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Dec 17 2013, 2:04 AM (588 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

mintypie007 added a comment to T96592: Game crashes.

Same thing happened to me Eric, I have posted many times about it. I have included all details for the developers. Each patch they issue is not resolved. I have given up on reporting it as the game crash occurs on stable and experimental, originally starting out on an experimental build. The patch where they fixed the memory leak started causing this crash for me.

Just to note, if you lower the clock on your memory or lower the GPU memory in your ingame video settings the issue goes away. As this does not occur on any game other than DayZ, I am going to blame this on DayZ.

May 10 2016, 9:09 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T96109: Frequent desync and rubber banding.

Happens nonstop. Posted on the forums about it and got flamed for it. I can't believe something like this got past internal testing, it is obviously broken. Its an alpha and an experimental build!!!!!!!! Patches like this just shouldn't be released.

May 10 2016, 8:53 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95529: Request: How about some new guns that make sense?.

Why would a keltec be in this region of the world? The only guns that are really applicable is anything used by the military in this region and various smooth bore shotguns and .22s. If DayZ is going to "make sense" there really won't be a ton of weapons.

May 10 2016, 8:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95347: Handcuffed character reset after exiting server.

It is a feature. If you logout handcuffed you forfeit your character.

May 10 2016, 8:27 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95331: Unable to take an item on top of a closet (for an example, a ballistic helmet)..

I personally and others have made bug reports on here. After mentioning it on the forums and getting bombarded with "ITS AN ALPHA DEAL WITH IT OR DON'T PLAY" I gave up. The community on the forums is god awful.

Putting your gun away tends to help you get those higher items. It lets you get a little closer to closets.

May 10 2016, 8:27 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95308: Game crashes when Alt+Tab.

Multiple crashing issues still exist, this being one of them. I have posted multiple times with my crash reports and have received no responses.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95304: Game crash to desktop on experimental and stable servers.

After looking into this crash on me more, it has to do with my GPU settings. I do not overclock the GPU, however when I clock the memory clock down the crash does not present. I do not feel that this really has to do with my GPU as this only occurs with DayZ.

This also occurs on the most recent experimental patch.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95304: Game crash to desktop on experimental and stable servers.

Still occurring.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95304: Game crash to desktop on experimental and stable servers.


  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name:	AppHangB1
  Application Name:	DayZ.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	52f91301
  Hang Signature:	b906
  Hang Type:	2048
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Hang Signature 1:	b90667efde356d6e3a3af407fc5c2b40
  Additional Hang Signature 2:	2b99
  Additional Hang Signature 3:	2b9960d35aa05c719fc0e18e35399117
  Additional Hang Signature 4:	b906
  Additional Hang Signature 5:	b90667efde356d6e3a3af407fc5c2b40
  Additional Hang Signature 6:	2b99
  Additional Hang Signature 7:	2b9960d35aa05c719fc0e18e35399117

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95304: Game crash to desktop on experimental and stable servers.

So, I reduced the memory used to 512 in the video settings. I was able to play for an hour. I then increased the video settings back to 1024. Almost instantly the game crashed. I run every other game I play on high settings. This has not always happened as well. Up until the previous patch where the crash to desktop memory leak was introduced it was working fine. I am not sure if this is associated with the memory leak.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95304: Game crash to desktop on experimental and stable servers.
May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95294: High amount of network usage, dependant on number of people in network bubble..

That is pretty outrageous.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95289: Unable to attach Compensator on Mosin with Bayonet attached, but can attach Bayonet to Mosin when Compensator is attached first.

For realism's sake you shouldn't even be able to attach a compensator and the bayonet. The bayonet sits on the end of the barrel and twists, leaving no room for the compensator on the end of the barrel.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95257: Game crashes minute or so after load in..

The servers are not running correct versions. Client version matches the names of the servers however the current patch on BOTH experimental and stable servers are incorrect. Login in to any server and you will notice in the top left corner the stable servers are at 115077 and experimental are at 115182. They did the Wednesday update incorrectly. Those of us who were experiencing the memory leaks are still crashing because they did not update correctly. This is a huge mistake and has not been recognized and no one has been reporting it.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95244: Incorrect server version on ever server. Servers names do not match version..
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95237: crash to desktop graphics settings.

It is not your graphics settings. Join a stable server, you will notice that the names of the server versions do not match the actual version the server is running. They dicked up the Wednesday patch. You are getting the memory bug that they fixed in 115188. Even the experimental servers are not running the current patch, they are running 115182. I can't believe that no one has addressed this yet.

Pay attention to the top left corner of the screen when you login next time.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95191: Server in-game version does not match server browser version.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Additional Information on T95191: Server in-game version does not match server browser version.
May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95189: Game crashes to desktop on stable and experimental.
May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95189: Game crashes to desktop on stable and experimental.

The servers I have been joining have been displayed as being up to date in the server browser. I just joined one of those servers and during load it displayed "Stable Branch 115.007". Whats the deal with this?

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T95189: Game crashes to desktop on stable and experimental.

The issue is not that it is crashing anymore. The servers are not up to date.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

Another confirmation that for myself I never have player data saved even when away from players and zombies. However, someone I am playing with is having his player data save everytime. Same server.

May 10 2016, 7:10 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T91441: Delete .pbo files.

How is this a bug? Really? There is no verification for signature files for teh PBOs. Even though the check has been disabled because "alpha", this is a huge issue.

May 10 2016, 6:06 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T90251: Sandbox burn when hit..

Mother of god. What has rocket done...

May 10 2016, 5:26 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T90002: PvP bodies disapear too fast.

Do searches before you post. A fix is ready and has been mentioned many times on here.

May 10 2016, 5:18 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T90001: Coupled mags not reloadable (same issue as filling canteens?).

To note, the mouse scroll does not show every mag I have. THat is the issue I am trying to bring up.

May 10 2016, 5:18 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T90001: Coupled mags not reloadable (same issue as filling canteens?).
May 10 2016, 5:18 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87667: There are many invalid bug reports do to this issue please fix it so you can focus on fixing legit issues with the game..

They or more or less using a version of the Arma server program. All that needs to be done is a signature file check. Thats it. I don't know why this wouldn't be on by default.

May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87373: Log out upstairs in house. Log back in, trapped in room.

I posted about the same issue. Did not involve me logging into the building but same issue.

May 10 2016, 3:35 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T87372: Sliding across floor after vaulting.
May 10 2016, 3:35 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87370: What does means and how can I solve my character problems?.

This isn't a bug. Post on the forums about this no?

May 10 2016, 3:35 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T87362: Unable to reach item on high shelf due to having weapon drawn.
May 10 2016, 3:35 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.

How did you get a different client version? What confuses me is why the alpha servers are allowing different versions to be on the same server together. Seems to defeat the whole purpose of testing if multiple clients are allowed to be on the same server bugging each other out.

May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.

If you have the new steam update, filter for 113772 but realize there are only the six dedicated experimental servers up now. If you stay connected to the server your steam will not update and you will be able to keep playing on that server. If you disconnect and your steam updates, when you play on any older server your game will not function as well.

This is from Rocket on the forums. This is the issue. I recall this occuring to me non-stop with Arma 3. I really hope this doesn't happen. I literally couldn't play it.

May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.

That is what has happened to me as well, stuck in a building and died before I realized there is another way to get out. You can get out by doing the noclip I described.

May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.

To add to this, I was able to interact with objects. I was able to combine items in my inventory, pick things up off the ground, and eat.

May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.

I also uninstalled and reinstalled my game and it still will not give me an option to open/close doors. No-clip continues to work. I wonder where I go from here.

May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T87349: No option to open/close door however able to no-clip.
May 10 2016, 3:34 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87333: Incorrect muzzle velocities.
  1. Mosin-Nagant = 930 m/s
  2. M4A1 = 930 m/s
  3. IZH-43 = 900 m/s
May 10 2016, 3:33 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T87193: HIT DETECTION.

I have found that nearly all the melee weapons beside the axes seem to be useless. Best tactic seems to move in a small circle and try to hit the zombie on the back of the head. While I understand that an axe should do more damage than a baseball bat, I am not sure if 15+ hit from a baseball bat should be needed to kill a zombie. I assume balancing will come in time.

May 10 2016, 3:20 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86751: Night time on Australian/Pacific servers.

All servers seem to be connected to the same hive. The public hive is such a bad idea.

May 10 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86735: You can hear anyone drinking soda on the map.

So much for that network bubble.

May 10 2016, 2:36 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86719: Flashlights goes through wall [PRIMARY REPORT].

This is a Arma 3 bug as well. I doubt this will get fixed anytime soon.

May 10 2016, 2:35 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86645: Clicking an issue in the "view votes" page links to the Arma 3 issue with that ID.

It all redirects, confirmed. Saw this earlier. Very silly overlook on launch day.

May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86568: Invisible zombies.

I noticed that I heard random zombie sounds while I did a run through the woods till I died of hunger north of Kamenka. Someone I play with noticed that this started for him once his hunger and thirst messages starting getting urgent. Could be a related issue.

May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86551: Flashlight doesn't work (yes I have turned it on with battery).

I can confirm that there is a glitch where the flashlight will become unable to light an area. Yes I had it working. It stopped working after I went down a ladder. After dropping it on the ground it remained in my hand.

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86543: Game randomly crashes/freezes forever.

Still occuring, I can confirm that this started for me with the patch where they fixed the memory leak issue. Game crashes within a game minutes of gameplay. I have found a solution. Clock the memory on the GPU down and/or lower the GPU memory in your ingame video settings. I am not saying that this is alright however. It has been many patches since that patch, lets get the engine fixed before adding features.

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
mintypie007 added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Another confirmation that for myself I never have player data saved even when away from players and zombies. However, someone I am playing with is having his player data save everytime. Same server.

May 10 2016, 1:17 PM · DayZ