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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 6:17 PM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
This issue swings both ways. Since you are unable to dynamically lower and raise your weapon with complete fluidity like you could in real life, there is a compromise in what will "fit through the door".
Thank you for not reading the issue itself friend. Especially the part that clearly says "When in 3rd person, the camera will sometimes clip through the wall behind you. This is magnified 10 fold with a mod that changes the 3rd person camera angle.", indicating that it happens both with and without mods.
I play with a large group of people. 100% of the people I play with have this issue. It's not our monitors. It's not brightness/gamma settings. The nights are too dark. There is NO setting in which you can make nighttime bright enough to navigate without NVGs.
I can do so in real life, so what's the issue?
In real life I know exactly what condition my weapon is in. I have absolute control over it at all times. I know when it is lowered and when it is raised. I don't have to press a button to raise or lower my weapon. I don't accidentally let off a 10-20 round burst of automatic fire because my "crosshairs" are pointed straight but my gun is pointed to the ground.
That's the issue. When my weapon is lowered in ArmA I treat it as if the safety is on. With the new changes in the most recent update there's no way to reliably know what condition your weapon is in.
Uh. You can decrease the AI accuracy for each difficulty level in your arma3alphaprofile. It's a client/server side setting. It goes based off the profile of the mission host:
go to: my documents>ArmA 3 Alpha>your profile name>yourprofilename.arma3alphaprofile
Open that profile with notepad. Scroll down to where you see the entries for all 4 difficulty levels and find the AIaccuracy settings. They'll look like this:
precisionFriendly=0.72999996; precisionEnemy=0.2;
Change the precisionEnemy to your desired enemy precision. You can and should change it for all 4 difficulty levels. 20%, or .2 as shown above, has proven over time to be the most widely accepted balance between challenge and gameplay. You can experiment with it as you desire(I encourage this, so you know what you're doing and how it works), but even going from 20 to 30% makes a big, noticeable difference.
This is still an issue. Nametags will not work if crosshairs are on.
This issue still persists. I'd like to play with crosshairs off, but friendly names on, but it's still not an option. Being able to see other players names is paramount for co-op gameplay.
If you want it, download it. Don't force it on the rest of us.
The "Farm" Module doesn't have vehicles. It's just like the difference between "Base" and "OP" in the BluFor/OpFor modules.
So you can do civis only then drop some scattered vehicles manually.
Yes indeed. It's frustrating to see a team of AI move to a building that they know they're being shot from, and just circle around it from the outside while never going in. The amount of depth AI moving into and clearing buildings would add would be astounding.
I 100% support this(I was actually about to post this same issue).
I know the SMK animation mod in ArmA 2 did this, and I thought Smookie was doing the ArmA 3 animstions, so it's a little bizarre that it's not in.
As boloforo said, the rifle appears to be slung across your chest when in the walk animation, so why not have the rifle simply drop to across your chest when you pull your pistol out? It would also GREATLY decrease the amount of time it takes to transition to the pistol.
May 9 2016
I am having this issue with extreme consistency. Nearly every time I play A3 my frames will take a sudden nosedive from 30-50 to 5-15.
The constant in this matter is that it happens in every facet of the game. MP, SP, Editor while making missions, etc. Everywhere. It's really hampering my A3 experience.
-FLUSH does nothing. The only thing that will fix it is exiting and restarting ARMA which, when hosting a mission, is a massive pain for everyone involved.
The interesting thing is that when this happens, if I keep my camera perfectly still and don't look around, my FPS will be normal, but the second I try to look around, the stutter/fps drop is back.
This has been happening in every build for the past 2 months. I'm currently on Dev build and it happened today. It happens both with and without mods. I have found no constant variable and have been unable to fix it by either rolling back my video drivers or updating them.
System specs:
i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k
120 gig SSD
8 gigs ram
nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti
Would this FPS drop be in the .rpt file?
Here is my RPT for the last play session this sudden FPS drop occurred in(today):
The 300 m zeroing (displayed at the top right corner) means that the scope angle is set so that the bullet is in the center of the crosshair at 300 m!!!!
If, you're closer than 300 m, the bullet is going slightly higher than you aim for"
The diagram you posted is correct, but you then explained it incorrectly. As you see in the diagram, the bullet comes out of the barrel below the point of aim. It then arcs up to your POA, crosses it, goes high(about 8 inches max), then arcs back down and crosses your POA again at ~300m.
Depending on how far you zero your rifle out is where your round will start to arc up above your point of aim. Most rifles are zeroed at 25 or 50m. This means that your round will be BELOW your crosshairs at 25-50m, and won't be SIGNIFICANTLY above it until ~ 150-200m. Some are even zeroed at 100m.
So all that said, a round going over someone's head at cqb distances is neither correct nor realistic. And the 20+ people that downvoted this thread then tried to offer their own "I own X rifles so I'm right", are in fact not right.
AI seems to be able to very easily see through foliage/bushes/tree branches/leaves.
I think it needs to be slower than standing tactical pace. If it's kept as is, which is faster, then noone will ever stand when in a firefight...
What really doesn't feel real is in ArmA 2 when you shoot an enemy in the middle of an animation, he'll complete that animation before switching over to the death animation. While I don't disagree necessarily with the issue, it's a hell of a lot better than the old death animations.
Please make this optional if it is implemented.
Surge72 and Raikoh, you are both ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT. I take it neither of you played ArmA 2 or understand how it's recoil was managed.
As per request:
It's not actually the amount of recoil. It's the fact that when your weapon recoils, it simply stays up in the air. Gravity and muscle memory don't properly reset the weapon near to the starting position as they should. The recoil amount itself isn't an issue. The fact that your weapon just goes up into the air and doesn't come back down is the real issue.
The "learned" recoil we need in ArmA 3 should simply be the same as the ArmA 2 model. You fire and your recoil resets near, but not directly onto, the point you were originally aiming. I guess that the vast majority of dissenters on this topic didn't play ArmA 2.
"This is NOT a duplicate of the above mentioned issue (0000599).
As I explained above, I am NOT objecting to the *amount* of recoil in the game. The *amount* of recoil is just fine in my opinion.
I am saying that the game mechanic for handling the reset of the aim after the recoil is unrealistic. This is a completely separate issue and should be brought to the developers' attention. "
This is correct, and since posting the issue on recoil I have come to realize that the amount of recoil itself is NOT the issue. It's the fact that the recoil simply goes up and stays there, with no return to the original aiming point. I made a short video demonstrating the issue a few days ago:
"Pistols are meant to be used at closerange, but then, a headshot is fatal, even if you wear a helmet - esp. at really close range."
This is incorrect. Nearly all modern ballistic helmets will stop pistol rounds. They're Class III/IIIA armor. They won't stop rifle rounds, however. You have to step up to Class IV Armor for rifle protection, which is why modern body armor has "rifle plates" in the front and back(and sometimes sides).
The pistols in A3 feel like they do a very solid amount of damage.
"So no, as part of the 15th MEU Realism Unit for ARMA we agree the recoil is fine"
No buddy, we don't. The recoil is horribly broken and unrealistic.
While everyone wants to see the weapon resting system from ACE implemented, if the core of the recoil model isn't fixed and tuned to a playable state, all it will be is a bandaid.
Thank you Squish. I certified as an advanced marksmanship instructor by the AMU while stationed in Korea in 2004. The amount of ignorance from the people saying that the current model is "fine" and that I should "compensate with my mouse" is ridiculous at best.
I've made a video that somewhat showcases the issue:
I will add to this, that instead of putting your weapon on your back when transitioning to pistol, you should simply let it go and let it hang across the front of your chest via sling. The across chest sling is already simulated when walking, why not while the pistol is out as well?
Thank god. I thought I was doing something horribly wrong. Thanks for the post, and thanks for the resolution Blue.