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- Mar 9 2013, 7:32 AM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
don't expect too much from BIS on vanila A3.
Thats sad how BIS continue the same errors with Arma 3, while ACE team resolved all these features issues 5 years ago (since arma 1) they could have take all the ACE popular features into consideration...
Whatever, unrealistic features of vanila version will be solved with ACE 3 mod..
What ACE couldn't do was due to engine limitation
control scheme even more clunky ? for example ?
BIS is not really going to push A3 to hyper realism. Only ACE will. but it will only support equipments currently in service. not the futuristic stuffs.
crosshair and space bar scanning should be disabled by default.
crosshair : because IRL you are not supposed to know where your barrel is exactly pointing (trying to hit a 50cmx50cm paper target at 50m without using ironsight is very hard. Ingame it's pretty easy to do.
it's much more realistic to be forced to estimate yourself the barrel orientation instead of relying on screen indicator.
space bar scanning : it's similar problem to crosshair and is showing you names, range, faction identification...etc and completely remove the immersion, the interest of using a laser range finder and the ability to stay hidden from ennemies. (they just need to press space bar to scan the surrounding and spot you even if they didn't see you with their own eyes.
ACE 2 mod for Arma 2 OA use the perfect system :
the hellfires are available in two main versions :
AGM-114K (laser guided)
this version use two attack modes :
- LOBL : (Lock On Before launch) used when the helicopter gunner keep lasering the target until impact. (Top attack trajectory)
- LOAL : (Lock-on after launch) the Hellfire is programmed to be used in part with a JTAC unit using Soflam, or with another helicopter using his laser (The hellfire and the external laser designator (Soflam or helicopter) use a pre-selected identical laser code.
LOAL trajectories variations :
LOAL-DIR : the missile use a flat trajectory.
LOAL-LO : the hellfire get a slight altitude, and dive on target.
LOAL-HI : the hellfire use a high altitude trajectory (600m above launch point), allowing to pass over hills, then dive on target at the last moment. this trajectory mode allow for NLOS (Non Line Of Sight) attack, where the JTAC unit can be at one side of a hill lasering a target and while the launching aircraft (helicopter) stay covered behind the other side of the hill.
AGM-114L (Longbow) : having two attack mode
- Fire and forget mode (radar guided) : the gunner can lock-on the hellfire (by using standard tab-lock) and the missile is fired in Fire and forget mode (top attack).
- Inertial Guidance : GPS coordinates of the target can be selected (by clicking on the map position)
"In the game we have to STOP for the period of time we are in the inventory to attach/remove e.g. a suppressor from/to an available e.g. “pocket”, so are more of a target for that time."
even with the fact to have to access to the inventory it still allow a too fast accessory mounting/dismounting.
- press G
- right click on the accessory
- press escape to close the inventory
total time required : 3 seconds
try to mount or dismount a scope or any other accessories IRL in just 3 seconds....
ideally each kind of accessory should have his own mounting and dismounting animation.
Targeting Pod is an absolute necessity.
Arma 2 was terribly lacking this feature. the only solution was to guide laser guided weapons with a JTAC unit from the ground.
Modern jet fighters, UAV and helicopters are all able to self guide their own weaponry (GBU12, Hellifre, APKWS...etc)
BIS could try add to arma 3 something similar to the Mando Missile Addon originaly made for arma 2. (targeting pod strike at 2min50)
go кбрать yourself !
ok I found a solution, in the controls options you can select either Arma 2 or Arma 3 key profils.
transparency effect would not be realistic in several cases :
IRL when looking at someone 1km away using powerful scope you could see him as if he would be at only 50m from you.
the only solution to really simulate degree of dissimulation ingame is to make a more detailed ground with better grass textures. it's the grass itself that must cover you, and not your body to become transparent.
Ekko, the AK47 round penetrate the ACH helmets within a range of 400m.
only when the bullet have enough slowed down velocity (beyond 400m) the helmet will be able to stop it.
since most of the engagement are realized within 400m, we should not expect miracle from the helmet protection.
a more dynamic jump system would be nice, something where you can jump while running, something similar to the jump made by 110m Hurdles sprinters, but with reduced height (40-50cm) and a delay restriction between each jump (3-4 seconds) to avoid bunny jump exploit.
the AH9 is way too agile currently, there is no realistic flying model, the chopper is able to make continuous spin without losing altitude, speed, without having any inertia effect.
May 9 2016
Concerning the ACOG x4, the scope is already calibrated, it doesn't need manual zeroing. the reticle uses a Bullet Drop Compensator system (BDC).
this picture is from the BIS forum :
the author claims that it's a technique to render grass at distance.
it's not a solution to render grass at distance. it only allow to camouflage units with the ground color.
What is needed is to see the grass itself at distance, the exact same grass rendering you can see near you should be displayed whatever the distance.
when you see through scope you should see the exact same vegetation, and not only a flat ground.
The NVG google used ingame is a BINOCULAR model similar to the AN/PVS-7 mounted on a helmet.
these kind of binoculars are not suited to be used in pair with rifle scopes.
The ACOG scope must be used with a Monocular optic (like the PVS-14) attached on the rifle picatinny rail IN FRONT OF the ACOG (which is not simulated ingame).
the user would need to switch from his binocular to his acog/NV monocular combo.
sorry but binocular + acog aren't compatible.
this limitation is also simulated in ACE 2 Mod for Arma 2, which is perfectly right.
Arma 3 is not wrong neither.
remote controlled weapon such as CROW use ballistic computer necessitating a laser range finder. these weapon are NEVER used with manual 100m range scale adjustement, it doesn't simply exist IRL.
laser range adjustement not only concern remote controlled turret, but also all modern MBT main gun.
12inchPlasticToy wrote : "with some sort of delay on auto-adjusting aim inclination."
this is already the case for ACE 2 mod, where the laser range finder need several seconds to be available again for another range adjustement.
Arma 3 alpha already has a laser range finder for GMG/HMG but In real life this range finder is coupled with a ballistic computer auto-adjusting the weapon.
In real life a remote controlled weapon such as CROWS (M151 Protector) DOESN'T use rudimentary 100m scale zeroing (equivalent to page up/down).
the "measuring system" is already present in the CROWS turrets (HMG and GMG).
what I ask for is that the guns zeroing to be synchronised with this range finder.
IRL all the remote controlled turrets and modern MBT main guns use laser range adjustement system. (and i'm talking about today vehicles, so it would be insane to not have it on futuristic vehicles)
Manual page up/down is too inaccurate and unrealistic for these kind of weapons.
the page up/down system is only good for iron sighted weapons, where the shooter must manually adjust the sight graduation.
ACE 2 mod made the perfect changes to the vanila arma 2.
these improvements should be natively implemented (at last) into arma 3.
ACE mod did a great job for Arma 2 with the ACE wounds module and is in all points superior to the basic system.
you bleed or you have pain :
you need to stop the bleeding >> bandages/compress.
you need to reduce the pain >> morphine (reducing the shaking effect).
your team-mates passed out >> epinephrine/CPR procedure.
- important bleeding will kill you in a matter of minutes anyway
- broken bones can't be fixed on a battlefield, just respawn.
it's relatively simple and realistic system, people arguing of it to be too hardcore should go back to COD. Arma serie must not be an arcade game.
yes, the AN/PVS14 is in complement to an existing scope or sight. (placed in front of an ACOG) (placed behind an aimpoint)
the current ACOG style (RCO + RMR) scope in the alpha version doesn't have NVG capability.
we would need a AN/PVS14 scope (or similar futuristic version).
with the quick detachable accessories feature it will be easily implemented.
Maybe BIS could use what has been done for VBS2/JCOVE, where there is a very detailed thermal scale of the ground and with adjustable thermal contrast.
it's the same ticket I posted 8 months ago on dev heaven (arma 3 CIT) :
old ACE2 MOD ? lol
ACE 2 Mod will still outperform vanila arma 3 in term of realism.
after Red Orchestra example,
insurgency mod (for Half life 2)
woahh, imagine 3 guys shooting from humvees windows with M32 grenade launchers....
huge fire power assault. :D
+1 vote.
as a conclusion of this request : more recoil reseting please.
IRL gravity make your rifle recoil reset by itself, you don't need to artificially compensate it with your muscles. You just need to wait your rifle to go back to its initial position.
manual compensation should only be necessary when shooting at full auto.
Please bring back reseting effect for recoil.
"the aim needs to reset to the same approximate direction after each shot. "
exactly !
currently the sight stop at the maximum recoil effect position, while the sight should go back to where the shot started, like it was in arma 2.
IRL you don't need the compensate the recoil, the gravity will make your rifle get back in the initial position. your rifle would not magically gradually aim higher after each shots.
There is surely a solution to render grass a long distance with minimal performance impact.
currently the grass texture is rendered at 50-100m which is way too short. the ground seems naked, it's ugly, and there is no way to hide.
what about to implement a basic grass effect beyond 100m range, a grass without movements, but just to simulate the colour and the form.
or maybe a simple ground re-colourization imitating the grass color, where players can actually use camouflage technique efficiently.
this difficulty option is a must. I would even say radars should be removed even in the standard difficulty and only kept for the recrue level.
+1 dialn911.
the rockets are too slow. the muzzle velocity must be increased and the average flight time too.
the Hydra rocket would need an option to be used either in single shot or double shot. a simple option in the weapon cycle would be ok.
The problem is not the recoil, but the fact the sight doesn't reset to his inital position after the recoil.
currently the sight stop at the maximum recoil effect position, while the sight should go back to where the shot started, like it was in arma 2.
IRL you don't need the compensate the recoil like that, above all shooting semi-auto. the gravity will make your rifle get back in the initial position. your rifle would not magically gradually aim higher after each shots to finish at shooting at the sky after 30 rounds.
what about to replace the basic zeroing with a ballistic computer using laser range adjustement (like in ace 2 mod) ?
the grenade must be included back in the weapon cycle.
A soldier need his two hands to use a grenade, meaning he can't hold his rifle at the same time.
the Arma 2 system outperform the current arma 3 system in term of realism.
there is some nvg models able to be used underwater :
the SHIFT + SPACE system of ACE mod is perfect.
the bipod can be deployed when in prone position, or when leaning on appropriate objects (wall, barrier, car, box...)
the rifle become solidly maintained against the surface and allow for a minimal recoil.
don't really count on BIS to bring lot of realism/features. it's the ACE team job.
sadly It makes the players communauty to split in two part.
It was already an issue for A2.