Just Like The Title Suggests
Can NOT kill AI or Players while they are performing Heals on themselves.
AI or Players will Die right After they're done performing Heal task.
Just Like The Title Suggests
Can NOT kill AI or Players while they are performing Heals on themselves.
AI or Players will Die right After they're done performing Heal task.
Shot Any1 while they're healing themselves.
This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.
Please keep the issue monitored to see when it is fixed.
You're right MulleDK19
The main issue here is that you cant tell if your shots were effective on target until the Heal ANIM finishes.
This is an issue with every animations. When you use the command "playmove" or "switchmove", the unit won't die until the animation phase is finished.
This was always an issue in ArmA/OPF,
I thought that now that we have ragdoll it will be fixed.
Hope they manage to fix this issue.