'RscDisplayDebugPublic'; //all it needs now

May 10 2016, 8:03 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76541: [Security] Can open Debug Console in MP.
May 10 2016, 8:02 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76533: Ability to remove single items from crates without the need to clear all items and reload them all again..


clearMagazineCargoGlobal, clearWeaponCargoGlobal, clearBackpackCargoGlobal and clearItemCargoGlobal all could do with alternative syntax

clearXXXXCargoGlobal ARRAY

where ARRAY is [type, quantity]

May 10 2016, 8:02 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76520: Pressing "Q" or "E" while sprinting results in SLO-MO.
May 10 2016, 8:02 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76520: Pressing "Q" or "E" while sprinting results in SLO-MO.

Fixed, no idea when.

May 10 2016, 8:02 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76493: add script command to set/return the license plate of a civilian vehicle.

+1 looks like it is hardcoded, so there is no way to have control over it.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

Today's dev build fixed skipping both in value and sound. So this issue is resolved, thanks.

However there is another minor issue. The rain reaches its maximum sound volume in 0 - 0.25 interval and in about 0.8 - 1 it actually gets quieter. Should it be linear or exponential? One thing is for sure it should not get quieter the stronger it gets.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

OK just checked. Still the same, as I reported above, nothing has been fixed, and the rain value still skips as before. Try this:

  1. Start dedicated server
  2. on client execute: oneachframe {hintsilent str rain};

Now you should see hint showing rain value

  1. on server execute: 0 setovercast 1; 0 setrain 1; forceweatherchange;

After microfreeze you have rainy weather and cloudy sky and the hint shows 0.999 something

  1. on server execute 60 setrain 0;
  2. Listen to the rain and observe rain value in the hint. You can easily see how it start changing in steps and so is rain sound

Conclusion: Rain sound changes with the rain value like it should. If rain value changes abruptly and so is the sound, so sound is not the cause.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

Fixed awhile ago, closing

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

Ok I will check it again and report back

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

LOL ok, no probs

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

As I stated above the problem is not with sound. Sound is just an indicator that rain changes intensity in stages rather than doing it smoothly.

The rain value changes in steps as I tried to explain this above. This is why sound is also changes in steps. Uneven rain value change is the cause not the sound. I hope I explained this ok :)

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

To add, setOvercast and forceweatherchange will ignore overcast duration.

For example

217692 setOvercast 1; forceWeatherChange; will behave as if it was
0 setOvercast 1; forceWeatherChange;

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.

Changed from sound to engine since this is not a sound problem.

On dedicated server, it seems the weather is now depends on server. So if I do something like 10 setrain 1 on client now it will obey for 5 seconds then it will sync back to current server rain value. Because client can still influence weather on client I think there is a conflict when trying to gradually decrease rain for example.

running 10 setrain 0 on client won't work, because in 5 seconds it will be back to server value. But if I execute it on server instead it will decrease on client in stages, I guess 5 sec thresholds. I've done this earlier and executed

60 setrain 0 on server. on Client the rain jumped from whatever value it was to
0.39 then to 0.25 then to 0.18 then to 0.03 with what seemed to be 5 sec interval. This is what this ticket is about.

To conduct your own experiment start

oneachframe {hintsilent str rain};

on client so you can see how it changes in real time then

use setrain on server with various interval and rain value.

for some reason the problem is only with reducing the rain, increase happens ok.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid edited Steps To Reproduce on T76483: Rain doesnt fade away smoothly.
May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76481: fadeSound command is broken.

Are you on dev or stable? It works for me on dev just fine in and out.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

the nextWeatherChange is all over the place in the last build. client 0.65 server 22288 after JIP, something like that.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

@sadovsf I think what he means is why when I JIP nextWeatherChange does not get synced immediately to the server value upon joining?

Joining as JIP:

"Time: 60.909 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991665 | nextWeatherChange: 1799.27"
"Time: 60.361 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.990987 | nextWeatherChange: 1739.66"

quite a bit of difference in nextWeatherChange on client that just joined and on server ^^^

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

"So difference is the same as difference in time so in fact it is same"

The difference in nextWeatherChange is 1 minute
The difference in time frame is 0.6 second

I'd say there is about 100 times difference :)

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

In any case Reproducibility needs to be changed from "always" to "sometimes"

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

@Jman They are (one) somewhere there, towards the end on server rpt, on client no idea, since you haven't provided a function to log them. I just ran your script as is.

EDIT I added client part that I missed because of long rpt

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

"Time: 0 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1800"
"Time: 1.005 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1799.01"
"Time: 2.005 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1798"
"Time: 3.011 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1797"
"Time: 4.014 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1796.05"
"Time: 5.023 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1795"
"Time: 6.024 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1794"
"Time: 7.024 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1793"
"Time: 8.027 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1792"
"Time: 9.034 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1791"
"Time: 10.045 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1789.99"
"Time: 11.053 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1788.99"
"Time: 12.064 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1787.98"
"Time: 13.08 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1786.97"
"Time: 14.112 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1785.97"
"Time: 15.124 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1784.93"
Weather was forced to change
"Time: 16.132 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1784"
"Time: 17.137 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1782.92"
"Time: 18.137 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1781.92"
"Time: 19.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1780.91"
"Time: 20.158 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1779.91"
"Time: 21.164 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1778.9"
"Time: 22.164 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1777.9"
"Time: 23.169 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1776.9"
"Time: 24.186 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1775.88"
"Time: 25.193 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1774.87"
"Time: 26.208 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1773.86"
"Time: 27.22 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1772.84"
"Time: 28.231 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1771.83"
"Time: 29.247 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1770.81"
"Time: 30.264 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1769.79"
"Time: 31.266 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1768.8"
"Time: 32.27 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1767.79"
"Time: 33.27 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1766.79"
"Time: 34.274 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1765.78"
"Time: 35.276 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1764.78"
"Time: 36.289 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1763.78"
"Time: 37.294 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1762.77"
"Time: 38.301 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1761.77"
"Time: 39.311 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1760.77"
"Time: 40.312 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1759.77"
"Time: 41.323 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1758.77"
"Time: 42.337 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1757.76"
"Time: 43.345 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1756.76"
"Time: 44.348 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1755.76"
"Time: 45.356 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1754.76"
"Time: 46.366 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1753.74"
"Time: 47.369 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1752.73"
"Time: 48.377 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1751.72"
"Time: 49.387 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1750.71"
"Time: 50.391 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.999999 | nextWeatherChange: 1749.7"
"Time: 51.394 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.999999 | nextWeatherChange: 1748.68"

must be JIP here

"Time: 60.909 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991665 | nextWeatherChange: 1799.27"
"Time: 61.912 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991665 | nextWeatherChange: 1798.26"
"Time: 62.923 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991665 | nextWeatherChange: 1797.26"
"Time: 63.96 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991665 | nextWeatherChange: 1796.3"
"Time: 64.96 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991664 | nextWeatherChange: 1795.25"
"Time: 65.96 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991663 | nextWeatherChange: 1794.25"
"Time: 66.961 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991662 | nextWeatherChange: 1793.25"
"Time: 67.961 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991661 | nextWeatherChange: 1792.25"
"Time: 68.961 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99166 | nextWeatherChange: 1791.25"
"Time: 69.972 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991658 | nextWeatherChange: 1790.24"
"Time: 70.972 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991657 | nextWeatherChange: 1789.24"
"Time: 71.979 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991656 | nextWeatherChange: 1788.23"
"Time: 72.979 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991655 | nextWeatherChange: 1787.23"
"Time: 73.98 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991654 | nextWeatherChange: 1786.23"
"Time: 74.98 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991652 | nextWeatherChange: 1785.23"
"Time: 75.98 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99165 | nextWeatherChange: 1784.23"
"Time: 76.981 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991647 | nextWeatherChange: 1783.23"
"Time: 77.982 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991645 | nextWeatherChange: 1782.23"
"Time: 78.982 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991643 | nextWeatherChange: 1781.23"
"Time: 79.983 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99164 | nextWeatherChange: 1780.23"
"Time: 80.983 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991638 | nextWeatherChange: 1779.23"
"Time: 81.99 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991635 | nextWeatherChange: 1778.22"
"Time: 82.995 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991633 | nextWeatherChange: 1777.22"
"Time: 83.996 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991631 | nextWeatherChange: 1776.22"
"Time: 84.996 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991628 | nextWeatherChange: 1775.21"
"Time: 86 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991626 | nextWeatherChange: 1774.21"
"Time: 87 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991622 | nextWeatherChange: 1773.21"
"Time: 88 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991618 | nextWeatherChange: 1772.21"
"Time: 89 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991615 | nextWeatherChange: 1771.21"
"Time: 90 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991611 | nextWeatherChange: 1770.21"
"Time: 91.001 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991608 | nextWeatherChange: 1769.21"
"Time: 92.002 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991604 | nextWeatherChange: 1768.21"
"Time: 93.002 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991601 | nextWeatherChange: 1767.21"
"Time: 94.002 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991597 | nextWeatherChange: 1766.21"
"Time: 95.003 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991593 | nextWeatherChange: 1765.21"
"Time: 96.003 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99159 | nextWeatherChange: 1764.21"
"Time: 97.003 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991586 | nextWeatherChange: 1763.21"
"Time: 98.003 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991581 | nextWeatherChange: 1762.21"
"Time: 99.006 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991576 | nextWeatherChange: 1761.2"
"Time: 100.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991571 | nextWeatherChange: 1760.2"
"Time: 101.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991567 | nextWeatherChange: 1759.2"
"Time: 102.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991562 | nextWeatherChange: 1758.2"
"Time: 103.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991557 | nextWeatherChange: 1757.2"
"Time: 104.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991552 | nextWeatherChange: 1756.2"
"Time: 105.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991548 | nextWeatherChange: 1755.2"
"Time: 106.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991543 | nextWeatherChange: 1754.2"
"Time: 107.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991538 | nextWeatherChange: 1753.2"
"Time: 108.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991533 | nextWeatherChange: 1752.2"
"Time: 109.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991527 | nextWeatherChange: 1751.2"
"Time: 110.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991521 | nextWeatherChange: 1750.2"
"Time: 111.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991515 | nextWeatherChange: 1749.2"
"Time: 112.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991509 | nextWeatherChange: 1748.2"
"Time: 113.008 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991503 | nextWeatherChange: 1747.2"
"Time: 114.01 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991497 | nextWeatherChange: 1746.2"
"Time: 115.01 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991491 | nextWeatherChange: 1745.2"
"Time: 116.01 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991485 | nextWeatherChange: 1744.2"
"Time: 117.01 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991479 | nextWeatherChange: 1743.2"
"Time: 118.032 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991473 | nextWeatherChange: 1742.18"
"Time: 119.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991466 | nextWeatherChange: 1741.17"
"Time: 120.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991459 | nextWeatherChange: 1740.17"
"Time: 121.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991452 | nextWeatherChange: 1739.17"
"Time: 122.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991445 | nextWeatherChange: 1738.17"
"Time: 123.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991437 | nextWeatherChange: 1737.17"
"Time: 124.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99143 | nextWeatherChange: 1736.17"
"Time: 125.037 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991423 | nextWeatherChange: 1735.17"
"Time: 126.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991416 | nextWeatherChange: 1734.17"
"Time: 127.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991409 | nextWeatherChange: 1733.17"
"Time: 128.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991402 | nextWeatherChange: 1732.17"
"Time: 129.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991394 | nextWeatherChange: 1731.17"
"Time: 130.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991386 | nextWeatherChange: 1730.17"
"Time: 131.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991377 | nextWeatherChange: 1729.17"
"Time: 132.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991369 | nextWeatherChange: 1728.17"
"Time: 133.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991361 | nextWeatherChange: 1727.17"
"Time: 134.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991352 | nextWeatherChange: 1726.17"
"Time: 135.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991344 | nextWeatherChange: 1725.17"
"Time: 136.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991336 | nextWeatherChange: 1724.17"
"Time: 137.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991327 | nextWeatherChange: 1723.17"
"Time: 138.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991319 | nextWeatherChange: 1722.17"
"Time: 139.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991311 | nextWeatherChange: 1721.17"
"Time: 140.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991302 | nextWeatherChange: 1720.17"
"Time: 141.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991293 | nextWeatherChange: 1719.17"
"Time: 142.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991283 | nextWeatherChange: 1718.17"
"Time: 143.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991274 | nextWeatherChange: 1717.17"
"Time: 144.038 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991264 | nextWeatherChange: 1716.17"
"Time: 145.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991255 | nextWeatherChange: 1715.17"
"Time: 146.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991245 | nextWeatherChange: 1714.17"
"Time: 147.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991236 | nextWeatherChange: 1713.17"
"Time: 148.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991226 | nextWeatherChange: 1712.17"
"Time: 149.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991217 | nextWeatherChange: 1711.17"
"Time: 150.039 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991207 | nextWeatherChange: 1710.17"
"Time: 151.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991197 | nextWeatherChange: 1709.16"
"Time: 152.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991186 | nextWeatherChange: 1708.16"
"Time: 153.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991175 | nextWeatherChange: 1707.16"
"Time: 154.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991164 | nextWeatherChange: 1706.16"
"Time: 155.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991154 | nextWeatherChange: 1705.16"
"Time: 156.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991143 | nextWeatherChange: 1704.16"
"Time: 157.046 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991132 | nextWeatherChange: 1703.16"
"Time: 158.047 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991121 | nextWeatherChange: 1702.16"
"Time: 159.047 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991111 | nextWeatherChange: 1701.16"
"Time: 160.049 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.9911 | nextWeatherChange: 1700.16"
"Time: 161.05 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991089 | nextWeatherChange: 1699.16"
"Time: 162.05 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991078 | nextWeatherChange: 1698.16"
"Time: 163.05 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991068 | nextWeatherChange: 1697.16"
"Time: 164.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991057 | nextWeatherChange: 1696.16"
"Time: 165.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991046 | nextWeatherChange: 1695.16"
"Time: 166.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991035 | nextWeatherChange: 1694.16"
"Time: 167.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991023 | nextWeatherChange: 1693.16"
"Time: 168.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.991011 | nextWeatherChange: 1692.16"
"Time: 169.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990999 | nextWeatherChange: 1691.16"
"Time: 170.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990987 | nextWeatherChange: 1690.16"
"Time: 171.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990975 | nextWeatherChange: 1689.16"
"Time: 172.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990963 | nextWeatherChange: 1688.16"
"Time: 173.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990951 | nextWeatherChange: 1687.16"
"Time: 174.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990939 | nextWeatherChange: 1686.16"
"Time: 175.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990927 | nextWeatherChange: 1685.16"
"Time: 176.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990914 | nextWeatherChange: 1684.16"
"Time: 177.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990901 | nextWeatherChange: 1683.16"
"Time: 178.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990888 | nextWeatherChange: 1682.16"
"Time: 179.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990875 | nextWeatherChange: 1681.16"
"Time: 180.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990862 | nextWeatherChange: 1680.16"
"Time: 181.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990849 | nextWeatherChange: 1679.16"
"Time: 182.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990836 | nextWeatherChange: 1678.16"
"Time: 183.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990822 | nextWeatherChange: 1677.16"
"Time: 184.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990809 | nextWeatherChange: 1676.16"
"Time: 185.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990796 | nextWeatherChange: 1675.16"
"Time: 186.051 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990782 | nextWeatherChange: 1674.16"
"Time: 187.056 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990768 | nextWeatherChange: 1673.15"
"Time: 188.057 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990753 | nextWeatherChange: 1672.15"
"Time: 189.058 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990739 | nextWeatherChange: 1671.15"
"Time: 190.058 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990725 | nextWeatherChange: 1670.15"
"Time: 191.062 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99071 | nextWeatherChange: 1669.12"
"Time: 192.089 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990695 | nextWeatherChange: 1668.12"
"Time: 193.089 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990681 | nextWeatherChange: 1667.12"
"Time: 194.09 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990667 | nextWeatherChange: 1666.12"
"Time: 195.092 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990652 | nextWeatherChange: 1665.11"
"Time: 196.098 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990636 | nextWeatherChange: 1664.11"
"Time: 197.098 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990621 | nextWeatherChange: 1663.11"
"Time: 198.1 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990605 | nextWeatherChange: 1662.1"
"Time: 199.1 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99059 | nextWeatherChange: 1661.1"
"Time: 200.1 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990574 | nextWeatherChange: 1660.1"
"Time: 201.1 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990559 | nextWeatherChange: 1659.1"
"Time: 202.104 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990543 | nextWeatherChange: 1658.1"
"Time: 203.104 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990528 | nextWeatherChange: 1657.1"
"Time: 204.104 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990512 | nextWeatherChange: 1656.1"
"Time: 205.104 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990497 | nextWeatherChange: 1655.1"
"Time: 206.104 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99048 | nextWeatherChange: 1654.1"
"Time: 207.105 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990463 | nextWeatherChange: 1653.1"
"Time: 208.106 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990447 | nextWeatherChange: 1652.1"
"Time: 209.106 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99043 | nextWeatherChange: 1651.1"
"Time: 210.117 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990413 | nextWeatherChange: 1650.09"
"Time: 211.117 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990396 | nextWeatherChange: 1649.09"
"Time: 212.118 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99038 | nextWeatherChange: 1648.09"
"Time: 213.12 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990363 | nextWeatherChange: 1647.08"
"Time: 214.12 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990346 | nextWeatherChange: 1646.08"
"Time: 215.12 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990329 | nextWeatherChange: 1645.08"
"Time: 216.124 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990313 | nextWeatherChange: 1644.08"
"Time: 217.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990296 | nextWeatherChange: 1643.08"
"Time: 218.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990279 | nextWeatherChange: 1642.08"
"Time: 219.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990262 | nextWeatherChange: 1641.08"
"Time: 220.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990246 | nextWeatherChange: 1640.08"
"Time: 221.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990228 | nextWeatherChange: 1639.08"
"Time: 222.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99021 | nextWeatherChange: 1638.08"
"Time: 223.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990192 | nextWeatherChange: 1637.08"
"Time: 224.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990174 | nextWeatherChange: 1636.08"
"Time: 225.127 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990156 | nextWeatherChange: 1635.08"
"Time: 226.131 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990138 | nextWeatherChange: 1634.07"
"Time: 227.131 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.99012 | nextWeatherChange: 1633.07"
"Time: 228.131 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990102 | nextWeatherChange: 1632.07"
"Time: 229.131 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990084 | nextWeatherChange: 1631.07"
"Time: 230.132 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990066 | nextWeatherChange: 1630.07"
"Time: 231.133 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990047 | nextWeatherChange: 1629.07"
"Time: 232.133 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990028 | nextWeatherChange: 1628.07"
"Time: 233.137 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.990009 | nextWeatherChange: 1627.07"
"Time: 234.139 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98999 | nextWeatherChange: 1626.06"
"Time: 235.139 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989971 | nextWeatherChange: 1625.06"
"Time: 236.141 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989952 | nextWeatherChange: 1624.06"
"Time: 237.141 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989933 | nextWeatherChange: 1623.06"
"Time: 238.143 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989914 | nextWeatherChange: 1622.06"
"Time: 239.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989894 | nextWeatherChange: 1621.06"
"Time: 240.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989875 | nextWeatherChange: 1620.06"
"Time: 241.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989856 | nextWeatherChange: 1619.06"
"Time: 242.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989837 | nextWeatherChange: 1618.06"
"Time: 243.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989818 | nextWeatherChange: 1617.06"
"Time: 244.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989799 | nextWeatherChange: 1616.06"
"Time: 245.144 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98978 | nextWeatherChange: 1615.06"
"Time: 246.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989761 | nextWeatherChange: 1614.06"
"Time: 247.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989742 | nextWeatherChange: 1613.06"
"Time: 248.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989723 | nextWeatherChange: 1612.06"
"Time: 249.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989704 | nextWeatherChange: 1611.06"
"Time: 250.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989685 | nextWeatherChange: 1610.06"
"Time: 251.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989666 | nextWeatherChange: 1609.06"
"Time: 252.145 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989646 | nextWeatherChange: 1608.06"
"Time: 253.146 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989627 | nextWeatherChange: 1607.06"
"Time: 254.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989608 | nextWeatherChange: 1606.05"
"Time: 255.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989589 | nextWeatherChange: 1605.05"
"Time: 256.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98957 | nextWeatherChange: 1604.05"
"Time: 257.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989551 | nextWeatherChange: 1603.05"
"Time: 258.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989532 | nextWeatherChange: 1602.05"
"Time: 259.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989513 | nextWeatherChange: 1601.05"
"Time: 260.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989494 | nextWeatherChange: 1600.05"
"Time: 261.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989475 | nextWeatherChange: 1599.05"
"Time: 262.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989456 | nextWeatherChange: 1598.05"
"Time: 263.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989437 | nextWeatherChange: 1597.05"
"Time: 264.147 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989418 | nextWeatherChange: 1596.05"
"Time: 265.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989399 | nextWeatherChange: 1595.05"
"Time: 266.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989379 | nextWeatherChange: 1594.05"
"Time: 267.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98936 | nextWeatherChange: 1593.05"
"Time: 268.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989341 | nextWeatherChange: 1592.05"
"Time: 269.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989322 | nextWeatherChange: 1591.05"
"Time: 270.148 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989303 | nextWeatherChange: 1590.05"
"Time: 271.152 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989284 | nextWeatherChange: 1589.05"
"Time: 272.154 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989265 | nextWeatherChange: 1588.05"
"Time: 273.154 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989246 | nextWeatherChange: 1587.05"
"Time: 274.154 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989227 | nextWeatherChange: 1586.05"
"Time: 275.155 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989208 | nextWeatherChange: 1585.05"
"Time: 276.155 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989189 | nextWeatherChange: 1584.05"
"Time: 277.155 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98917 | nextWeatherChange: 1583.05"
"Time: 278.157 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98915 | nextWeatherChange: 1582.04"
"Time: 279.157 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989131 | nextWeatherChange: 1581.04"
"Time: 280.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989112 | nextWeatherChange: 1580.04"
"Time: 281.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989093 | nextWeatherChange: 1579.04"
"Time: 282.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989074 | nextWeatherChange: 1578.04"
"Time: 283.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989055 | nextWeatherChange: 1577.04"
"Time: 284.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989036 | nextWeatherChange: 1576.04"
"Time: 285.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.989017 | nextWeatherChange: 1575.04"
"Time: 286.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988998 | nextWeatherChange: 1574.04"
"Time: 287.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988979 | nextWeatherChange: 1573.04"
"Time: 288.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.98896 | nextWeatherChange: 1572.04"
"Time: 289.161 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988941 | nextWeatherChange: 1571.04"
"Time: 290.163 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988921 | nextWeatherChange: 1570.04"
"Time: 291.163 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988902 | nextWeatherChange: 1569.04"
"Time: 292.165 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988883 | nextWeatherChange: 1568.03"
"Time: 293.165 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988864 | nextWeatherChange: 1567.03"
"Time: 294.165 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988845 | nextWeatherChange: 1566.03"
"Time: 295.165 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988826 | nextWeatherChange: 1565.03"
"Time: 296.165 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988807 | nextWeatherChange: 1564.03"
"Time: 297.173 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988788 | nextWeatherChange: 1563.03"
"Time: 298.173 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988769 | nextWeatherChange: 1562.03"
"Time: 299.177 | Locality: CLIENT | Overcast: 0.988749 | nextWeatherChange: 1561.02"

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

Still can't reproduce:

"Time: 1.011 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1799.01"
"Time: 2.013 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1798.01"
"Time: 3.013 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1797.01"
"Time: 4.025 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1796"
"Time: 5.035 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1794.99"
"Time: 6.048 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1793.97"
"Time: 7.053 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1792.97"
"Time: 8.057 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1791.96"
"Time: 9.065 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1790.96"
"Time: 10.069 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1789.95"
"Time: 11.08 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1788.94"
"Time: 12.083 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1787.94"
"Time: 13.085 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1786.94"
"Time: 14.094 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1785.93"
"Time: 15.095 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.3 | nextWeatherChange: 1784.93"
Weather was forced to change
"Time: 16.107 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1783.91"
"Time: 17.107 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1782.91"
"Time: 18.111 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1781.91"
"Time: 19.117 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1780.9"
"Time: 20.121 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1779.9"
"Time: 21.127 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1778.89"
"Time: 22.132 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1777.89"
"Time: 23.141 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1776.88"
"Time: 24.154 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1775.87"
"Time: 25.157 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1774.86"
"Time: 26.166 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1773.85"
"Time: 27.172 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1772.85"
"Time: 28.18 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1771.84"
"Time: 29.184 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1770.84"
"Time: 30.199 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1769.82"
"Time: 31.215 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1768.81"
"Time: 32.22 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1767.8"
"Time: 33.223 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1766.8"
"Time: 34.229 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1765.8"
"Time: 35.231 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1764.79"
"Time: 36.239 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 1 | nextWeatherChange: 1763.78"
"Time: 37.248 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.999945 | nextWeatherChange: 1762.77"
"Time: 38.255 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.999555 | nextWeatherChange: 1761.76"
"Time: 39.263 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.999165 | nextWeatherChange: 1760.76"
"Time: 40.28 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.99877 | nextWeatherChange: 1759.74"
"Time: 41.289 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.998379 | nextWeatherChange: 1758.73"
"Time: 42.295 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.997989 | nextWeatherChange: 1757.72"
"Time: 43.301 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.997599 | nextWeatherChange: 1756.72"
"Time: 44.311 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.997207 | nextWeatherChange: 1755.71"
"Time: 45.317 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.996817 | nextWeatherChange: 1754.7"
"Time: 46.323 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.996427 | nextWeatherChange: 1753.7"
"Time: 47.327 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.996038 | nextWeatherChange: 1752.69"
"Time: 48.332 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.995649 | nextWeatherChange: 1751.69"
"Time: 49.332 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.995261 | nextWeatherChange: 1750.69"
"Time: 50.332 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.994874 | nextWeatherChange: 1749.69"
"Time: 51.335 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.994485 | nextWeatherChange: 1748.68"
"Time: 52.34 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.994096 | nextWeatherChange: 1747.68"
"Time: 53.342 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.993708 | nextWeatherChange: 1746.68"
"Time: 54.347 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.993318 | nextWeatherChange: 1745.67"
"Time: 55.349 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.992929 | nextWeatherChange: 1744.67"
"Time: 56.349 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.992542 | nextWeatherChange: 1743.67"
"Time: 57.351 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.992154 | nextWeatherChange: 1742.67"
"Time: 58.351 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.991766 | nextWeatherChange: 1741.67"
"Time: 59.361 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.991375 | nextWeatherChange: 1740.66"
"Time: 60.361 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.990987 | nextWeatherChange: 1739.66"
"Time: 61.376 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.990597 | nextWeatherChange: 1738.65"
"Time: 62.376 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.990206 | nextWeatherChange: 1737.64"
"Time: 63.387 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.989814 | nextWeatherChange: 1736.63"
"Time: 64.392 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.989425 | nextWeatherChange: 1735.63"
"Time: 65.397 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.989036 | nextWeatherChange: 1734.62"
"Time: 66.397 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.988648 | nextWeatherChange: 1733.62"
"Time: 67.397 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.98826 | nextWeatherChange: 1732.62"
"Time: 68.402 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.987871 | nextWeatherChange: 1731.62"
"Time: 69.402 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.987484 | nextWeatherChange: 1730.62"
"Time: 70.402 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.987096 | nextWeatherChange: 1729.62"
"Time: 71.403 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.986708 | nextWeatherChange: 1728.62"
"Time: 72.409 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.986318 | nextWeatherChange: 1727.61"
"Time: 73.409 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.985931 | nextWeatherChange: 1726.61"
"Time: 74.41 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.985543 | nextWeatherChange: 1725.61"
"Time: 75.41 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.985156 | nextWeatherChange: 1724.61"
"Time: 76.417 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.984765 | nextWeatherChange: 1723.6"
"Time: 77.427 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.984374 | nextWeatherChange: 1722.59"
"Time: 78.433 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.983984 | nextWeatherChange: 1721.59"
"Time: 79.433 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.983597 | nextWeatherChange: 1720.59"
"Time: 80.435 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.983209 | nextWeatherChange: 1719.59"
"Time: 81.442 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.982818 | nextWeatherChange: 1718.58"
"Time: 82.442 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.982431 | nextWeatherChange: 1717.58"
"Time: 83.449 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.982041 | nextWeatherChange: 1716.57"
"Time: 84.449 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.981653 | nextWeatherChange: 1715.57"
"Time: 85.449 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.981266 | nextWeatherChange: 1714.57"
"Time: 86.453 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.980877 | nextWeatherChange: 1713.57"
"Time: 87.455 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.980488 | nextWeatherChange: 1712.57"
"Time: 88.455 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.980101 | nextWeatherChange: 1711.57"
"Time: 89.456 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.979713 | nextWeatherChange: 1710.57"
"Time: 90.471 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.97932 | nextWeatherChange: 1709.55"
"Time: 91.472 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.978932 | nextWeatherChange: 1708.55"
"Time: 92.473 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.978544 | nextWeatherChange: 1707.55"
"Time: 93.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.978156 | nextWeatherChange: 1706.55"
"Time: 94.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.977769 | nextWeatherChange: 1705.55"
"Time: 95.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.977381 | nextWeatherChange: 1704.55"
"Time: 96.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.976994 | nextWeatherChange: 1703.55"
"Time: 97.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.976606 | nextWeatherChange: 1702.55"
"Time: 98.474 | Locality: SERVER | Overcast: 0.976219 | nextWeatherChange: 1701.55"

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3
Killzone_Kid added a comment to T76477: JIP breaks nextWeatherChange values resulting in unsynced weather..

Would be nice to hear confirmation from another tester on dev branch.

May 10 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3