In T189290#2772800, @intenso2891 wrote:@Geez when fix 1.27 will be released on stable? Severs are crash.
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Toggy added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
c4kvwbfb created T190082: Scripter.
iRRe added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
The lack of clear communication on this bug. I expect a hotfix within 8 weeks time
WilliamBroown added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
He will just repeat himself again and say a hotfix is coming soon. 4 weeks on Wednesday and the only official word is "hotfix coming soon".
intenso2891 added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
@Geez when fix 1.27 will be released on stable? Severs are crash.
Ded_Mazai added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Так фикс будет? Или все можно удалять эту игру? Вроде обещали, а когда не говорят. Постоянно, то клиент то сервер падает!
MikeOskar added a comment to T182466: Helicopter Instruments not working after repair.
MikeOskar added a comment to T182466: Helicopter Instruments not working after repair.
It is still happening even in 1.3 experimental. If you do hard landing or take extensive damage from enemy and try to repair helicopter on a helipad with wrench then instruments still stay broken.
DaWer added a comment to T190042: Крашится игра при заходе в меню - после обновления 1.27.
Решил проблему?
Maximus_78 added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
HI! Nate_LapT. tnx a lot.
My victory was not long (((
Dayz again write this errors and now this command doesn't work ((((
Shadi created T190079: Cheater.
byNautiic added a comment to T189983: (Can maybe be tweaked before stable?) - If using Legacy control preset, helicopter gunship "shoot" button is illogically assigned to RT, same as yaw button.
munkieman300 added a comment to T190078: hackers, dupers, greifers.
9:09, logged back in after POx cleared, went to fix + save what i could, got poxed again
PR9INICHEK renamed T189807: [] phantom sounds from vehicles in different places of the map from [] phantom sounds from equipment in different places of the map to [] phantom sounds from vehicles in different places of the map.
pppanimal added a comment to T190061: Sign text stays in position even when sign is destroyed..
BTW, this is on Everon in Leavie
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
The sound is also bugged when this happens, the shot is very quiet, but still agroes all the zombies.
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
The first time it happened was with a bk break action rifle. The second time it happened was with an sk semi automatic rifle. My finger was nowhere near my right triggers. Curiously, the sk semi auto rifle fired twice. It almost seemed as if my double tap triangle input(which unloads a weapon) was somehow scrambled and read as the firing input.
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
Ruins stealth for me.
Walkaway added a comment to T190074: Wolfs not making sounds.
Wolfs and possiblw cheater
onemantooo added a comment to T190071: Object is not cleared - despite there is no actual strong refs for it..
Well. Figured it out. JsonSerializer seems to silentrly create strong ref inside of it. If we change m_ApiClient.GetSerializer() -> new JsonSerializer(). It works as expected.
onemantooo edited Additional Information on T190071: Object is not cleared - despite there is no actual strong refs for it..
onemantooo edited Additional Information on T190071: Object is not cleared - despite there is no actual strong refs for it..
onemantooo edited Additional Information on T190071: Object is not cleared - despite there is no actual strong refs for it..
onemantooo edited Additional Information on T190071: Object is not cleared - despite there is no actual strong refs for it..
Efishency91 added a comment to T190070: De synch issue killed my character.
Please help
Kingjames33300 added a comment to T190069: Server attack.
Kingjames33300 added a comment to T190069: Server attack.
Please ban this users.
DiscoTurtle added a comment to T189282: DayZ 1.27 BK-43 Doesn't Make A Sound When Equipped in hand But Makes Sound When UnEquipped.
Hmmm. Maybe it's a mod that inadvertently fixes it then lol.
lya_neru added a comment to T189282: DayZ 1.27 BK-43 Doesn't Make A Sound When Equipped in hand But Makes Sound When UnEquipped.
I play on official severs and it happens there, so it's a general bug
Jmmda added a comment to T190068: Lag switching and duping.
Just need to get all of the lag switchers and cheaters off of server 2380 north America NY
Simplethreee added a comment to T190066: Player Footsteps.
100% agree, ever sense this change happened it's been literally impossible to advance on an enemy, simple because they can hear you coming from at least 30 meters away. I absolutely implore the dev team to reverse this change, all anyone does now is sit in one place and wait until they hear someone run by. It opens up the game to a whole new slew of unwanted problems and issues, please, please revert this. If it aint broke, don't fix it.
Toggy updated the task description for T190067: 1.27 Experimental Server Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ffd6bf0a9b0 at 0x28b00000011.
Toggy edited Additional Information on T190067: 1.27 Experimental Server Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ffd6bf0a9b0 at 0x28b00000011.
UnLeazh added a comment to T189474: Textures loading in slowly or not at all.
I'm having the same issues my rig is
Asus tuf 5070ti
Amd ryzon 7800x3d
32gb ddr5
1tb m.2
1440p monitor
byNautiic added a comment to T190061: Sign text stays in position even when sign is destroyed..
Duplicate of T188205
BainIVL set Operating System Version to N/A on T190064: Official server continuous crashing .
BainIVL added a comment to T190064: Official server continuous crashing .
TrueDolphin updated the task description for T190060: Class LOD inconsistency .
Nate_LapT added a comment to T190049: Sakhal new shipwreck gameplay issue.
based on the config, they should respawn within 30 mins of someone picking up keys and leaving the area....BUT if for any reason someone drops the keys on the ground... or to grief other players Enjoy 4 hours before they respawn.
Genriet1 updated the task description for T190047: Engine Rotation Issues - Loss of Axis Rotation in Local Space.
6e657275 added a comment to T187339: Radio UI gets stuck on screen.
this still happens, there doesn't seem to be a way of closing it
DiscoTurtle added a comment to T189282: DayZ 1.27 BK-43 Doesn't Make A Sound When Equipped in hand But Makes Sound When UnEquipped.
I have the issue on 3 servers I play on, but my own servers, and another a friend runs don't have the issue, so it seems to be a conflict with a fairly common mod.
lya_neru added a comment to T189282: DayZ 1.27 BK-43 Doesn't Make A Sound When Equipped in hand But Makes Sound When UnEquipped.
It's not only the sound, the animation when drawing the weapon out is bugged as well
Sgt1990 added a comment to T190055: Reload glitch and holding breath glitch.
So frustrating when I’m in pvp and I can’t reload a magazine or hold my breath
Beanless added a comment to T190053: Official Server - 1465 Crashing.
PR9INICHEK added a comment to T187341: Everon map & objective menu UI bugged (No background on some objective markers, SEIZE Vernon QUEBEC text in objective menu, supply depot icons gone, "Base name").
Did it appear after like 5 hours in a match?
byNautiic added a comment to T189804: [] (Conflict) FIA AIs appear at the base at different times, not when approaching it.
Probably this
byNautiic added a comment to T187341: Everon map & objective menu UI bugged (No background on some objective markers, SEIZE Vernon QUEBEC text in objective menu, supply depot icons gone, "Base name").
lava76 added a comment to T186930: Enabling "Show Triggers" in diag debug menu draws cylinder and sphere trigger too low.
Nope, it was never fixed
Speederr added a comment to T189834: Taskbar keep glicthing - Windows 11 .
You can mark this issue as resolved.
FTA added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
The same error occurs for him as well.
I can see from the console that the server crashes while spawning loot.
By the way, why does the MDP file need to be encrypted?
Vault-Tec added a comment to T190046: Character Permanence Bug+.
Thanks for helping make the game better
Tallion added a comment to T189708: Arma 3 Server unuseable with QEMU/KVM.
Not exactly sure, but the issue is either with extDB3 directly or with callExtension, as return value suggests some issues with getting the data. As there are no slow callExtension warnings in log, i guess its extDB3 issue so in that case Ticket could get closed.
SuperHamster added a comment to T190045: error 0x00040031.
Please help me resolve the situation.
SuperHamster edited Steps To Reproduce on T190045: error 0x00040031.
wzrdx added a comment to T149563: Hardware antialiasing foliace swoothing on 21: 9 monitor 2560x1080 with AMD card.
Also, I don't blame the devs for this. They are just people doing their job that I believe most are very passionate about. Problems like these not getting fixed is mostly a managment and money hungry corporation/company issue.
wzrdx added a comment to T149563: Hardware antialiasing foliace swoothing on 21: 9 monitor 2560x1080 with AMD card.
This is absolutely unacceptable and has made me purchase another gpu. Hope it gets fixed soon for the people who cannot afford a switch like that.
byNautiic added a comment to T189983: (Can maybe be tweaked before stable?) - If using Legacy control preset, helicopter gunship "shoot" button is illogically assigned to RT, same as yaw button.
byNautiic added a comment to T190024: Aiming while holding your breath.
You should use search function before making tickets