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- User Since
- Apr 5 2013, 2:25 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Killzone Kid is on the right path here.
Dev team should just move the extended "flyInHeight" command from VBS2 to ARMA.
Syntax: object flyInHeight [altitude,mode];
object: Object - Aircraft altitude: Number - Flying altitude in meters. mode: String - "ASL": altitude above sea level, "AGL": above ground level.
Return Value: Nothing
Example: _AiPlane flyInHeight [100,"ASL"];
Using current method gives me a bad headache and sometimes epileptic seizure (try on Stratis).
Up voting
hi TheDuecer
the algorithm on the BE side was changed. :-)
it should be working fine now.
Lt. Lyko
Hey TheDuecer
I'm Sure it's related to BEClient v1.204 update.
Try joining NON Battleye servers and see if it works.
If it does, try the following.
Might have a temporary fix for the issue, take a look at my notes here. [^]
Please let us know if it gets resolved for you.
Lt Lyko
Related to #12237
did you try to join NON BE Servers??
Hey Salbatore_
I'm sure your crash is related to Battleye CLIENT update 1.204
Try joining NON battleye Server and see if it works.
New BE Client is in the works.
Related to 0012266
Hi, payback
Yes, you're correct. New BE Client is being worked on to fix this issue.
It's seems like it has something to do with Windows VISTA and Battleye.
The only thing you can do at the moment is to play on NON Battleye Servers.
PS - Report Related to 0012237
Sry it didn't work for you.
I'm sure it will get fix in the near future.
Lt Lyko
hi worthog
the algorithm on the BE side was changed. :-)
it should be working fine now.
Lt. Lyko
Hi worthog
Did you have a chance to try the test BEclient.dll ?
Lt Lyko
Hey worthog
Might have a temporary fix for the issue, take a look at my last note here.
Please report if it gets resolved or not.
Lt Lyko
No not at the moment. :-(
I'm sure its goin to get fixed with next BE Update.
PS - Report related to 0012237
Hey Guys
Have the same problem on my VISTA machine.
Windows 7 and 8 machines work fine!
Narrowed it down to the last Battleye Update!!
Worthog try joinin a NON Battleye Server.
hi usnoozulooz
yes, the algorithm on the BE side was changed. :-)
it should be working fine now.
Lt. Lyko
Hi Liral
Did you have a chance to try the test BEclient.dll ?
Lt Lyko
Sorry to hear that man.
I'm sure Bastian will release a new BE client in few days.
Hey Guys
I assume its still happening after yesterday's game update?
If so can you please try to see if a test BEClient.dll would work for you? Uploaded to Files Section(TEST Client.rar)
If it does work, all Credits should go to Bastian from Battleye!
Install it in "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\ArmA 3\BattlEye\"
For Everything you need to know about Battleye and where it should be located.
See "Manual BEClient.dll download" on the following page.
Lt Lyko
Hey Liral
Unfortunately no, I've contacted Bastian from BE.
Will try to troubleshoot the issue with him today.
I can only play on non BE servers myself so I know how you feel.
Will Post an update after the session.
No, it will Crash if you do.
BE has to be Updated. :-(
Hey Guys
Have the same problem on my VISTA machine.
Windows 7 and 8 machines work fine!
Narrowed it down to the last Battleye Update!!
Liral try joinin a NON Battleye Server.
hey dragunov
Seen your Video and it seems like your BEClient.dll is updated and you're gettin ID assigned on the server.
Try the following.
Copy Downloaded BEClient.dll to Folder %appdata%/Local/Arma 3/BattlEye
To open the AppData Folder click on Windows Start Button, type %appdata% in program search window and press enter.
It might take you to AppData/Roaming by default, if that happens just navigate back to AppData then Local, Arma 3 and BattlEye.
Let us know if it works
that issue was resolved by BE.
if it doesn't work for you please update the BE Client from
Hi, dragunov
can you attach your .rpt .bidmp and .mdmp files. If bigger than 2,097k please use a free hosting site and post a link to it.
BE issue is being looked into atm.
I guess this issue can be closed
Confirming, reproduces every time.
Remote Dedicated Server.
yup Configs are messed up for new sniper content.
I'm sure they'll get to it as soon as possible.
It must be hectic in the studio before E3.
I don't see it up there but that's ok.
Hope you're going to get the issue resolved.
Lt Lyko
hey Condemned
Did you try reverting to STABLE BRANCH and then back to DEV?
If not, try it as it used to fix things in the past.
Also Remember that some people still DID NOT update their Servers to the Latest Build.
Lt Lyko
hey wallside
Did you see the last BETA reveal on TWITCH.TV ???
It should answer few of your questions.
Stance indicator is going to be a permanent thing.
Lt Lyko
Do you mean placing a Sniper in the editor? or spawning a sniper with a script?
I'm attaching a screenshot and very basic mission that's working just fine and everything is showing up as it should.
PS - If you're running mods please disable them for the purpose of testing.
Lt Lyko
hey vryoffbtdrummr
Please remember that lots of things are still WIP.
Contact your Script Author for a solution as it's an external script issue.
Lt Lyko
Still there.
Hi Fireball
Its a problem with ALPHA MASK (OPACITY)texture for the Rangefinder.
Please take a look at the attached picture.
Still not fixed in BETA 0.76
Well it's supposed to be a Military-Sim is it not.
I think you're trying to make it too easy, lets look at the other side of the spectrum for a sec.
Now imagine what would happen if they implemented lets say 1/4 MOA adjustment to the SOS or any other "Sniper Scope".
It would be laughable to see bunch of people with calculators trying to calculate the amount of clicks to get a perfect shot.
The above example might be good for ACE but does it have a place in a Regular Gameplay?
I don't think so.
In my opinion it should stay as it is, makes it harder for inexperienced soldier to hit their mark at long to extremely long engagement distance.
I'm sure after you've taken few hundreds or 1000s of shots with the weapon system you'd remember the "hold over" for that perfect shot.
BTW, forget about Headshots at those distances , no1 in their right mind goes for 8"x8" target in a highly stressful combat situation.
Lt Lyko
Thanks for confirming
Issue fixed in Beta
Fixed in Beta
No reply from the poster.
I guess it works as it should.
Hey qbt
Just tested the directive on latest Stable Branch and it WORKS AS EXPECTED!
disableChannels[]={0,1,2,6}; //Disables 0 Global, 1 Side, 2 Command and 6 System Chat
Might be a Bug Introduced into the latest DEV Version.
Can Some1 Confirm?
Lt. Lyko
I can confirm the issue.
Hey Waffle_SS
Please search for already reported issues before posting a new one.
Duplicate of
Lt. Lyko
Reporter Didn't Respond in While.
I guess he got the CAS working since he was setting it up incorrectly.
Lt Lyko
Hello feuerwerker
Helicopter CAS works fine! Just not Virtual.
VIRTUAL - in MODULES means that the game will create the asset (in your case ATTACK HELI) for the purpose of the CAS mission and then it will delete it after the CAS task is Completed.
player --> Support Requester --> Support Provider (ARTILLERY VIRTUAL)
Change Support Provider Module to CAS SUPPORT (Helicopter Attack) DON'T USE VIRTUAL.
Synchronize: player --> Support Requester --> Support Provider --> your Attack Heli on the map
Also I've Attached a Sample mission with VIRTUAL ARTILLERY and CAS (ATTACK HELI)
hey Sephi314
I see that you're running your server with bunch of switches including MEMORY ALLOCATION. Just leave the TA2DST alone for a sec and start your server with VERY BASIC "server.cfg" file and see what happens.
Also remember that there's a lot of variables like Software, Hardware, MISSIONS, MODS and of course Scripts. Bad Combination of these and poor MP Mission Design can lead to poor Server performance (VAS + MODDED EXPLOSIVE WEAPONS).
I'm Including VERY BASIC "server.cfg" file with Instructions for you to test.
See Attached: Server_CFG.rar
Sever will run two default MP COOP Mission that came with the ALPHA!
Don't forget to report back on the performance!
Lt. Lyko
Hey MadDogX
Thanks for confirming.
Lt Lyko
Fixed in Beta
I hope it's fixed.
THX again guys.
Lt. Lyko
Running latest ALPHA 0.58 version and tested it online.
Happens every time.
Latest DEV is Different and it might have been FIXED.
Can some1 confirm??
Lt. Lyko
Hey MadDogX
I've tested the Directive on two different Game Servers (all 3 machines)and I'm Happy to report the Issue is NONEXISTENT on Dedicated Server Executable. :-)
Please MARK IT as FIXED.
Lt. Lyko
Will do MadDogX
Related to
Please search for tags before creating new reports.
happens to me at different time of night!
Hey yoyshosei.
Just tried to reproduce your issue and I can't.
Fog seems to work no matter what.
I'm running Stable Release, maybe a new BUG introduced in Dev Version.
Can you please Create a Sample Mission, ZIP it up or RAR it and upload it here. Me or Others might be able to take a look at the weather settings and options you're using.
Are you using new attributes in setFog command -> time setFog [density, falloff, height] in your mission ??
Lt Lyko
Happens to me at different times of night!
Yes I confirm its working fine...
I blame it on my own stupidity, was using ALARM sound which stops playing immediately after the trigger gets deactivated (has no time to even start).
Consider the case CLOSED!
Thanks to Everyone for looking into it.
Lt Lyko
hey AgentRev
I was unable to change it when i was creating the report and its not giving me the options now.
hey Killzone
If you want to remove obj with known Object IDs just use hideObject Command and use Public Variable to control it for JIP Players. This is in case you want to hide something in the middle of the mission.
If it's something you want to hide at start just run it at the INIT for each player.
Hey ceeeb
In case you didn't notice we both Posted FEATURE REQUESTS and not BUG related issues. I do understand on the other hand that both Requests are fairly similar to each other.
What he asked for is in my humble opinion not possible at the moment and never will be (At least in ARMA 3). Just Imagine the amount of DATA needed for ID# alone.
TREES + GARBAGE + RUBBLE + FOLIAGE + ROCKS + (GRASS)? = ?????????????.
On that said I still think my Feature Request is directly not related to his and would like to keep it separate.
Lt. Lyko
Fixed in Beta
I has been Fixed in the Beta
You're right MulleDK19
The main issue here is that you cant tell if your shots were effective on target until the Heal ANIM finishes.
Having JVM Support in Arma3 is going to be awesome.
THX for the info DARLING.
! This Report Can be Closed By Moderators !
JVM supports DB connections using JDBC drivers like
People didn't get a chance yet to update their servers. give it some time !!!
Also please pay attention to some server names!
Servers with [DEV] in the name are running Development version of Alpha !!!
Can I ask Moderators to close this report since it's not an issue.
description needs to be updated on BI wiki
We can Close this Report.
Thank You
Lt Lyko
Got It Finally Working !!!
It seems that the Parameters inside a definition of CfgSFX Class have changed, that's why I was unable to get it working.
At the moment BI Studio WIKI doesn't include an overview of CfgSFX Class for ARMA in description.ext!
Users are forced to use the only Official available reference to CfgSFX Class @ which is not correct and won't work in ARMA3.
To get it working there is an additional parameter that needs to be added to the definition. Sound Attenuation or Max hearing distance from the source!
Here's what works in the given example.
class CfgSFX
//This class name is used in the type parameter of the effect.
class Transformer_SFX
sounds[]={"sound1"}; // soundName[] = {"path to file", volume, pitch, max sound reach distance, probability of being played, min delay, average delay, maximum delay after the sound}; sound1[]={"sounds\Trans_SFX.ogg",10,1,100,1,0,0,0}; //empty[] = {not used, not used, not used, not used, not used, minimum pause, average pause, maximum pause}; empty[]={"","","","","",0,0,0};
Can we have someone create an Overview of CfgSFX Class on BI Wiki Description.ext page.
Thank You
Lt Lyko
I was thinking exactly the same and had it tested right after the release of the update.
Unfortunately light sources will stop working only after fully damaging the Lamp; setting setDamage to 0.9 makes no difference. :-(
Hey Loyalguard
Thanks for another workaround.
I'm sure they'll get to it as soon as they can.
BTW - Can't wait for "ArmA3 Electrical Grids" ;-)
Lt Lyko
Hey KevsnoTrev
Negative on your question,
I'm updating the report every time new update comes out.
Same seems to be also true for other Light Objects on the map.
Removing objects or hiding would be great, but giving each and every object ID on the map would be a Crazy task. Not to mention the size of your Description File!
Just think about the amount of DATA that would be needed for the Object IDs alone. TREES + GARBAGE + RUBBLE + FOLIAGE = CRAZY!!!.
We're Talking here TONS of DATA. I Don't Think it's going to be that Simple.
deleteCollection - Command used to be great (allowed to remove obj without IDs) but it was removed a while ago from ARMA Series by BI Devs.
Take a look at a similar Feature Request that I've created .
Clock System is only used at close ranges and with enemy danger close.
If it was called automatically by the game it will show a Clock Display (top center of the screen).
For ease of use, It's Auto Rotated to reflect YOUR bearing to target.
You should use Build-in Compass ("K") and Bearing System for medium to long ranges. When not engaged by effective enemy fire.
Imagine soldiers pulling out their Compasses and calling out targets under fire in 30m-100m engagements.
Reproduces with latest nVidia Drivers on GTX560 ti and GTX570 hardware.
I hope you understand that the REVIVE SYSTEM you're referring to is NOT part of ARMA3 Game. It is a custom Script created by one of the community members that uses Game's Animations to Simulate Death and Revive Actions.
Affirmative, always reproduces.
It seems that the engine places the units on the surface of the Ground in this case water, and doesn't account for the pier structure.
As a workaround for now I suggest giving units "ELEVATION of 2" when spawning on the piers and docks.
Hey Guys
Just so you know: It's going to be implemented! Not Sure about "Bodies".
Please open EDITOR and Hit ESC Key that will bring up Debug Console then Click on Animation. You'll now have Animation Viewer Open.
Please go through and watch the included Wounding System Animations and Carry Animations.
It just has to be implemented since Most Anims and Poses are already included in Alpha.
Lt Lyko
May 9 2016
Mustang-242 is correct , I think it's by design. You can Climb Ladders while you're swimming on the surface of the water. How would you imagine climbing a ladder without taking your Fins off first, unless its a free floating ladder (not attached to a surface)??
Please don't Report about Dedicated Servers since they DO NOT Exist.
Headless Clients are not Dedicated Servers !!!
Make Sure the Custom MISSIONS are Scripted properly for MULTIPLAYER. Lots of missions have Scripts added by people who do not understand the way the GAME Engine behaves and run scripts on Each Client when in fact that 1 script should only be run on the server. Tons of missions like that on
Also take a look at Memory Leak Report.
As a Solution Restart Your Server every 2-3 hours to minimize memory footprint.
Well Sidewinder is right but the other way around.
TIMEOUT - works as it should. (CORRECT)
I'm Attaching Simple (Trigger_Timeout_or_Countdown.Stratis.rar) TEST Mission that reproduces the behavior (includes visual TIMERS).
Moricky !!!! Eden's hero. LOL
Love it.
I think we can close this thread. ;-)
Affirmative, always reproduces.
It seems that the engine places the units on the surface of the Ground in this case water, and doesn't account for the pier structure.
As a workaround for now I suggest giving units "ELEVATION of 2" when spawning on the piers and docks.