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- User Since
- Nov 9 2014, 2:29 PM (535 w, 5 d)
May 29 2017
Having run out of ideas, I deleted my dayz.cfg file and that fixed my problem. Comparing the new .cfg file with the old one, I found that the 3D_Performance value for the old file was a few orders of magnitude larger than the new one.
May 25 2017
Nov 6 2016
I can no longer hear the ambient sounds (footsteps, birds, sea), unless the game volume sliders are at maximum and the PC master volume is also at 100%.
May 11 2016
This issue is happening more frequently for me. I'm still double carrying, with a Sporter on my back and double barreled shotgun in my hands. I opened the door to a garden shed and my shotgun popped out of my hands and started floating in the air. This time I was able to take it back into my hands. In the past, the weapon would almost always disappear. I will attach another pic.
Double carrying (which I don't usually do) definitely seems to be a factor. I think that this is indirectly due to the CLE. Since it's now more difficult to find weapons and ammo, folks are trying to carry a variety of arms and ammo, hoping to make usable matches. Thus, double carrying is more common now ... at least for me.
I Alt-Tabbed out of the game to respond to a text message. I then tried to Alt-Tab back into the game and was not able. I left clicked on the DayZ icon in the task bar and that did not work, either. I then right clicked on the DayZ icon in the task bar and then left clicked on DayZ in the drop-down box and DayZ rebooted itself.
Requested files uploaded.
Important: I was running the -newui startup parameter while I was experiencing these crash issues. I removed -newui and that solved my problem. Please advise if you need my msinfo and DxDiag files.
Spawned outside of deer stand. Went back into deer stand to get out of rain. Opened inventory. Placed mouse cursor over compass to check condition. Game froze. Received the same Virtual Machine Exception error. Selected the "Ignore" option on the VM Exception error text box. The VM error went away and then received an Application Error message. See attached.
CTD = Crash To Desktop.
While walking through the field, the screen froze and the Widows system chime sounded. The PC was locked up for a solid minute, or two before the game closed and the desktop received the focus.
Could not "alt-tab" from the frozen screen and the system did not respond to a "ctrl-alt-del."
No sir!
I was playing on the evening of June 05. This problem became progressively worse, as more players joined the server. At 25-30 players, the problem became quite unpleasant. At 40 players, the freezes were frequent and severe.
Other players must have also had issues at this time, because as soon as the load exceeded 40 players 12-18 players would log out and my symptoms would improve significantly. I saw this cycle repeat itself several times over about a six hour period.
After additional play time on different servers, I no longer think that the "Strange Behavior" is related to the original CTD. Other servers randomly exhibited this same strange behavior.
I also experience this. It causes the game to freeze for several seconds.
After a couple of server restarts, the tent is functioning correctly again.
When I submitted this ticket, I neglected to mention that when this problem appears, I see a "Receiving" message in lieu of a "Wring T-shirt" menu option.
Generally, when I get a "Receiving" notification, this is quickly followed by a "No Message Received" notification. When I experienced this problem, however, I did not receive a "No Message Received" notification, nor was I disconnected from the server.
I just had a stroll in the rain on a 3rd p 0.55 server. I tried to wring my clothes, while being careful to have my hands free. I could wring my jeans out with no problem, but my t-shirt was completely intermittent. Sometimes I could wring it out, while other times I couldn't.
I can confirm that this is definitely not happening on all experimental servers!
I wanted to report back and let you know that I am in good shape now. Removing all launch parameters solved the CTD.
I am able to go back and forth between experimental and stable now, without any crashes. When I do this, BE updates once, as expected, and I am good to go.
In the event that I get stuck in an update loop, this would seem to be server specific. I pick another server and that seems to solve the problem, although two of my favorite servers seem to be affected. I suppose I'll just play stable for a while, until BE gets to the bottom of it.
As promised, I will update BE with my findings.
It doesn't sound like any of the launch parameters are safe any more. The only other one I am running is -oldmenu, because I couldn't connect to any servers when 0.54 first came out. Is it safe to keep running this, or should I get rid of it, too?
OK, as soon as BE responds to my e-mail, I will update them on my experience with the other servers.
Yes, as per Eugen I am running -dologs.
I have attached/uploaded the crash report and crash dump files.
I'll see if I can get onto a stable server tonight and then head back to experimental. I'll let you know how that goes.
Thanks, I really appreciate your help!
OK, I fired up the Intel machine, from ticket #0022537 and I discovered the following:
I primarily use one of the US Southcentral 1st person servers, but all of US Southcentral currently seems to be off line.
My next goto are the US Central servers. I was using US 0-2 and it had me stuck in a Battleeye update loop.
The next few have unsatisfactory pings, but I tried them to see if we could learn anything.
I tried US Southwest 0-1 and it let me in without a Battleeye update.
I then tried US East 0-2 and it also let me in without a Battleeye update.
I then tried US Northeast 0-6 and I had no trouble getting onto that server, either.
It would appear that specific server configs are causing the Battleeye update loop. I will update ticket #0022537 with this information.
Thanks again!
I usually play on US Central and US Southcentral experimental servers, since these have the best pings for me. I prefer 1st person. In the couple of minutes since I added that last note, the US Southcentral servers have disappeared from the menu. For grins, I tried to connect to a US Northeast server and I got right in, with no Battleeye update.
So I have two concerns:
a) It would seem that the root cause of the Battleeye update dilemma may be on the server side, rather than the client side and,
b) Can you make any sense of the CTD that I had when I switched to stable?
While you are pondering that, I will check to see if I can get the Intel machine logged into one of the US Northeast servers.
All the best,
OK, so I boarded up my broken window and I collected my monitor off of the lawn. I had a chance to tinker with the Phenom II machine for a few minutes. It doesn't look like I mentioned that I validated my local game files and that checked out OK.
I then opted out of experimental and I let the game update to stable. I validated the local files again and everything checked out. I tried to log onto a stable server and I had a CTD with the following Windows error message:
"Cannot Open File"
The reason it can not open that file, is because I do not have a \tmp directory in that location.
OK, so frustrated once again, I opted back into experimental, I allowed the game to update and I validated my local files. Everything is happy. I tried to log onto an experimental server and this time I have no CTD, but I'm back in the Battleeye update loop. For some reason, it lingered briefly and I could read the Battleeye message this time. The gist of it was that my Battleeye version is incorrect, so it is closing the game to update. I tried to log onto another experimental server and I am back in the infinite update loop.
I did some more tinkering and I learned something interesting. See also my ticket #0022538. Please note that the following are all experimental servers.
I primarily use one of the US Southcentral 1st person servers, but all of the US Southcentral boxes currently seem to be off line.
My next goto are the US Central servers. Again, I prefer 1st person, so I was using US Central 0-2 and it had me stuck in a Battleeye update loop.
The next few servers have unsatisfactory pings, but I tried them to see if we could learn anything.
I tried US Southwest 0-1 and it let me in without a Battleeye update.
I then tried US East 0-2 and it also let me in without a Battleeye update.
I then tried US Northeast 0-6 and I had no trouble getting onto that server, either.
Meanwhile US Central 0-2 still insists that I do a Battleeye update.
It would appear that specific server configs are causing the Battleeye update loop. I have already updated ticket #0022537 with this information.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks again!
I have experienced this if I am standing next to (and too close to) an object, such as a wall, or a tree.
On consideration, I think that the elbows must go out to the side when raising the binoculars. If there is a collision with a nearby object, the character automatically lowers the binoculars.
You have my beans Geez!
I just had another CTD, but with a different memory location:
The Instruction at 0x04a15d2 Referenced Memory at 0x104200000. The Memory could not be read.
I have uploaded fresh copies of the report and dump files. The new ones have a "_3" appended to the name of the file. I have compressed the minidump file with zip.
I just had another CTD, but with a different error message:
The Instruction at 0x04a15d2 Referenced Memory at 0x0f3d0000. The Memory could not be read.
I have uploaded fresh copies of the report and dump files. The new ones have a "_2" appended to the name of the file. Again, the minidump file is compressed with 7zip. If gzip, bzip2, tar, or something else is more convenient, please advise.
Even compressed, my minidump is getting too large to upload to your site. I will have to archive the current one and have the game generate a new one from scratch.
Per your request, I deleted the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye
I have attached the crash report files, but the minidump file was over the maximum file size to upload. Therefore, I compressed it with the 7zip utility. I hope that this doesn't cause any inconvenience.
Per Eugen's note from earlier today, I have added the -dologs launch parameter. The only other launch parameter that I am currently using is -oldui.
I will try to reproduce the crash and report back.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I verified the integrity of the local game files and that checked out OK.
I had this problem a few days ago on help ticket #0022538.
Per JStewart, I removed the -dologs launch parameter and this resolved the problem.
I typically play lone wolf/hermit, so I can't say for sure, but when I log back into the same server and hit the "P" key, it looks as if I am the only one affected.
I was playing the other day and it was sunny. I heard thunder, it began to rain and then the lightening started. It was such a strange experience! Typically, it will be sunny and clear. There will be no dark clouds, nor thunder. I'll get kicked from the server and then when I log back in, it will be raining like hell. The other day is the first time that I have ever seen the transition from clear to stormy weather in over 100+ hours of play.
It was this experience that led me to research the "No message received ..." problem. But, no one else seems to have a weather-related cause/linkage, at least that I could find.
Additionally, I tend to play late at night, so the servers are generally low pop.
One thought - I play experimental, almost exclusively, and there are only about a half dozen servers available that have decent pings. All of the servers seem to be related. I think they are named US South Central #1 through #14, but there are typically no more than 4 or 5 of then on line at a time, from which to choose. This past week is the first time that I have played stable in a long time. Perhaps there is a connection there?
I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is that I can not provide a screen shot. The good news is that the problem has somehow resolved itself.
Over the course of about 4-5 hours the other day, this problem was chronic. I took about 25 trips through this loop, even though I restarted the game, restarted Steam, and even did a few cold boots on my PC. Finally I shut the PC off and left it off. Two days later, everything is working correctly, just like nothing ever happened. I can't explain it.
As I recollect, it was a black text box that popped up, which looked much like the menu text boxes that you get when you make selections at the main menu. The first row of text said, "Confirmation of Changes ..." The second row of text said, "Authentication Timeout"
Beneath the two rows of text was a button, which was labeled, "Continue"
I will make some more configuration changes. If it happens again, I promise to get you a screenshot.
Thanks for the quick replay,
I have the same issue with 0.51 Experimental. 0.51 was working last week, now it will not launch.
May 10 2016
Rapid respawn can be a serious problem when the servers are frequently restarting. I chopped up several zeds with an ax, only to be greeted with, "No message received in XX seconds." When I got back onto the server, the zeds were waiting for me and they were pretty agitated. They mauled the hell out of my character and I was powerless to defend myself for, what seemed like, several excruciating minutes. We get a time-out when we die; the minimum time-out for a zed should be at least five minutes. Anyone lingering in a "kill area" for more than five minutes deserves to be overrun with the newly re-animated dead. Please note that this is not a commentary on the quantity of zeds; the more the merrier (so long as we do not turn this game into "Left For Dead." I already have that title in my library.) Of course, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if we had a bit more stability with the servers.
I like the ambient noises, but they need to be location appropriate. Clanging and banging are OK for the city, but are plain silly in the forest.
I have experienced this issue, but perhaps only 20% of the time. I have not been able to determine the pattern, but the last time it happened, I respawned close to a wall. Could this be the result of a collision with the wall, while respawning?
Confirmed, this happens with melee weapons, too. My character will start swinging constantly, until I click the LMB a couple of times.
If you have no additional open inventory slots, the can moves out of your inventory. Sometimes you can see it in your immediate vicinity, but sometimes it disappears.
I had a strange experience that may be related. I started empty handed. I selected a melee weapon from the hot bar, while crouching and walking backwards. After equipping the weapon, my character begins walking forward, even though I am still pressing the "S" key. This does not occur while standing and walking backwards, only crouching.