Hi, The day after I update Arma 3 with Tanks DLC patch, I joined my clan private server as usual for our coop mission. After briefing i load the game and then after maybe 2 minute max, game crash.
SINCE THEN (!) game always crash after briefing. Tried hosting the same mission (using the pbo found in mpmission cache) and crach just after briefing. Mainly the error is 0xC0000005 access violation.
Tried 3-4 différents mission from our clan mission pool, they crash same as the original one, exept one i can load into the mission.
Tried different thing, I though i solved this playing in 32 bit executable (game not crash then).
BUT as I worked on my mission making, this time my game crash randomly between 1sec to 5+ minute after starting a preview of my mission from editor !!! Tried all configuration (32 bit, 64 bit, différent malloc, changing my SSD File Swap size, testing my ram, reset my ram to standard clock speed, I even redonwloaded all the mod I use with my clan (and some of them used on my mission)).