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- Feb 10 2015, 7:56 PM (527 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
It's absurd to say a jacket is "overpowered". There are various kinds of jackets in the world, with different amounts and sizes of pockets. The M65 is simply the one with the largest amount of storage space available. It is rare and desirable because it has more capacity.
The original post is analogous to saying that all backpacks should be the same capacity.
It appears from the model in-came that the M65 has the same amount of pockets as the TTSKO, but the model for the M65 also appears to be looser-fitting, and has larger pockets.
There is a similar tree on the road north between Grishino and the railroad tracks.
I know this spot very well - I hit it many times when trucks were (nearly) indestructible - I drive that road very carefully and swerve to avoid that tree now.
Same here: I have noticed that zombies footsteps cannot be heard - when I am creeping slowly in a house, my footsteps sound like elephants, but zombies can charge in at full speed and make no noise. Similarly, a zombie chasing you in the forest makes no sound; I can hear the footsteps of other players near me, but not running zombies.
I agree - axes, in particular deteriorate too quickly. Their purpose it to cut down trees, but are ruined after a short while.
Good Idea. I have also wished that this was possible.
Improvised bow + small stone + stick = bow drill to ignite fireplace.
Just wait until bears become common...
Zombies are getting more frequent and more difficult, but that is supposed to be the central point of the game - Learn to survive in a a hostile world which is populated by zombies, and has scarce resources. Players will not be able to run around making noise with impunity anymore, and will have to learn to become more aware of what is happening around them, and run away, hide, avoid, or learn to kill zombies more skillfully. Up until now, zombies have not been any real threat. I am glad the game will be shifting away from being a loot-and-shoot mini-Counterstrike, and is starting to become more what it was meant to be.
That being said, there is probably a lot more balancing / tweaking to be done...
The exact same thing happened to me - logged in this morning as soon as the update downloaded, and found the drum mag on my AKM and one in my backpack had vanished.
Since a similar thing happened when the 0.54 update happened, this seems to be an issue.
Is this likely to happen with other weapons, as well? - I am not logging on with my other character until I hear some news.
I have found apples, kiwis, tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, and oranges this way. (For a while I though there was no more fresh food)
Same here. Lost all rifle attachments on my M4 as well as LR scope and PU scope in backpack.
Occurred to me on 2-8-15, on the valley road north out of Kamyshovo. While badly negotiating the corner onto the road up to Tulga, I struck the end of the pile of logs, and the truck sank into the map, turned over a few times violently, and disappeared toward the center of the earth. I had no option other than to get out, which I knew would kill me, and it did.
Happened to me again recently when I approached a truck which had been parked on nearly level ground - bumped the truck accidentally and died instantly. The worst part is that the body and all gear disappears and cannot be found on return. Please make this a priority, as trucks are practically unusable if there is a 50% chance of dying and losing all your stuff every time you find one.
I found one of the new compasses; it and the old one I am carrying are now accurate. Thanks for realigning the earth's magnetic fields back to where they should be. I can find my way around through the Great Northwestern Forests again.
Problem still exists for me as of Feb 17, 2015; I tested two pristine compasses in an area I know well, against two reference points on a line due east-west. Compasses were both in error by 180 degrees. In a previous game session, the same two compasses were off by 90 degrees.
Compasses are so often incorrect now, that they cannot be relied on.
Engine was off and doors closed for each event, in my case.
I have had this happen twice since 0.53 update. I parked the truck in a wooded area, nosed into evergreen trees on a slight slope. Returned to the truck later, after one or more server resets, and died when I first touched the truck. (Truck made a sound like it was sliding - this is seems common when first contacting a truck on uneven ground). I respawned and returned immediately to the location both times, and there was no body or gear, although the truck was now usable.
This has happened to me also, driving off the western edge of the map on the paved road - I unexpectedly fell through the map and died. I have also disposed of vehicles which I did not want to be found by pushing them across the border, and watching them sink out of sight.
If I might offer an opinion:
Understandably, the edge of the map is the intended limit of the game, and it might be considered an exploit to be able to drive off the map, free of roads, and drive at top speed and unhindered to another point and re-enter the map. It could preserve the integrity of the enclosed world if trucks were limited from travelling off-map, without killing the occupants: If the X or Y position of the truck = less than zero, then the engine shuts off, and you are back on foot.
I have thought about this a bit, also. It is frustrating that some people will camp high-loot locations and jump servers ad-nauseum to clean out all the good stuff easily.
One way to combat this might be to make server hoppers spawn in random remote locations, similar to the mechanics of fresh spawns, but different locations. This prevents you from simply cherry-picking from a large number of servers in a short time, requires some legitimate effort, and exposes you to more risk.
Couple this with a longer timer - 60 minutes or so between connections, and you are subject to random location.
An exception could be made if you are logging back into your previous server, you could spawn at your previous location. This would remove any penalty for crashes, restarts or disconnections; you are resuming the game where you left off. Regular spawn timer delay still applies.
May 10 2016
They did it in The Sims...
I experience this same problem frequently on some servers, but not others.
I agree with JokeR's point that people KOS because once you get geared up, there is little else to do; and I think he rightly points out that this will change some what as the game develops.
Michael82 has a good request to include a thermometer for air temperature.The only way to gauge temperature in the gamer right now is to wait for a status message that you are cooling off or heating up, and other game cues are misleading.
It's now the middle of February in Chernarus, a northern temperate area, so I would assume that it would be cold - today while jogging in (Raincoat and gorka pants, skate helmet, no gloves) my character was overheating, and I am currently outside in the middle of February in eastern Europe with no shirt on, as if it were summer, laying down in a pond occasionally to cool off. Paradoxically, I could constantly see my breath condensing, which would tend to imply that it was cold.(!) A quick look at my fictional thermometer would tell me that it's currently 60F (16C) and I could know to take the coat off before I overheat.
There are already medical thermometers available in the game, so a simple alcohol-bulb thermometer for air temperature is not an outlandish suggestion. Almost everyone I know who goes camping or skiing has a small plastic bulb thermometer dangling off a backpack or zipper ring somewhere - it's a dead-simple low-tech device that does not require batteries or an on-off switch, and is nearly unbreakable, but the information it provides is valuable.
I do not think weather stations would be useful, as weather forecasts are meaningless in a game where you drop in intermittently, for only a couple of hours at a time, and the weather and time of day changes when you switch servers. More helpful would be current weather status when you log in: time, temperature, precipitation, humidity, cloud cover.
I disagree. The game is physiologically accurate: below a certain level of light, the color-sensing cells of the retina (cones) cannot detect color, and the rods, which only sense light / dark take over. It is not just a case of all colors being darker - your eyes stop being able to distinguish colors.