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- User Since
- Jan 12 2015, 8:48 PM (529 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
I call it the miraculous multiplication of arrows:
First-person only server:
I placed one sharpened stick on the ground, dragged a stack of 20 feathers above it and got a stack of 5 arrows. Oh, and it consumes just one feather! The catch is, if I try to load these arrows by dragging them above the bow, the background of arrows turns red. So I can't load. It might be though, that the bow was already loaded by a former try and I just can't see the magazine as stated above. I haven't tried to shoot because I thought I can't load anyway.
By the way, is category "Ingame UI" the right one or does "Items" fit better?
I used similar tricks on items from corpses
I suppose passengers die while trying to exit the truck, or do they die as soon as the driver gets out of the car?
I think it only happens, when there isn't any slot free.
please regard report 0022190: Liquid system is broken, messes with stomach. Drinking from Ponds and Wells, aswell as refilable containers...
You are absolutely right Johnny. A message like "Missing material to start fire" seems to be best. I don't think you need to tell exactly what's missing. People should use their brain - as long as it's functional.
Zyryanoff, no offence! I don't think you weren't using yours. Actually I didn't declare my thought clearly enough. I rather thought of use your character's brain as long as he/she lives. Puhh, I nearly droped a clanger.
kyzawarrior is your character still from stable 0.53? I started to recognize this problem after a newspawn. The previous one lived since 0.53. - Perhaps I was just lucky though.
Bad news for you iiREMAN, I guess: This bug seems to be gone ;P
Did this get fixed in 0.54.126646 ? At least tonight it worked for me as it should.
sorry, picture added to wrong report!
Couldn't reproduce the bug today on a permanent 1st person-only server
Crafted one fireplace after another and ignited everyone right after crafting.
I used the place right under a canopy (izurvive coordinates 120/059).
7x furnace
2x furnace + pot
1x fireplace + tripod
1x fireplace + stonering + tripod
2x simple fireplace
Went away (330m) to get more kindlings (used only those) and reignited either with matches or by blowing.
None disappeared or became invisible within these 45 minutes.
- Edith --
This test was performed under the new DayZ stable version 0.54
The uploaded picture can be found at
While I was outside looking for sticks and stones, my fellow crafted a fireplace kit and added 5 sticks to get a fireplace. When I came back, I couldn't see the fireplace at all but my character was running into a invisible barrier. I could add the stones via the 'vicinity' window, still the oven remained invisible to me. The two other fellows didn't have a problem to see the fireplace in any stage.
My friend ignited the fireplace and I could at least see the burning fire and some wood, all glitched through the floor. The pot in the picture was added afterwards.
Experienced a similar issue. The deer was obviously stuck (didn't move at all). I killed it with a shotgun (heart shot) and I saw the deer colapsing for a short moment but it vanished. About 30m to the south the shot deer lay on the grass ready to be skinned which worked flawless.
As survivin stated, the direction fits quite well the escape route the deer would have taken.
A friend of mine told me, that the same problem happend to him. He shot a player with a Longhorn but couldn't take items from the corpse. Besides the trick to split ammunition he could exchange his rifle against the corpse's rifle. This happend in the new prison building. He didn't mention any sound problems.
rereading your report I agree with you, sorry.
Btw, category Artificial Intelligence (AI) doesn't seem to right
Same here, server did a reboot on schedule and informed me five and one minute before the restart. I stayed till the message of no response. Back then I was healthy, energized, hydrated and 1st level of stuffed. I waited a short time and relogged to the same server. There I got red messages of starvation and dehydration and thought those are fake (messages of the day). When the screen grayed out I knew this was for real and barely survived.
My friend did the same but his login took a bit longer. He was just fine.
As pointed out by snipertrifle, drinking from 20L jerry can be the reason. Back then I tried filling an emptied can with rainwater to see if a jerry can fills with same percentage or with same absolute volume per catch. Later one is the case and after filling up about 700ml I drunk the collected water all at once.
On a 1st-person-only server I could construct an oven and cook different meat (didn't try fish) in a pot. Actualy it was possible to carry a pot filled with cooked meat in your backpack.
Today I tried the same on a 3rd-person server. Building the oven itself wasn't a problem but putting meat into the pot didn't work out.
I presume you are talking about the 20 liter jerry gasoline canister and not the blue gas canister for portable gas stoves?
Tonight, I tried to ignite an oven in Myshkino ( coordinates: 020/080) outside not in a building (upon the end of an aspahlt street to be exactly) and got the messages, that it's not safe there. Beeing too steep, which is a new status, would have been understandable (to some extend) - but 'not safe'?!
- Edith --
Regarding report 0018533 draging the fireplace will cause it to become permanently not safe to ignite since 0.53. That's what happend in my case.
Take an object for which you have no room in your inventory and replace it with another object from the ground OR ACTIVATE AN ITEM WITHIN YOUR INVENTORY. Object in hand originally will disappear.
A friend of mine crafted a fireplace kit within a barn and added 5 sticks to make a fireplace while I was geathering further wood and stones outside. When I came back I cloudn't see the fireplace my two fellows didn't have any problem to see.
I recognized the position of the fireplace because my character ran against an invisible barrier. Utilising the 'inventory view' I could add 5 sticks and 8 stones. Still no oven appeared for me.
When my friend started the fire I could see the burning fireplace glitched through the floor but no oven:
leather vest does have texture on female characters
@ The Immortal: In real life?!! ;P
Hey JustCaused I agree with you that hours would be too much but 30 secs is a joke, right? It should take at least as long as cooking meat.
rainwater collector:
sticks + rope = framework
framework + raincoat = improvised collector
(capacaty of can and has to be drunk directly or some loss when pouring into bottle)
improvised collector + bottle(s)/cantine(s) = improved collector
(capacaty of bottle(s)/cantine(s) as water flows directly into recptacle(s) instead raincoat gets badly damaged or even ruined when dismantled)
crazy ideas ...
yeah and if you don't maintain them they get rusty in rain and start to squeal.
- which is quite a sight for zeds ..
Don't know about the trike with basket though.
Good example is the paramedic jacket. Only 2x2 capacity and not waterproof. (might have changed as I haven't tested them lately) I've been working for the Red Cross and I remeber sturdy, waterproof jackets with a lot of pockets to store stuff. Same goes for the trousers.
I don't mind that highly valued military loot is mainly found at military bases. KahLeeb, that's Chernarus not USA. And believe me shooting as a hobby is not SO common in the rest of the world.
Fire wood and wood sticks should get wet too, this way it can get less likely to ignit the fire and increase the smoke undesired.
Throw the lumber over man! Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need - a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends, worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you, a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink; for thirst is a dangerous thing.
Jerome K. Jerome (1889): Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog);
The book can be found in DayZ
cs_wolf, I'm using the bow regularly and can't confirm this. Firing an accurate shot isn't easy and by far not fast though. When you bend the bow you'll recognize your arms swaying. Every time the arm moves to the most upper left the shot will be more or less accurate (happens about once a second). When you release the arrow at any other time the shot will go far to the side (most likely to the left). Releasing an arrow while bending is quite accurate but suffers from a lowered range which isn't great anyway.
Still I don't want to go in a firefight with just a bow.
Osiris, I'd say 'stick + lard + rags'
3.) Honey Wax; found in a wild beehive (Forest / Town)
There are bee hives in some gardens, aren't they? Could be used similar to chicken houses. - Well some bees might still be living ...
May 10 2016
Vrigoth, that's a great idea!