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No Requiem Achievement
Reviewed, NormalPublic



Collater Damage seems to be unavoidable in the mission Salient Force of Altis Requiem campaign
Even I stay idle I suddenly get message "collater damage task cancelled" like if something is happening somewhere on the map
Please lower the collateral damage treshold to allow players to get the No Requiem achievement

Thank You in advance,
Kind regards,


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Just start the mission and stay idle

Event Timeline

elvits created this task.Mar 3 2023, 3:46 PM
Wulf changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mar 13 2023, 1:06 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.

Thank you for the report, we will have a look.

dedmen set Ref Ticket to AIII-55581.Mar 27 2023, 3:43 PM

Similar problem. There is a solution?

This is a very prominent and annoying problem, I have yet to go further and complete Salient Forces without any "collateral damage" done by NATO AI

Having this issue still in 2024, the player has the collateral damage objective cancelled despite not even being remotely responsible for it failing, as the enemy AI just decides to run over some civilian and the game counts that as the player's fault.

its almost 2025 and still this is a problem, even if you load up the cheat mod and delete everything from zeus, it still fails the collateral damage task, impossible to do and very dissapointing

I honestly believe, that it's not really the issue, that civilians or their vehicles getting damaged. It's the Mission Eventhandler "BuildingChanged". Every damage on "buildings" get tracked (I guess this was intended anyway, also for fences and other objects) but the problem is, that AI drives over everything too. Means fences, tiny objects and other things. Limit the check only for the player would minimize the risk for the Mission getting failed.