Upvoted. This feature was usefull in ase. When in heavy combat you could just tap someone to indicate we where moving when shoutning was not an option.
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May 10 2016
May 9 2016
REal life or in game?
Well if you are gona compare GTA V with ARMA 3 you're gona have a bad time. 2 Both different games with both awsome features.
yhea yhea i know i know. SO do i. Its just im comparing it with ace one bc its the only working one. THe only issue we had with ace was the pilot is the only one that can deploy the rope and ofcourse with AI it brings problems. No way of scripting that.
Dennis. I would love to upvote your comment.. Haha thats exactly what alteast i want. Just like ace but. I have to disagree with the Only pilot thingy since AI is way to dumb. Unless tyl3r99's idea gets implemented using WP for making AI fastrope.
Prospekt plz leave this form. THere is not room for people like you. You either upvote a post because you want it and like the idea or you downvote it because you don't like the idea. you're not gona rate somthing because you dont like the way it has been asked.
Just add a extra tab that says [Quit]
Meaning of suspend: To cease for a period; delay. pretty much a fancy word for pauze. Only difference is that it allows you to do things whitout preformance inpact. They should add a feature that just says quit/back to lobby.
Seriously moderators.... if people dupe it means they dont know about the original ones and its a big issue and needs to be FIXED ASAP. so stop changing the main topic to if this a dupe or not but focus on what your gamers want.
Yhea ghost there is the isue. AI is compleetly blind at night. You can wlak next to them whitout them knowing you are there. But at day they will see you from 1 KM away whit ease and shootyou whit 2 shots if your in bad luck.
Exactly. I dont mind the [?] aslong they resize it to its actuall size and put a little Arrow where the front or main entrance is.
Low prio? HIGH i mean this game runs on the missions the community makes. Not being abble to make missions properly because everything is [?] yep well.... thats just dumb. Also placing HB and they are 1 M of center? thats just sad. 3d editor or better 2d editor. Your choise bis.
Hbarrier vehicles. units everything is just messed up. Size's dont match up.
Nha full 2 M high walls helping your m8 by lending him a hand. Look at BF3 cutschene in the town.
Lol the ability to push people. Would so want to push someone of a building.
well they carry bout 40 to 60 KG's of gear.. Thats allot and dont forget they're loadout is bulky large bag, bulky weapon, Ammo on vest that could block them. So yes weight should be included and affect Speed. Also a animation where he gets stuck and unhooks himself would be awsome.
@zorballen offtopic and unrelated. Also made a post about it check it if you want.
Regarding this post. Im upvoting but it wont go higher. This is awsome we need dismebthingy simply for extra realism. No more taking rpg's to the face and getting firstaided and then you are good to go. Also Good job bez on the dismeb system.
Uptevoted. The more people post this the sooner bis wil notice this issue. Also they should implement somthing like ACE2 woonding system. Or the old First aid battle sim, first aid, Clearence modules by default.
Yhea lets not turn this into some homicidal maniac meele take down.
SO you want to turn it to a fancy minecraft?
Yhea mods are to bussy closing posts then actually realizing that if tons of people post a tread bout the same thing it might be an issue worth solving.
True dat. Most people dislike things they dont understand or thing are cod or bf3 related. So far the only cod or bf3 related post i've seen is crosbows...
But yes the ace meele would be great. THe way this guy is describing it sounds like he wants BF3 meele. even do quite fun it doesnt seem like the right thing for a game like this.
ACE Meele was just a simple bang to the head with the back of your gun. A really slow and time taking animation but proven to be effective. Only realistic meele ive seen in this game.
Hmm okey im just gona upvote this but plz dont make this turn into some COD mele or BF3 meele just somthing like ACE on A2 that would be nice
Just give us A2 inf with the features of A3.
Lol the last ever made it dramatic...
Well I would like this feature. But simply the fact somthing already has been implemented we have to look at other features that should be put in. Instad of hanging around the same thing. not that i dont like this no i would love this but other feature request are just as important and maybey a bit more. I wonder why bis doesnt ask the mod community for help.
I agree with SHeamuS. Also the 4th Ability is somthing i would love to see. Since i loved defusing IED's in A2 but yhea that was pretty straith forward..(Scroll click scroll click pray)
^not really. Its the engine of arma that is a bit of a twat :P. Game at max uses 20/50% of the CPU and or GPU but still has bad preformance. I have a decent gaming laptop but i have to put my graphics to Max and play with 40 frames. After like an hour my fps drops bellow 10 and i have to turn my graphics to LOW to run at a fps of +-30. AFter playing like 2 hours on low my fps drops again and i have to put it to max again. And so on the entire process loops. Somthimes i'm fine on max but otherdays i have to do this untill i stop playing.
/upvoted this is somthing i'd like to see.
Lol exactly. Note that mythbusters didnt used the special ammo simply because they couldn't get theyre hands on it.
Exactly. Actually Soldiers are not able to shoot divers 1 M underwater. I was underwater when the Opfor car started shooting with its MG didnt hit me at all.
Lol. You guys are all looking at this from a non submergeble weapon like The M4 or M16's. Both NATO and US forces have spend lots of money in the development of projectiles that can travle trough water for a decent distance before changing direction drastic. H&K has plenty of prototypes not to mention THe russians have made harpoon/assault rifle hybrids. Guns wit normal 5.56 rounds instad of normal bullets the Use Long 10CM rods in the front harppon like. THese projectiles travle at high speeds underwater for bout 50 to 100 M before losing speed and tajectory.
Sorry for my bad english but again underwater projectiles have been made. and do work.
They dont. Its about the idea. Bullets flying people dying. You dont need to hit some one if they cant stay stationary since bullets are flying over them. Its not about hitting them. Its about supressing the enemy for your team to move in or evac.
@ShotgunSheamuS im currently working on a mod for a clan im in where building the stryker series and variants with walkable interior. Also the back hatche can open and you can shoot from Holes in the back of the door. These things are chaotic of course if you play with a bunch of people all doing random things. Unlike for a good team or well coördinated clan these things would not happen since there are protocols to follow. Now i do understand your issue and ithink arma's collision system is gona form a problem. But yes lets see what bis is gona do.
^^^THIS GUY GIVE HIM A DAM MEDAL! no seriously you are right they do prioratize the wrong things.
You dont get the point now do you. ArmA is a simulator but like everyother game/software it has its limits.
Same for me here btw dude i added you so im removing my comments now
True. I gues they could implement it but as a Module. Or in such way you can switch from poss using C or controll whilst in the vehicle. And yes i will link you but we are nearly compleet so far i do all the modeling and anims while people are trying to figure out how to mod :P kinda hard starting from scratch but its coming together nice and fiddely
HAHA Suicidal mode.. I can already imagine that in the WP Careless -> Suicidal. Its actually a good idea. For intense battles where ai is gona mess up.
-.- thats what careless is. Have you ever seen the pictures explaining the careless command? AI wil ignor everything and just move to what they are seposed to do. They will ignor friendly units enemy units explosions roads enc aslong they get where they are told to.
Well the problem is that this careless function is ignored by the pilot. All the other functions are pretty much useless because they are telling the pilot to stay away from the enemy. We want to Careless to be fixed so the pilot ignores all dangers and just ghoes allong with the waypoint. So there is no way around it accept for using module functions then using a script that records your movements and then plays them on trigger act. Only problem with that is that its not dynamic so if all of a sudden somthing would block him he will most likely crash because hes gona keep going.
Hey dude you have my name xD. annyway yes this could be done but its quite useless. All that needs to be done is a if if tweak in the AI system. Using these kinda commands would make it really hard for mission makes. ( i usually have 1/3d of A4 page on 1 unit triggering different scripts). Since the "Careless" Function in the WP is not correctly executed by AI i'd sugest to devs start with that. CareLess means not giving a fuck and just blindly doing whats told.
This pissed me off. Build an entire base of opfor on stratis main. I set up triggers tasks support intro everything just to find out that the ai is to scared to land...
I use a saitek X52 pro already made a tread about that thing not working on arma(not the most conviniant way) SO check it out. And i know what you mean by this. The controlls for joysticks and gamepads needs some heavy tweaking.
PLZ devs dont do this. I mean what makes you think that a war simulator where you can walk half naked should have female characters. Thats like dev suicide imagine the amount of bad ettention its gona get if people script rape and shit people do hsit with Arma like that because its possible. ALso right now double standards is a big thing so when shotting or blowing up 20 male AI who gives a dam but doing it with chicks everyone loses they're minds. And female and male no big deal all you get when using females is a shorter player different arms legs(from 1st person view) And maybey some breasts to look down when borred. No big emprovements that this could bring in.
I have a reading issue? Not really you should just leave this form and stop posting bellend shit about non related stuff. Like look where this has gone with this post....
This was somthing already an issue in Alpha. But it wasnt really such biggy. Now its quite annoying trying to infeltrate enemy assets but they know its you.
Lol... MAKE A NEW TREAD!! your on the wrong post. And you're describing somthing that has nothing to do with actuall game play more with procecution of the vilians aftwards. That said if you really want a feature like that. Make a mod since this is one of thoes things useless to the actuall gameplay. Unless you get exited by beheading people.
I did the same. But it actually worked. Only issue Opfor still knew i was Blufor so they hammerd me.
just change the catagory to feature request. Its not a movement related issue.
I dont understand it what you mean rogerx. Not because its bullshit more because my bad english + low knowledge about Saitek software. All i know is that when i map W to pushing the stick forward it doesnt work ingame ^^. What does work is mapping stuff ingame but yhea i have pinky and i want to use it.
Yep @rogerx ifgot the same issue. X52Pro just wont work. I mapped everything in game but yhea... its annoying.. I'd rather load up 1 profile with all mods configed to all types of vehicles.
Had this to. GPU was overheating and Drivers where out of date.
Its not like im using the best GPU or CPU (On laptop)
Intel 17 quad 2.3 GHZ 8GB of DDR3 Ram
Nvidia Geforce GT 550M 1 GB (Really shitty)
But yes i can still run TONS of more demanding games then A3 beta easely on high or ultra (BFBC2 BF3 GTA4 A2 A2CO[50+mods] L4d2 enc) But the moment i start ArmA3 all hell brakes lose. I can play but when i try to join a good game or have a decent amount of ai strolling around my fps is not higher then 25 and somthimes even lower then 9..... Note i am running it on low then i get 12 FPS then i turn everything as high as i can i run on 37 but after a good hour of gaming every thing drops so i have to go to Medium settings to get a decent FPS.. This is ofcourse really really weird.. But yhea i am building a new PC with 10x more power than what i am using right now. But yhea i game that uses almost nothing of the total power of the device you are running it on but still has such shitty FPS.. somthing has to be changed.
Its not like im using the best GPU or CPU (On laptop)
Intel 17 quad 2.3 GHZ 8GB of DDR3 Ram
Nvidia Geforce GT 550M 1 GB (Really shitty)
But yes i can still run TONS of more demanding games then A3 beta easely on high or ultra (BFBC2 BF3 GTA4 A2 A2CO[50+mods] L4d2 enc) But the moment i start ArmA3 all hell brakes lose. I can play but when i try to join a good game or have a decent amount of ai strolling around my fps is not higher then 25 and somthimes even lower then 9..... Note i am running it on low then i get 12 FPS then i turn everything as high as i can i run on 37 but after a good hour of gaming every thing drops so i have to go to Medium settings to get a decent FPS.. This is ofcourse really really weird.. But yhea i am building a new PC with 10x more power than what i am using right now. But yhea i game that uses almost nothing of the total power of the device you are running it on but still has such shitty FPS.. somthing has to be changed.
Its not like im using the best GPU or CPU (On laptop)
Intel 17 quad 2.3 GHZ 8GB of DDR3 Ram
Nvidia Geforce GT 550M 1 GB (Really shitty)
But yes i can still run TONS of more demanding games then A3 beta easely on high or ultra (BFBC2 BF3 GTA4 A2 A2CO[50+mods] L4d2 enc) But the moment i start ArmA3 all hell brakes lose. I can play but when i try to join a good game or have a decent amount of ai strolling around my fps is not higher then 25 and somthimes even lower then 9..... Note i am running it on low then i get 12 FPS then i turn everything as high as i can i run on 37 but after a good hour of gaming every thing drops so i have to go to Medium settings to get a decent FPS.. This is ofcourse really really weird.. But yhea i am building a new PC with 10x more power than what i am using right now. But yhea i game that uses almost nothing of the total power of the device you are running it on but still has such shitty FPS.. somthing has to be changed.
Its not like im using the best GPU or CPU (On laptop)
Intel 17 quad 2.3 GHZ 8GB of DDR3 Ram
Nvidia Geforce GT 550M 1 GB (Really shitty)
But yes i can still run TONS of more demanding games then A3 beta easely on high or ultra (BFBC2 BF3 GTA4 A2 A2CO[50+mods] L4d2 enc) But the moment i start ArmA3 all hell brakes lose. I can play but when i try to join a good game or have a decent amount of ai strolling around my fps is not higher then 25 and somthimes even lower then 9..... Note i am running it on low then i get 12 FPS then i turn everything as high as i can i run on 37 but after a good hour of gaming every thing drops so i have to go to Medium settings to get a decent FPS.. This is ofcourse really really weird.. But yhea i am building a new PC with 10x more power than what i am using right now. But yhea i game that uses almost nothing of the total power of the device you are running it on but still has such shitty FPS.. somthing has to be changed.
NOTE the cars when hitting undeep water screech aswel...