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Attchto fails when delayed
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Basically I can attach one object to another as long as there is no delay between between starting the mission and the attaching command. {F23730}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Run the mission and observe.

The containers on the left are attached instantly using this
attached1 attachto [fixed1,[0,0,3]];
Placed in objects init box.

There are also another two contains on the right that fail to attach using
null=[] spawn {sleep 3;attached2 attachto [fixed2,[0,0,3]];}

Additional Information

If you then make the sleep 0 they attach.

I get the same result using triggers for the delay.

Event Timeline

F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 16 2014, 6:54 PM
F2kSel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
F2kSel set Category to Scripting.
F2kSel set Reproducibility to Always.
F2kSel set Severity to None.
F2kSel set Resolution to Open.
F2kSel set Legacy ID to 1008145154.May 7 2016, 6:25 PM
F2kSel edited a custom field.
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 16 2014, 6:54 PM

Confirmed. Very weird behaviour. I'd guess this is because of the object entering resting state? This gets really annoying. The most popular attachto command deserves a Guiness book record of its own on how many time it has been broken since A3.

F2kSel added a subscriber: F2kSel.May 7 2016, 6:25 PM

Yet another Attchto bug seems to be fixed in 1.19.123962.

The delay no longer prevents the two objects from attaching.