This condition will make your function run about every 5 sec:
"round (time % 5) == 0 && {[thislist] call armajunkies_fnc_aj_TriggerCondition}"
This condition will make your function run about every 5 sec:
"round (time % 5) == 0 && {[thislist] call armajunkies_fnc_aj_TriggerCondition}"
Apologies, but what your comment, and downvote I suppose, have anything to do with this ticket, apart from the word tracer?
I guess it is resolved then?
yes this is what happens when you attach physX object to non physX object. I dont think this is a bug, but will leave it for the dev to decide.
Adjust your UI to match your resolution in video config in Arma.
isJIP would do. +1
this will definitely make it easier for beginners +1
unit addAction [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, positionInModel, radius, radiusView, showIn3D, available, textDefault, textToolTip, GLOBAL] <-------------- true - global, false or missing - local
You have a bunch of mods that are conflicting as well. Does it crash if you disable all mods?
Fixed in todays dev
What does ctrlParent return?
isnt there difficulty setting you can tweak to disable locks?
Default mechanics is intentional, however if you want to override it you can by using "forceAddUniform" command.
As has been suggested use difficulty settings or showHud false command. You might find a better response to your query on official forums. Closing as not a bug.
secondaryWeapon usually releates to rocket launcher which Rifleman doesnt have. You probably want handgunWeapon instead.
@PiepMGI Not sure you understood the ticket. Your rating goes down when a unit in your group dies and it wasn't you that killed it.
can confirm this. I get -40 added to my rating if opfor ai kills my guy or both.
I take my previous statement back, just tested, it works on Marid just fine
vehicle player fire "SmokeLauncher" ?
tank action ["UseWeapon", tank, commander tank, 0];
works today, dunno about tomo
It was working a few builds back, I even added this to BIKI
Thank you for your report, however feedback tracker is the wrong place to report bans. Try to post on the official forums
I think this has been fixed awhile ago
What is you view and object view distance?
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately feedback tracker is not the place to report bans. Please use official forums for this.
Same environment as before, 1800:
It is slightly off, but hardly 3 mildots off. However I did notice inconsistency in results, I wonder if this is more to do with actual projectile. I really hope it is not some forced random deviation added to the game, I would really hate that.
Unfortunately cannot confirm, tested this just now:
quite a few reload animations are mixed up. I have a ticket somewhere for just one with video. I was going to make 2 more about the same problem, then got carried away with other things. Cosmetic bugs probably not a priority.
Probably to do with how much space is allocated in the NW packet
addMagazineGlobal is still broken
To BI devs
Try this script, it will force player to stay in one place:
While this eliminated player sliding and teleporting while rotating, it shows that falling animation starts too soon for very little reason and in fact results in some undesirable effects.
test this script on stairs and you soon will see.
This ticket #21783 confirms the issue
duplicate of #22381
Duplicate. Please check #21897 and related tickets
duplicate of #10726
My friend was worried that ability to interrupt animations might interfere with when it needs to run in full, but seeing you are separating switch and play move, this is wise decision.
I assume you are new as I havent seen your name anywhere before and you seem to know what you are doing, let me ask you a question many of us would want to know, can you make unit continue to move when reaching for sidearm? I know some members of community attempted it with some success via modding, so basically it could be done without engine changes but since you are Bohemia employee you can request what you need from programmers :)
Thank you burkhar, you are the man!
Tested new car fixing animation and how you can interrupt it, this is very good.
It works, however there is this little issue. Player is able to turn and slide during the animation
If it possible, there would have been much better if player was locked movement wise, with only freeview look enabled and the repair animation would be interruptable with any "move" key press.
You have to use clearWeaponCargoGlobal
Duplicate of #22329
Can confirm, anything that is a short click on RMB doesnt work as action shortcut or inputaction. that includes "optics", "opticsmode", "menuback". Long press works for actions "holdbreath" and "zoomtemp", however, when bound to action shortcut it is triggered on short press as well.
Both addAction shortcuts and inputAction must work as intended as this is rather crucial functionality for the modders.
Can confirm this as well
Sorry for your loss, but as suggested talk to the host.
Personally I see no use in a command that only checks one turret but not the other and I don't quite understand the use of canFire command on a vehicle with many gunners and turrets. On a unit, yes, canStand, canMove, canFire etc, makes sense.
Also the turrets that can be damaged and rendered unusable all have hitpoints, so why not check turret damage directly with getHit or getHitPointDamage? And god forbid if some AI script is using canFire somewhere.
Can I ask in case with ghosthawk that has 2 turrets, what this command should return?
Happens with change weapon and firemode and god knows what else.
The command was removing all that hence biki wording. Must have got broken.
My bad just consulyed with lord wizard and it should not remove those so i will edit biki
Duplicate of #19869
Just to confirm, there is tvTooltip command, so obviously someone thought it was useful to have a getter. If not for anything else, do it for the sake of consistency!
depends on what you want to do. If it is for playing in editor, either put it in your player unit init or press esc when in editor paste it in debug console and press exec
Here made little script that will reduce bullet velocity x10 (0.1) if player has suppressor
player addeventhandler ["Fired", {
_silencer = player weaponAccessories currentMuzzle player select 0;
if (!isNil "_silencer" && {_silencer != ""}) then {
_b = _this select 6; _b setvelocity ((velocity _b) vectormultiply 0.1);
No need to make a mod. If you still feel the need to discuss this issue, please create a thread on the forums. As far as this ticket is concerned it is resolved. I am tempted to close it but Iceman is very nice man and thinks it is unnecessary.
There is also this, you can always tweak config the way you like or add another silencer that will slow bullets. Release it as a mod and there is nothing evil BIS devs could do about it since your mod will load last and ovewrite default behaviour.
Next time when it freezes don't forget to include crash logs, without them, no one can do anything about it.
no response in more than a month, considering the problem resolved itself
Thank you for your report. Arma 3 has now been released so you need to purchase it in order to play.
thank you
Please read the sticky at the top, it explains what you need to supply.
Will need crash logs as well, just .rpt is not enough, thank you.
Can this be resolved as per ?
Seems this ticket is related to missing config
colorPicture[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorPictureSelected[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorPictureDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
resolving as no bug
Apart from obvious something wrong with it, raises a question, why try to connect player to a server that is marked as not suitable already?
The local crippling effect on PC last longer and closing Arma 3 solves the slow down.
Just checked, and yes you are right this is the case. I will add this broken locality to my ticket too.
By the way, I checked addMagazineTurret under same condition and it worked as intended. setMagazineTurretAmmo has been broken since it was introduced, now we also know how much :)
setMagazineTurretAmmo takes local argument just like many other turret commands. you can check turret locality with turretLocal and set ammo from that location or can just spam it on every computer, only one will work.
Also the command is broken, personally I did not want to add it to biki until it is fixed, but someone already did.
missionStart should be fixed in Monday DEV
The good news is that there is such command already
The bad news is that it is broken
works -> "-bepath=c:\whatever and ever"
Should a vehicle with 1 broken turret and 1 healthy turret return true or false on canFire?
changed gunner to weapon operator, better?
added no ammo startup
edited biki
You assume that BIKI is wrong, fine, what do you think we should edit it to? So that whatever it says is true for every single case, heli or ground, with or without ammo, seated or not seated player. Offer your version and if it passes will edit biki and close this ticket.
Well, get in a ghosthawk and fire both guns empty, so it has no ammo (dont use setvehicleammo) then check canFire
it will be true for any seat but cargo or if player heli has no crew.
yes without units. Or if you are in passenger seat. If you are on turret returns true even if no ammo
It says false for me for empty helicopter regardless of whether or not it has ammo.
I'm not sure this is a bug. Teamkiller switches to side enemy. If there were friendly AIs around he would have been dead already. Naturally you cannot ride with an enemy in your vehicle to stop abuse.
Thanks for your feedback. You should contact the admin of the server that banned you.
I've related several similar tickets to this ticket, see if you can get some ideas from those.
The message indicates lost connection to the server, it is either your network card or firewall, especially if this happens with every server.
Have you checked biki?
Someone had similar issue here before, happened to be port forwarding problem.
Thanks for your feedback. It looks like your question is better asked on forums instead.
that is because console executes script from user interface event handler, which is not the same as your normal script environment.
Basically UI event handler + UI element creating = likely crash