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Oct 14 2014, 5:37 PM (545 w, 13 h)

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May 10 2016

GungZA added a comment to T96116: Drinking from bodies of water, ponds, lakes is impossible.

have you tried first person?

May 10 2016, 8:53 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95563: [animation I want} Drag a unconscious friend out of a snipers fire zone.

They talked about it once physics is added so just be patient. They talked about dragging cuffed players around, dragging your buddy, throwing ammo to your buddy and having throwable objects like homemade grenades etc. so just be patient.

May 10 2016, 8:35 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95540: Inaccessible Reporting system.

They used to have it easy to report, you could report as guest etc, but the bug report system got flooded with spam. We (the community) actually requested that it should be harder to report bugs to reduce spam.

As for all the information required, that is just kind of obvious, they need that information so that your report can be useful to them. In a way you are not obliged to report bugs, it is not like you are getting paid for this, you are right you paid to be part of this, so maybe you didn't know exactly what you were buying into.

May 10 2016, 8:34 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

Yes on full auto the shots will be random, this is normal. With an SKS or Mosin it is more controlled, some of them shoots left more than others, some others shoot almost dead on, learn the gun you have and compensate for it's inperfections. If the guns are really as inaccurate as you say then no one should be able to kill anyone, but people get killed everyday, some people even get multiple kills everyday @ more than 500m, so ask yourself how do they do it.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

no please no skill system, just assume your weapon is inaccurate, learn how your weapon tends to shoot and compensate. It's not that hard.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

this isn't cod, learn to compensate for the gun's lack of accuracy

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95347: Handcuffed character reset after exiting server.


May 10 2016, 8:27 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95309: When switching between primary weapons (in hands and holstered) with number hotkeys, weapon in hands drops on ground.

this is not a bug, you can't put a gun on the same ahoulder that take a gun from, think about it, even try it, it is impossible.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95306: When switching between primary weapons (in hands and holstered) using number hotkeys weapon in hands drops on ground.

this is not a bug, you can't put a gun on the same shoulder that you take a gun from, think about it, even try it, it is impossible.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T95305: Reload Button Seems To Only Work for Weapons with a Magazine/Loader.


May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
GungZA edited Steps To Reproduce on T94903: Duplication of weapon in hands when player has two primary weapons.
May 10 2016, 8:12 PM · DayZ
GungZA edited Steps To Reproduce on T94902: Rain, thunder and fog not synced for all players.
May 10 2016, 8:12 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94791: windows don't respond on mouseclicks afterwards.

I have the same issue, I suspect it because I have dual screen, I have to hit ctrl-alt-del after closing the game before i can do anything.

May 10 2016, 8:08 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94768: Weather idea - MIST/FOG.

There is Mist/Fog, yesterday I couldn't see over the runway at NEAF because of heavy rolling fog, very nice.

May 10 2016, 8:07 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94681: Painted MP Buttstock makes game unplayable since 34.115106.

not just green parts, black parts also flicker.

May 10 2016, 8:02 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94471: Sound send from speakers, not headset.

It's all headsets, I don't use jack detection but before i launch i manually have to change to my headphones, siberia V2 3.5mm jack, if I change manually after launching the game sound comes out of speakers.


Using realtek onboard sound, back panel speakers, front panel headphones.

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94389: Character disappeared and lose all the gears when changing to different server.

so you server hopped (exploiting a vunrability for a unfair advantage) and you lost all your gear? Good lol.

Anyways are you sure you didn't join a hardcore server? They are on seperate hives so if it is the first time on a hardcore server you'll be a newspawn but your regular character is still ont he regular hive.

May 10 2016, 7:51 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94237: Character flies over rock formation.

Is this the first bunch of rocks west of kamishovo on the hill? If so then I can confirm.

May 10 2016, 7:46 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94226: Unnecessary complexity of several objects cause performance issues.

i don't think it is the geometry that causes bad frame rates, but maybe they'll introduce lod later. Anyway everything is unoptimised so laying the blame on the geometry without having proof does not help, imo you are only speculating.

May 10 2016, 7:46 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T94226: Unnecessary complexity of several objects cause performance issues.

First off the LOD doesn't work, increasing the objects setting only affects your draw distance and amount of objects in scene atm afaik. Secondly if you change any parameter in the settings menu you'll see a huge fps increase or drop, that is because everything is not optimised, singling out the geometry as a magic bullet fix is just speculation. I'm sure the devs know better than us what needs optimisation and what is causing lag, we simply don't have the tools to accurately determine what is causing fps drops and how to fix it. Thirdly, if 20k vertices, that's less than 5000 polys if squares (adjoining poly's share vertices) makes your pc lag then that is your problem, your pc is simply not very good, sorry. I also do 3d modeling and with a 5k polycount I can add subdivision and still have a smooth viewport, and my pc is not the greatest. Also 3d apps render graphics differently from a game, that is why games have engines, you can't directly compare the two. Lastly the bug tracker is not for us to tell the developers how to do their jobs, it is simply to report bugs. Check out the new developer's feed section in the forums, you'll see they definately know more about what they are doing than us.

May 10 2016, 7:46 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93910: Press vest on dead players - item problem.

confirmed happens with all items on body, can also cause guns to dissapear or drop to ground. Example friend picked m4 from body while he already had an m4, now he has 2 m4's, other friend picked up same m4 from body, both of my 1st friends m4's dissapeared. Another example, friend carried mosin, picked up m4 from body, other friend picked up m4 from same body, 1st friend's mosin dropped on ground.

May 10 2016, 7:35 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93779: i can see throught burlap sack.

if someone else puts it on your head you won't see through it, if you put it on your own head it's like headgear, makes sense to me.

May 10 2016, 7:30 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93693: Character name = Login credentials for computer rather than Steam name..

You can just click on the name and change it, not really a bug but a new feature, sigh

May 10 2016, 7:27 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93528: BIG ISSUE !!! EXPLOITS.

Yeah this is kind of a well known thing since loot spawns inside that thing. The buildings you are refering to are schools. Not only at electro but all schools. I have been shot at from that spot, someone was shooting down into the school.

May 10 2016, 7:21 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93486: Image artefact using T3N RDS.

I wanted to make a new report but i'll just append screens to yours eventhough the problem isn't exactly the same it concerns the t3n optics.

Clothes obscure the sight when prone, in the screens i added i was wearing a green hoodie which obscures the optics the most.

the first picture (2014-01-10 0001.jpg) is while lying prone.

the second picture (2014-01-10 00003.jpg) is while moving being crouched looking through the t3n, it obscures the optics so bad that you can't even see it. The last picture (2014-01-10 0002.jpg) is posted for reference, that's the ACOG site with the same green hoodie but no obstruction, I guess because the acog is closer to your face.

Tac shirts also obscure the t3n but a lot less than hoodies.

May 10 2016, 7:20 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T93163: Punches are too strong..

why the hell do you let people punch you? Abd why are you stationary enough for them to punch you in the face? Even if a guy is friendly and i'm talking to him i'm never standing still. You know you can knocked out but you still fall for it?

May 10 2016, 7:02 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T92727: Crafting a splint does not consume stick/rags..

I did the same, it dropped the splint on the floor but did not comsume rags or sticks, but instead of crafting more i waited, the sticks and rags eventually dissapeared from my inventory. Just a note, not saying the OP is wrong and that crafting will not yield more splints, just that if you wait the consumables eventually dissapears as intended.

May 10 2016, 6:48 PM · DayZ
GungZA edited Steps To Reproduce on T91851: Description for liquid consumables wrong.
May 10 2016, 6:21 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T91841: I would report more bugs, if you would help me play again..

maybe you should post this in the forum as this is not a technical help thread but a bug tracker. Sorry man but that's the way it is, you are experiencing technical problems and not a bug that is reproducable for any of us.

May 10 2016, 6:20 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T91786: When running on train tracks, character teleports back after a certain distance and the game locks up..

It is not just on train tracks, this issue happened to me to, one time our whole party of seven people were teleported back and controls locked, the time before that it happened to two of our party memebers but the rest were not effected. This was in the woods going South East from Green Mountain.

It also happened to me comming south on to the North West Runway when exploring the nothern side of the map, I was comming down South in the woods directly above the NWAF.

May 10 2016, 6:18 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T89456: Grass and Trees turn white..

@drouz your grass is white in that screen because you are bleeding to death lol

May 10 2016, 4:58 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T89038: Faulty road signs.

added new screen for ver. 0.32.114557 for the Northern exit of Lopatino, road sign in road.

May 10 2016, 4:43 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T87642: Game minimizing with two monitors..

also happens you bind player list to a mouse button

May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T86833: Hunger/Thirst/Stamina Rate Too High [PRIMARY REPORT].

you guys are approaching this all wrong, you are doing the absolute minimum and expecting to survive. Your stomache can hold just under 4000ml, you have a water reserve of 4000 ml, and your body can store 20 000 energy. Food and water first goes to your stomache and then gets seperated into the respective reserves. Your first problem is thirst so go to a well and fill your stomache with water. Now your water reserve is full. Now find food, lots of it, not just 2 cans, find all the food you can find. Eat it, once your energy reserve gets to 3000 your status will be healthy. From this point if your energy drops to 300 you will be hungry. That is a long time, the reason you are always hungry is because your energy reserve is always hovering just above 300 that is not enough. When you reach healthy status you should fill up on water at every town you get to, you should also constantly scavange for food, not because you need it but to fill your energy reserve. Once your energy reserve is full you'd be able to go days without food. Don't carry food in your backpack it just takes up space, that food needs to be in your energy reserve and not your backpack, if you find it eat it right away. I hope this helps, I am never hungry, I am always healing which means i regenerate blood and health and i'm resistant to infections. I am a survivor.

May 10 2016, 2:55 PM · DayZ
GungZA added a comment to T86788: LOOT cycles.

They will bring the loot cycle in later, right now the servers won't cope with spawning loot and players afaik. They are aware of this but can't fix it until they have everything in the game, so voting on this won't help much i'm afraid since it is not a bug but a design limitation currently.

May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ