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- User Since
- Jan 22 2014, 12:08 PM (583 w, 5 d)
May 19 2017
Mar 26 2017
I've reported another problem with this pier here:
Aug 7 2016
Jul 29 2016
Jul 28 2016
Jul 14 2016
Jun 20 2016
Jun 17 2016
Jun 15 2016
Jun 14 2016
May 10 2016
I had a fair bit of trouble with boats this evening, but seem to have narrowed the biggest problem down to this. There are a lot of edits on this post, sorry!
The attachment is an example mission I was making. The assault boats carrying troops don't move well at all. It's a bit over-complicated for the example, but I couldn't work out how to delete uploads.
Okidokes - nice to know it's being looked at.
Thanks for the quick response, Bohemia is doing a marvellous job with this feedback tracker!
I've found the solution!
Turn 'Vehicle Freelook' off.
I still believe there's a bug:
IF 'Vehicle Freelook' is on, you can control the UAV if 'look' keybindings are not assigned. You can't if they are.
ALSO Occasionally it will all work fine. One game every so often(with the 'look' keybindings assigned), the UAV controls will work as normal. The next game they won't.
Also toggling freelook (with alt) has no effect.
Perhaps, yes - the enemy doesn't always hit (but they are directly above me with a machine gun, so it's not too hard).
Because I can't see them, I don't know whether they've spotted me already or not.
I'm fairly certain they haven't seen me directly (they're inside the room, I'm below and I entered out-of-sight of the window) - however, I've been in a firefight with some of their friends, so they may be on alert.
I'm not sure I can provide much more, sorry.
My team and I thought we searched the area pretty thoroughly, with no sign of him - it was a difficult battle, so we couldn't keep track as we were shooting.
The objective marker pointed to the floor of a warehouse - there was a Katiba there, but nothing else (so I had assumed he'd despawned but left his weapon behind). Perhaps he fell under the floor? We did search the whole objective as well.
Somebody else on the team said impossible-to-find intel had happened to them as well a couple of times, but this was my first time playing, and my first encountering the bug.
Ah, I can't remember exactly which building it was now, sorry.
All I can remember was that it was in Kavala, and I think near the big multi-level office/hospital building.
I'll keep my eye open for it happening again.
Ah, sorry, you're right - turning it off autonomous helps. (LCTRL+T does nothing).
Thanks for the quick reply.
I asked a friend (it was a network game) and they saw it too, so I assumed it wasn't a problem with just my computer. I was hosting though, so would my computer have affected theirs?
I can check it over again when I get a chance (this weekend probably).
Sorry for wasting your time if it's just a cloud rendering issue.
Thank you for this excellent feedback tracker, and for paying attention to it!
It feels very weird with Track IR at the moment - if you move your gun sight far to the left or right, you cannot turn your head any further (much more limited than normal head movement). Is it possible to rectify that at least?
It feels particularly odd because your gun and head move differently than they normally do - at the edge of your view when firing from vehicles your head movement feels more like a 'camera' than normal, and the gun seems to move independently. It doesn't feel like a head connected to a body.
I've reported the TrackIR issue here:
That's weird.
I'm not using any mods, and I've verified the game cache.
I've just tried again, and the problem persists.
I've added a screenshot so you can see the issue exactly.
(For some reason, the background has gone completely white in the screenshot, but you can see still see the important info)
... Oops. Now I feel stupid. I thought I had looked really carefully. I'd seen other people mention it too!
How do I delete a feedback post?
That does fix it! Thank you, I didn't even know what TrueView did!
Brilliant! Thanks!
I had assumed you couldn't add different factions to a squad like that. Oops, thanks!
Excellent, good testing!
I suppose if it's only affecting the player, and evenly affecting all factions trying to wear all other factions' uniforms, it may be working as intended, as a method to prevent multiplayer getting confusing, and not a bug.
I wanted to have a game where I had a 'CSAT' officer (CSAT uniform on FIA) leading an FIA squad. If I change the AI squadmates' clothes instead of the officer's, it should work.
Nope, that doesn't work. It affects AI units in the player's squad, too.
Yes, that's the case. It also happens if you put the uniform on AAF soldiers though.
Original Post (I could have sworn I'd tested it. I'm a fool):
In my initial test (the one I've described in the description), it happens for every faction's unit.
Are you exporting as 'single mission' and loading it from 'scenarios'? It works fine in the editor's 'preview' mode, but not as a scenario.
Really sorry, I'm a fool. I could have sworn I'd tried that.
It's odd that it worked fine on the AAF for you though. The mission I noticed it being buggy on I had made an AAF soldier wear the uniform.
Did you test if it happened the other way round? NATO uniforms on CSAT soldiers?
I didn't think to test that.
Also, it works fine for all factions *as long as their AI*. I tested AAF, NATO and CSAT - all worked fine if they weren't playable. It was only my playable character (AAF) who was 'naked'.
I just tested it again. I went to the Virtual Armory, gave a character Fatigues (Urban)(CSAT) and pressed Export.
I then went into the editor, dropped a Blufor rifleman, and pasted the exported code into its init field.
In the editor preview, it worked fine.
Did you save it as 'Single Mission'? That's where I've been having issues.
I exported it as 'Single Mission', went to 'Scenarios', chose the mission and played it.
Same problem.
Still wearing underwear.
Ah, of course. That was a bit over-zealous of me. I've amended my report.
Wow! Great work.
Many thanks to you and all the team, I'm loving the game!
Ticket title changed.
I should point out that I'm not saying that the TRG20 and the MK18 are too heavy/light compared to *each other*, but that they are compared to their *equivalents*. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the original post.
Also, I've not held a real gun, but am just going off how they look/how heavy similar guns are, so feel free to correct me!
I'm getting it too.
On Bingo Fuel, Miller said he had killed the officer.
At the start of the mission in which you meet Miller at the boat, he is saying that there are patrols about, and if we hadn't messed up the enemy wouldn't be this organised (suggesting the officer wasn't killed).