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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 8:59 PM (629 w, 22 h)
Oct 15 2024
Attached RPT
Enemy was Looters/Criminals without NVG
When loading into Editor on vanilla you may get message saying missing mods 3DENEnhanced and a JSRS file.
Just force load it.
Oct 16 2022
Jun 25 2022
Attached preset - maybe you can check for fault i dunno lol
The preset "Zombie" was deleted through the launcher however the file remained physically there.
Jun 7 2022
Jun 5 2022
May 25 2022
Maybe a setting for this in enfusion as well? 😍
May 22 2022 is this a confirmation? Reforger or A4?
me all happy using eden :) -
i also noticed that the entire body gets wet texture even if knee deep in water (before water time) (Whilst) (after) (after time)
Jul 27 2021
My apologies yes its by game design we found that if you access the arsenal whilst wearing a unique backpack with prefilled items it goes funky I.e an engineer or medic bag
May 31 2021
May 9 2021
Feb 28 2021
Just to add some more info
I know
Yep had this multiple times, when I was zeus, watching players get into a vehicle with disabled sim and then getting a radio message "erm x is stuck inside vehicle" lol
Setting group on careless stops them from firing, but Ideally would be great if set unit combat mode BLUE would work regardless of their mode (aware, combat, safe, careless)
Also trying
I have put Category as "AI Issues" as I was not sure if its down to the scripting or the AI that breaks the command.
Feb 15 2021
I asked everyone on the server what they were doing at the time of the crash and nobody was doing anything unique or different.
Dec 8 2020
Jul 10 2018
so a game crash bug goes ignored now?
Jun 21 2018
Jun 20 2018
May 10 2016
i have a memory crash when running australia addon map
its weird
i had a very similar crash actually
i will now try starting without any launch params
ive tested this without any startup params and now managed to repro the issue
please find the files here
found that its the Australia map causing all other AllInArma maps to crash.
but maybe theres something bis could help with what is causing the issue itself?
could it be australia's map size? is the photo of the crash message i receive
the .mdmp file is too large to upload
skype me if you need it
tyler.james.bridgeman or email me
didnt think of that, my apologies!
so the intended feature only lists 1 injured soldier not 4 for example?
how does this work :/
surely you should have more of a choice who to heal?
maybe you want to heal a sniper first as he is closer!
ive had it when ive told the medic to heal someone and he is the furthest one away and the closest injured person died.
oooo good point thats also annoying ill make another ticket for that issue mate if you use play with six
I will try this and get back to you.
Many thanks
ok that has resolved the issue.
i dont know why i didnt look at the game settings sooner...
may be worth mentioning it in a sitrep to all PWS users or maybe a twitter post or something please see attached...
this shows others reporting the same issue
hi iceman, are you sure they patrol? i could not see any and i was watching for a good amount of time.
i think if the wheel is damaged they should try and fix it
i can agree i just tested this
Wooo looks good mate, they would be silly not to implement this, also would look awesome with units from your outfit and our British forces
exactly why bis should make this :)
I don't want to use the ACE fast rope its so complicated...
if you were able to place a helicopter and then add waypoint (fast-rope)
add people to cargo and observe then it would be awesome.
with ACE Id imagine its script test, script, test, script, test.
and if my WP idea was do-able on rooftops :P
if this is accepted I have made a ticket asking for a fast rope waypoint!
latest dev build AI seem crawly
added a repro mission for the crawling.
place in documents - arma 3 - missions folder - then load in editor
AI should move the same on stealth and combat when no enemies are present
maybe the stealth should be a TAD slower but not much more than combat mode.
when engaging then you can make them crawl and kneel and run and dance but not when you need to move 800m or something like that behind enemy lines lol
I reckon by the full release of arma 3 if not a few months down the line of release the Ai should be on its way of being fixed, they cannot change major major things due to the campaign.
but none the less, ASR AI addons will most likely be released like arma 2 which did help a lot.
tried lighter vehicles... the helicopter just does mad circling around the car and eventually does the decend then acends again...
thanks oukej, nice to see AI are still being tweaked ;)
please let me know if you need any more info and hope the mission.sqm is a good enough debug
tried moving the waypoints closer to the sea, and had the same result.
to me the path is do able.. for the AI ive never seen an AI dodge this route before :(
mate, seriously...
you cant just expect BI to fix the AI just by saying "they too accurate, they are uber AI"
you havent attached any demo mission or video showing them that this happens....
less information means less BI can help you, you should know this!!!
duplicate 21143
mate... commenting every other day is not going to speed things up!!
i have 16gb ram and i do not get this issue at all.
you need to reinstall arma i think! or use a ram cleaner and do not use any game booster etc...
I agree, the guys need these vital pieces of information
you can press [left windows key] & [R] and type %APPDATA%
i doubt they will be able to do this as its not BI that designed the tracker
they simply use plugins
MantisBT made the tracker
do not worry BI do know about this issue and as the LORD said himself on his thread, there is internal meetings about this issue so i believe
Jarhead FTW