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- Apr 14 2013, 9:55 AM (620 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
@MadDogX: Attached a test mission (also, see the steps to reproduce and how to use the mission).
@Kid18120 Yeah.. but why when deployed? I would understand if it triggered "FiredNear" when the actual explosion/detonation happened.
I am not saying it's a bad feature or actually a bug.. I am actually thinking it's neat (albeit a bit hacky), as you can detect explosive deploy events this way. Also, to filter out that kind of explosive/mine events you can write in Arma 3 (inside the event handler code):
if ((_this select 3) isKindOf "Put") exitWith{}; // Not interested in explosives/mines
@Deadfast: that's neat. Also, no impact on the runtime performance as this is a pre-processor. Nice, thanks for the tip!
^^ What he said. The monitor matters. Some LCDs have serious issues with black color levels. Or alternatively - adjust your gamma in game options.
@Telkwa: Airport Control Tower has multiple floors :)
@Telkwa: There are more than one window in Airport Control Tower with this issue. Actually, there are only a couple of windows that are working OK. Not sure why are you saying it's the only window..
Agreed. The stencil shadows need to go.. that would also fix stuff like this: #7501.
OK, after some more testing I think I know the issue: You cannot use deleteVehicle on sound sources when the game is paused (which is the case when running the above example from debug console).
It's weird. I managed to store the createSoundSource[] result with the setVariable on an object (cfgVehicle) - and later was able to simply deleteVehicle this sound and it worked. But the test code with the alarm sound SFX given above still has this issue.
Same as #7673, fixed in dev branch: 0.57.
Please read the issue description again.. All new cars have integrated touch screens with GPS/SatNav functionality nowadays.. Yet they can't use GPS/SatNav in Arma 3. Try the Offroad.
The MH/AH-9 doesn't even have MFD screens inside cockpit model. So either the GPS requirements are broken or the 3D model needs updating.
The Mantis attachments are set to max 2Mb size but the nginx (HTTP web server) is limiting this to a smaller size ("413 Request Entity Too Large").
The correct fix would be to add something like this to nginx config:
client_max_body_size 2048M;
This issue seems to be fixed in the latest stable 0.56 patch.
Issue is fixed in 0.57.
Would love to see this. Also, if you add any visible structures/buildings in the editor they should be visible on the map. You could just add your own tiny villages/towns in missions!
Just tested and it's working in the dev branch: 0.55
@Baskiney: yes, it did. I am testing on the development branch, not the latest public 0.54 release.
Thanks, updated the title/description.
Not sure what happened, but I am now able to bind the controller. Might have been fixed in the latest build. Please close this issue.
Upvoted! Seems like the code to drive animations based on inputs is already there (for steering wheel), can't imagine it would be too much work to also add proper pedal animations. While you may not look down too often and see them while you are driving - I am sure others in MP session will notice those animations.
I recall reading somewhere "All buildings will be enterable", so this particular building was a surprise. There are actually many instances of this building around the Stratis airport making it even more obvious.
May 9 2016
@banshee: what's so unrealistic about this? That's how helicopters taxi. They use the cyclic to tilt the rotor forward (and the anti-torque tail rotor for turning). The wheels are un-powered.