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i did not yet had the problem in Experimental even with old drivers 566.36
Just making another post to inform that a month later I'm still having the same issues.
In T189254#2757370, @KStrike wrote:In T189254#2757306, @byNautiic wrote:Yeah, that's exactly the issue besides that AI will also target and try to shoot you behind concrete walls.
In T189254#2757306, @byNautiic wrote:
@OfficialWardog I'm sorry again for offtop, but there is old mod creator, that sells mods for years, well known lbmaster. I didn't want to mention him or offend him in any way, but the reality is that for some reason he's quietly selling, restricting access to those who haven't paid a "required amount of money". Your position is clean, but not actions.
I may be wrong, of course, but it's very strange.
We are here to solve a problem related to a server crash when an object has more than 138 bones. But it looks like there are guys here who are more interested in whether someone has a paid mod and those who really want to allow purple wheels. I think you need to know all the facts about what's going on here.
@Geez It appears that this mod in question is a paid mod and most of the commenters in here have paid for and packed this mod. While the bones limit does appear to be an issue, I believe you need to know the full facts of what is going on here.
similar with our individual construction.
According to testing, it seems as if the error occurs after SetAnimationPhase,
after which it freezes and crashes with the error "Reason: Access violation. Illegal read".
It feels like the game now can't get the bone if the model.cfg of the model exceeds 138 bones. This only happens with classes that inherit from baseBuildingBase ! Clothes and other items whose skeletons exceed 138 bones do not break the server, but I have not tested SetAnimationPhase on these items.
Yes, you wanted to help. Not forgetting to mention that he sells mods.
To definitely help. Well, 100% help, telling about what a bad person he is, that he sells mods.
Just to be clear, my motive on replying to this thread was because I was wanting to inform its participants on better testing practices. When I had the time, I decided to go looking through the logs to find a reference that would allow me to take a look into the mod having the issue for additional advice to provide as potential a workaround or feature reduction without impacting functionality. Initially, I ignored the workshop description and took at peek into the obfuscated mod, but backtracked after certain assumptions seemed to solidify in my mind as I browsed through the files. I resorted to reviewing the workshop description primarily to see if any discussion was made about the issue on potentially a VK page or a Discord server.
@vkantik Let's ban all developer communities and block all workshops... Why not?
@Cubody Wardog has always been like this. He doesn't care about problems and mistakes, he cares who reports them. Instead of discussing the issue of the error, he went to see who was writing about it. This man has obvious problems in life.
Are you serious? Block a person for developing a really interesting modification and giving access to it as a donation? Or are you suggesting that you upload the code to be stolen by hundreds of other developers, and the author has completely lost motivation? Do you even know what's going on in the community, and how often everyone steals from each other? It's an endless game of chess, and you're talking about commerce. People invest their efforts and ideas to create something unique. My request: not to kill it, but to support it, why are you chopping off the shoulder?
Sorry for the Russian sayings and offtop.
I have same issue.
@Geez given the prefix from the RPT, the mod is Forest Fortification, which the workshop version is obfuscated with a tool that provides a lot of junk and noise across the archive, scripts, rv param files, and p3d reference paths. Though the issue still resides given the logs provided were from a build that was not obfuscated.
Close ticket. I believe this is related to name
Thank you for the report.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye anticheat.
Hello Blackheart_Six.
Was the scenario made in 1.2.0 or 1.2.1?
Transferring something similar from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 doesn't seem to reproduce this on our end.
Clear details of the setup isolated from a scenario would be very helpful as well.
Hello Masspwnaged.
This is currently intended behaviour, not an oversight. We are however planning to revise this again in the future.
Hello, can you please provide us with one of the mods causing this issue in order for us to debug the problem and evaluate possibility of a hotfix?
This is intented state on 1.27. Previously sway began after certain period of holding breath regardless of stamina level. Now sway will trigger when stamina reaches a defined threshold:
This has already been decided.
Thank you for the report.
Unfortunately we do not reimburse any items, we will look into the provided repro steps however, to make sure we have all possible info on this bug.
Relates to T175876
It might be related to this
Thank you for the report.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye anticheat.
In T169908#2756525, @iceblade122 wrote:Hey @Geez. Hope you're doing well. I was just wondering if this being "Reviewed" means it is scheduled to get added to the game?
@ArtemDozhd my comment was more targeted to @vkantik @NeoGame and @OldManvape. With less than a week from stable going live, the build that will be published has already passed review for internal QA as well as for console's review and stability testing from Microsoft and Sony. There was no time for the bug to be verified, fixed, tested, and be re-approved by primarily the console review process before the announced release date of 1.27, which is now tomorrow.
Thank you. 👍
The same problem
In T189207#2756527, @Bloodshot_vp wrote:In T189207#2756435, @Salutesh wrote:In T189207#2756405, @Bloodshot_vp wrote:In T189207#2756272, @Salutesh wrote:Hello! For now you can use this mod or repack its contents in your own mod to hotfix the problem:, but so far it does not seem to have resolved the problem for me. When running my mod with your pbo listed as a required addon, along side "@CF-Test;@DabsFramework;@BuilderItems;@Community-Online-Tools-Test;@InventorySlotsHotfix" . The bar still does not extend.
Sorry i forgot to override something! Should work now when you update the mod and the key is also there now.
Thanks! this worked for the bar now. Although there is now a bug with the lower sections of the inventory. It does not allow you to scroll all the way to the bottom.