According to Wikipedia, a Combat Lifesaver is a non-medic soldier with moderate emergency medical training. If that holds for Arma, it might hint at a separate medic class
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May 10 2016
First of all: You insisted on insulting me. Secondly, I did not call you a troll, you called me a troll.
On topic: Even if they are on different sides of the island, they know when the other has been killed. Nothing more, nothing less. This only works if they are in a group. If they are not in a group, they don't know. This is without having any means of communication (no radios).
To get back to the example with the perimeter guard, if the guard would have been in a group of it's own, it would not have alerted anyone to kill him.
The point is: Without changing any other circumstances, detection is only dependent on the grouping. If group, they know, if not grouped, they don't know.
The point you missed is that the only "scripting" involved is the dostop command, which is given ONLY to prevent the units from wandering around.
You said: "If they need to share target info you could use the 'reveal' command (probably more tedious than using doStop, but just saying". This is the reason why I think you did not understand the problem. This issue has nothing to do with scripting, it has nothing to do with the reveal command. There is a good chance that the remaining team member doesn't know about your position at all. But they do get alerted when any team member is killed, even though that should not be possible (being on the other side of the island without radio contact).
mepwaygame, with all due respect, but unless you start reading the post and understand what is going on, I suggest you cut back on the snappy remarks.
So instead of calling me an "annoying little troll", you should actually understand what I am saying. You agree with the ticket but you don't understand what it is about ?
"Here's a point for you: Groups stick together and share information by design. If somebody scripts them to behave differently, then they should have a good reason for asking Devs to change the way it works. "
Here's one for you: Individuals do NOT have extra sensory perception. The point is that if you have, for example, a perimeter guard that NO ONE sees and you kill him WITHOUT the others noticing it, they still know. This is clearly NOT what should happen.
And for your information since you don't seem to have gotten that: There was NO scripting involved that changed anything about their behavior.
"I'm wondering now why these AI need to be in the same group? If they need to share target info you could use the 'reveal' command (probably more tedious than using doStop, but just saying). "
Not the point.
The point is that they automatically know that their buddy is dead IF and ONLY IF they are in the same group. Even if they are on opposite sides of the island without any radios.
Funny thing is, a group of players actually has to confirm that one of their own is dead by looking at the body and right clicking.
Note: This is somewhat related to #6547
It seems this still doesn't work for images contained in pbo's that are not local, i.e. only a server has the mission .pbo. Clients connecting to this server won't see the overview image
This seems to be fixed now ?
Yes, but BIS_Alucard said rev 07952 contained the fix, and that's the version metalkraze tested
According to this post by metlkraze (who reported this issue), it is NOT fixed:
Check how it's done in the original Rainbow Six games: Modifier key, plus mouse movement. Moving the mouse sideways leans accordingly, and moving up/down raises or lowers the eye point. This was a great system that allowed for a lot of tactical approaches especially in CQB
Suggestion: Add "convoy" formation from VBS2
Just to give a heads-up, this is STILL in today
Exporting will create a PBO, which is the last step before releasing the mission.
Preview always saves the mission. In MP, mind you, not in SP.
Right mouse button, too
A dumb question, maybe, but why is this bug on "Need more Info" ?
The idea should be clear, the inventory of a vehicle can only be accessed from outside of the vehicle, which doesn't make sense. It should be possible to press 'I' and get your inventory in a vehicle, and then exchange stuff from the vehicle and your own inventory
No offense, but can you please use meaningful names for such reports ?
Can be closed now, since the circle is gone. Thanks a bunch!
I'm aware this is similar to issue #2782, but is different enough IMHO to warrant a different ticket
Another option: Add a description.ext entry that allows the mission maker to disable this feature. Some missions require the player to navigate by landmarks and stars (remember the mission in CWC where you've been shot down and had to use star signs to navigate ?).
maker names are references for scripting. Only marker text will appear on the map. Agreed, though, the markers should have a "handle" in the editor to make it easier to manipulate them
Markers used by UPSMON are automatically set to fully transparent. Is that what you encounter ?
"the war file name" should read "the raw file name"
Note to moderators: This bug seems to be fixed in the latest Alpha release
As far as I remember, Ammo and Fuel levels are for supply vehicles
As it stands now, comparing how much load is added to a player when picking up stuff, I've projected that a load of 1.0 means from 175 to 200 kg. Which is way too much.
Just reduce the amount of weight a player can carry to something close to reality, like 80 kg
A possible solution would be to draw clutter and other objects according to their screen area, not the distance to the viewer. That way, when zooming in, objects would cover a larger screen area and thus would still be drawn
May 9 2016
Agreed on 1, Psychomorph.
Regarding 2, the idea behind the limit is that you are no longer turning your head around, but your torso (holding the gun and all). Therefore, the arc you cover is limited by the mobility of your torso, which is less than your head (although I agree you could probably span a 120 or so degree angle in front of you with your torso, too)
It's a feature since Arma 2, and there is absolutely nothing odd about it. It is used to look around with your gun pointing in the direction you are looking without changing the direction you are walking.
This is an absolute must in tactical situations and must not be changed
Issues #3597, #2825 and #3599 could all be consolidated into one "under barrel attachment" slot, with grenade launchers, foregrips and bipods as options
Issues #3597, #2825 and #3599 could all be consolidated into one "under barrel attachment" slot, with grenade launchers, foregrips and bipods as options
This is now implemented in the latest dev build, so this ticket can be closed
Issues #3597, #2825 and #3599 could all be consolidated into one "under barrel attachment" slot, with grenade launchers, foregrips and bipods as options
In the attached image, note the Belgian flag sticking out below the actual box area.
Would it be possible to add "hooks" to the existing editor to allow for "user plugins", like, adding your own code to the editor (let's say a button, like "position in 3d view) or similar ? That way, we'd at least get the chance to create an addon that allows us to correctly place objects in 3D, which is what the main use of a 3d editor would be.
In principle the same as issue #1523
In principle the same as issue #1523
It also happens after a high jump over a cliff or steep hill at high speed; on "landing", the wheel sometimes is stuck in the floor. Driving over another obstacle sometimes brings the wheel back above the ground.
In principle the same as issue #1523
For the record, the FHQ M4 pack does it by using an animation source present on the guns. The anim source changes value according to the fire mode. So the engine already has all the prerequisites necessary
Grinya, with all due respect, iterating "Arma 3 is a game, get VBS blah blah blah" is not an argument. If you want to make a point, then make one by arguments.
True, but it also does not work in the multiplayer missions, where it definitely has to work.
Also not possible to change gear when the description.ext actually gives you the gear choices.