Thank you for the report. No you don;t need to keep adding comments. The area is just for commenting, further issues that are not related to this one should have their ownv report.
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Aug 24 2018
Thank you for the report. We will have a look at it.
I have tested it. With the vanilla game and the dancing is actually very rare. It happened to me 1 out of 14 times so it is not as severe as it might seem.
Thank you for the report and dumps. Have you tried the possible solutions listed here?
We re there no .mdmp files?
Thank you. You are very welcome.
Aug 23 2018
Thank you for the report. We will have a look at it.
Thank you for the report. I tested it and it seems that this only happens in houses/structures that have set pathing. I am unsure wether this can be fixed since going through all of the structures and changing the pathing would be a large undertaking not to mention that it could break a lot of other things.
It is intended.
Thank you for the report. Please upload your Arma report here and we will have a look at it. Here is how to do that.
Tested the mission. This currently happens only on Stable on Dev it seems to be fixed as the rocket didn't hit the rocks 10/10. So it is likely that it was already fixed and that the fix will be part of the next update of the game.
This is fixed in the Dev Branch of the game. The fix will be in the next proper update of the game.
Aug 22 2018
Thank youf or the screenshots. We will have a look at this.
Thank you for the report. Your most recent Arma report contains a lot of older logs and with a lot of mods. Please trigger the crash without using any mods with the most recent build and upload it here. Hopefully there will be useful dumps that will help shed light on this problem.
The current way how it works is the correct way. Please have a look at _target and _originalTarget here.
Partially fixed. With the fron one not working because of the limit of lights needs to be kept for performance reasons.
Same as this
Thank you for the report. We are aware of the lights, however this is how the engine automatically aggregates the lights, we can't really separate them, it would impact the performance.
Thank you for the report. Does this issue occur even with mods disabled?
Thank you for the report. When exactly does the freeze occur? When playing the Campaign, Multiplayer working in Eden editor?
Thank you for the report. This might be a Teamspeak issue as our internal voice chat works as it should.
I am not able to reproduce this issue. Could you please list your loadout?
Thank you for the report. It's a very common situation even on real weapons and it would be strange to unify colors on our weapons or to name colors like "sand", "light sand", "lighter sand" and so on. There are many RAL shades of the same color used on real weapons. Yes we understand that from a perspective of a gamer it seems odd, but the game is trying to be as close as to the real situation in the real world.
Did this happen even on servers in which you were the only player?
I am not sure what the issue is here. The texture of the wheels or the strength of the wheels against firearms?
Thank you for the report. Please, upload your Arma report here. Here is how to do that.
There is very simple solution then. Don't press Z multiple times. If we obstructed the key during the animation then people would complain about it being locked during animations.
Thank you for the report. We will have a look at it.
If you loaded the mission via saves then you just loaded the game.
Could you please give us a bit more information regarding your issue? Like when did it happen, what you were doing when it happened etc.
On FT you can't delete tasks it is not possible.
That is odd, because I tried to recreate the issue with our internal and public build and it only happened once after that the mission proceeded as usual. From the tests that I did it seems that restarting or reverting the mission seems to fix the issue. We are still looking into it.
Thank you for the report. Please upload a test mission here as well.
Thank you for the report. Have you tried restarting the mission?
If this is happening with other games as well that means it is likely the fault of the joystick drivers. You should contact Trust and let them know about this issue. We will see if we can do anything from our side.
I am not able to reproduce this issue. Does this happen with any launcher?
Thank you for the report. Could you please create a video of the issue?
Fixed in the current Dev branch of the game, will be in the next proper update.
Not able to recreate this. Can you recreate this in the editor or is this a multiplayer issue? Additional information and a video of the issue would really help.
Thank you for the report. We will see what can be done.
@TheTugaGunMen_PT @karl.rex.drakonov Please create separate tickets with your own Arma reports uploaded.
this swimInDepth -20;
I think going prior 1.82 is not possible since legacy build always is the second last build which right now is 1.82.
Thank you for the report. Your report shows that the issue is 0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI
This should be fixed.
Thank you for the report, we will have a look at it.
I am not able to reproduce this issue. Could zou please create a test mission and upload it here? Thank you.
This should be fixed in the next update.
Thank you for the report. I tested the weapon sway when crouched and although not as visible when walking crouched it is still there.
Thank you for the report. Could you please provide some screenshots of the clipping?
Thank you for the report. This is by design. The Mk41 does not work as an artilery meaning you can't use it via Support system. However, you can use it via UAV you just need the target to be targeted by a laser for you to lock onto.
Thank you for the report. Talked to guys responsible for this and they say that this is "correct". There needs to be an AIBrain within an object for it to synchronize. At least one of the objects should be an AI or a game logic/module.
Thank you for the report. I exepct that you have already went through the possible solutions found on our wiki page. Though reinstalling the game could fix the issue you are having and it might be the quickest way to fix the issue. Seems that there is something wrong with a .dll
Thank you for the report. Have you tried the recent release candidate if the issue happens with that version of the game as well?
Thank you for the report. We will have a look at it.
Ok after talking with my colleagues right now the only way you can do this is via using a laser designator. With that you will be able to lock onto a target when controlling the Mk41.
Well yes it will not work because you are still alive the respawn button in the respawn menu does not work like the respawn button in the pause menu. Also calling the function like that is not going to make the respawn menu work as it should.
Does the crash occur even without any mods enabled?
This should be fixed with the next proper update of the game.
This should be fixed in the next proper update of the game.
This should be fixed in the next proper update of the game.
Jul 26 2018
Jul 25 2018
Are you still experiencing this issue? Also could you please trigger the crash once more and upload the Arma report with recent dumps?
Does the issue still occur? Could you please trigger the crash again and upload the crash report with the most recent dumps?