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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 11:34 AM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Ever since i upgraded no problems with performance, even on wasteland servers with loads of players.
My specs are:
Intel Core i7-4770 (3.5, no OC yet)
16GB ram (Corsair DDR3 1866MHz CL10 Vengeance)
Game and win 7 on Samsung SSD840 256GB
I believe SSD has strong impact. I run everything on ultra, 1920*1200, dist. 2500, obj. 1500, shadow medium 100m, AA 4X and even wasteland runs 30-50fps.
Unfortunately arma 3 needs high-end machines :(
(i used to run it on laptop).
Agreed that static weapons could use some variety.
Thanks for your feedback :)
Me too want driver to get moving quickly in given direction but imho he should ignore soft obstacles only, like trees or small walls which he can overcome be force. Riding straight into building or big rock and get stuck doesnt help that much :).
Solution could be ignoring only "soft obstacles" or some sort of force move, with control + direction for example. Same could be applied to "continue route", example quick command in radio protocol. But it may be too complicated :D
This and female soldiers pls :D
Pump them with morphium or shoot them in the head.
↑↑↑↑ +1
Nice one :D
Wasn´t this in OPF?
I really liked how fire influenced combat in Far Cry 2, would be interesting to see something similar in arma 3.
If only grass and trees could burn in arma 3.. But i guess it would also burn a lot of rigs :D
Yes, i do this a lot :D
Would be fun to throw grenade to UH-80 and close the doors :D
plutoto74 apparently didnt get this. Upvoted.
I love driving strider because of its interior. Can´t say same about other APC´s and new IFV´s. This is a MUST.
Simple Entrenching tool and ability to at least dug some dirt in front of yourself would be just fine for me.
Upvoted, same issue with missing MP mission filters for me :
(DEV Build)
Hey thanks, more people reported this by now and maybe before me too so it should be ok. It´s very annoying in wasteland when you dont have NV to fix it.
Upvoted, you should be able to use doors as limited cover.
May 9 2016
Ever since i upgraded no problems with performance, even on wasteland servers with loads of players.
My specs are:
Intel Core i7-4770 (3.5, no OC yet)
16GB ram (Corsair DDR3 1866MHz CL10 Vengeance)
Game and win 7 on Samsung SSD840 256GB
I believe SSD has strong impact. I run everything on ultra, 1920*1200, dist. 2500, obj. 1500, shadow medium 100m, AA 4X and even wasteland runs 30-50fps.
Unfortunately arma 3 needs high-end machines :(
(i used to run it on laptop).