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- Mar 8 2013, 1:04 AM (623 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
with the new helicopters (in the beta dev build), the firing information is recorded, but not played when executing "BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring".
after further testing, there is no engine sound for every cars when you replay a recorded move
+1. Tracers should look better. During day too, they should glow a bit. At the moment it sort of look like a painted object moving fast.
This is an issue with every animations. When you use the command "playmove" or "switchmove", the unit won't die until the animation phase is finished.
The only real issue here is the fact that there is no suppression effect on the AI while they are surrounded with bullet impacts from the gathling gun... The first reaction of a real player would be to hide and only after that try to shoot at the heli.
I agree, this is a must have! The downloaded mod should go in some other folder though (like for the MP mission Cache) in order to not put a mess in your game folder.
The biggest advantage of this feature would be to stop discouraging new players to play in MP. Even for people used to installing mods, it can take time to figure out why you can't join a server sometimes (wrong version of a mod? Is there a problem with the mod in itself? Is it something unrelated to the addons?...).
same issue here
I played several CTI missions recently and I have no crash anymore, even after playing for hours. It seems to be fixed now. Keep up the good work!
here you go:
(It is still crashing after the 0.52 update)
here is a new link:
Same issue with GTX580 Alpha v0.52
Happens also a lot when starting a night mission (without doing Alt+Tab)
I agree brainz80, but neither the OP nor the vast majority of the comments ask for hollywoodish explosions. Arma's explosions are on the right track compared to the other games (more dirt/dust than fire), but the explosions are not that good looking...
The smoke/dust should also stay way longer (I understand it is demanding for the GPU/CPU, but it could be included in the ultra settings for visual effects).
example with a jdam bomb:
same issue for me. It happens almost all the time if I throw a smoke grenade in MP...
it's getting completely crazy on CTI servers. There is one new Team Killer every 10 minutes, this is unplayable. Your idea is good.
May 9 2016
I was about to report this
It seems to be solved with the dev build!
In fact it seems not to happen with those missions.
After a few more games, I can say that it doesn't matter which type of MP mission I join, it almost always crashes after a while.
I forgot the "Arma 3 Alpha" file:
discard the "0000024:0000030°" in the description I meant 30° and I don't know how to edit it.
Some roads are "known" by AI drivers and if there are no building near, they have a good behevior, but others are not. For instance, in agia marina, they don't "know" that there is a bridge and they try to cross the canal somewhere else, which create a mess and end up usually with explosions... due to the insane amount of damages caused by collisions, but this is another issue!
this is not only an issue with smoke, but it is a problem with light and particles also. I uploaded some screenshots of particle/light sources inside and outside a building and as you can see, both go through walls (on the screenshots, the source is the metalbarrel)...
@Zonr 0, I am not a programmer, but the fact that the shadow system works (in the sense that the engine detects obstacles and create shadows using that information), isn't it possible to apply something like this for smoke, particles and other light sources than the sun? The logic looks the same and it should be doable without too much work. Any thoughts on that?
Same situation here.I tried to tweak the Picture In Picture option in video settings to solve this, but with no luck. There is a huge difference of FPS between what is displayed in the rear-view mirror and the rest.
good idea