In A3, when a vehicle is destroyed to the point that it explodes, it explodes so violently and with such force that anything near it will also explode. Even the T100 tank will destroy another T100 tank next to it that is at 100% with a single explosion. You can lay vehicles out side by side across an entire football field and simply destroy the first vehicle(a civilian car/truck) with machinegun fire(or even pistol fire for that matter, it just takes longer), and once the vehicle explodes(which it 100% will), it will set off a chain of explosions of every single vehicle no matter how strong the vehicle armor is.
The issue here is twofold:
- Vehicles should not simply explode. The only thing that should cause a vehicle to explode is an explosive(rocket, shell, HE rounds, charges, etc).
- The vehicle explosion should not be so violent as to cause catastrophic damage to other objects around it.