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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 12:18 AM (584 w, 6 d)
Aug 30 2016
Jul 19 2016
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Well... Anyone even saw this?
Jun 26 2016
Jun 23 2016
Jun 21 2016
Yeah. Overheating happens...
Jun 20 2016
Broken in 0.60!!!
Fixed. Close please.
Jun 19 2016
I am back again.
So... interface looks strange for now. Need time to adapt.
Close the issue please!
Confirmed. Looks like that will be changed.
Personally I am still interested... ;)
May 11 2016
Oh no? They haven't fixed it yet? Please do!
Idk my issue connected or not but several times our "Niva" offroad stuck in ground during driving process.
Yeah, yeah. We've notcied that too. After 10 minutes of comfortable driving the car's wheels stuck in the ground.
Hope new ui will fix it. But personally I don't like it. It looks like WarZ. (
Thx /\
I checked this. You're right!
Confirmed. I was on an empty server, healthy/energized/hydrated. Just played to check the new content.
Tried to repair Icarus bus, entered/exited several times. After I got out from it on the 3-4 time I received "You are dead" message. I decided that this is just another vehicle system-connected bug and quitted the game. Respawn button was inactive!
The next day my mate Tamer sent me this:
I checked my character and he was alive.
Similar with this:
Sorry if duplicate but maybe it will help.
Damn... still?
Matter of time.
Old stuff.
Can confirm. Matter of time.
Suffered this funny moment over 6 months ago. Physics at work I suppose.
Strange. Haven't tested after last patch though?
Это связано с лагами сервера. Думаю, что еще долго будем ждать пока это поправят.
Unfortunately nothing.
Probably confirmed!
Server performance issue?
Still not fixed?
Confirmed and agree.
Old issue. It could be private shard server. Or just central server lag.
AS it was mentioned before several times ( sometimes you can reproduce that issue, sometimes not.
Reported before.
Persistence is dead...
"Would like to shoot one just once at least to see what it's like"
Ah... I wish you could play early versions of Dayz (first months after release) - M4 and mosins. I'm sick of them.;)
70 server switches? really? Mother of God... this world is crazy. ;)
I assume that was fixed.
I've reopened this because error is still in game. But ticket's condition marked "solved".
Link posted here:
Sorry if duplicate.
So I am back from work and GTA V. xD Try to do my best.
Voted because I want to roleplay captain Faramir. ;)
Confirmed. Sometimes you are able to do it, sometimes not.
This is fuck*n dead end! "Bohemia cannot provide support on VAC bans..."
Damn! But they SHOULD help because it happens in their game! Steam support is useless to chat with - my colleague who played nothing but Dayz (several times during the month) was similarly banned for no reason and Steam support refused to discuss his problem. That's fuck*n shame.
Guys. All that crap will be fixed (at least I hope) after future updates of central loot economy. Last Wednesday they rolled back loot distribution system.
Known issue for landmines, bear traps, pumpkins and other big objects.
No images for all vegetables and fruits on the ground!
"Also apples. Anyone know if farmed fruit is similarly invisible? "
AFAIK after you collect crops - no, all okay. But if you will go away and come back later - same thing.
True. Reported before. Still no fix from devs.
Animations WIP.
Confirmed for all big items - traps, pumpkins, etc.
No. Weapon cleaning kits as tripods, pots, pans are in game.
Zeds just wanna test V3S just like you, survivor. Nothing unusual. ;) I like that, pretty funny.
Is it really works? If so... this is "catch of the year" IMHO.
Looks like it is connected with that issue -
Fuf. I was happy to survive in similar situation.
I think that will improve in future updates.
I noticed several times that after entering the server that your character screams and screen become red. But no damage taken.
Confirmed for weapons and weapon cleaning kit aswell.
Confirmed. I've added some screenshots. They broke it, everything was okay before.
PS As I understand this broken animation is connected with whole bunch of items such as land mines, bear traps, pumpkins , etc...
Hope this issue is fixed. Or at least you are working at this.