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Eating an item directly from the ground causes a bug.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Anytime I right click an item that is on the ground and attempt to consume it my character gets stuck in the action, not actually eating the food. Once I right click the item again and click cancel current action; I can then right click the item and place it into my hands (not try to eat it initially) my character will pick it up and immediately without provocation consume it then, once it is in my hands. Sorry for poor wording.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Find Food on ground.
  2. Right click and select eat.
  3. Right click and select cancel current action.
  4. Right click and select place item into hands.

Event Timeline

Darvolin edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 5 2015, 8:42 PM
Darvolin set Category to category:items.
Darvolin set Reproducibility to Always.
Darvolin set Severity to None.
Darvolin set Resolution to Duplicate.
Darvolin set Legacy ID to 846439958.May 8 2016, 9:48 PM

I think it only happens, when there isn't any slot free.

Geez added a comment.Mar 6 2015, 11:57 AM

Hello Darvolin and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of (#0020648) and it has been scheduled for a fix.