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- Mar 12 2013, 12:08 AM (628 w, 22 h)
May 11 2016
It has been fixed in dev branch.
Dram, your advice didn't really help. Please look at this -
There aren't that many issues reported for TOM (as for A3) - I'm pretty sure this issue will be fixed sooner or later. But, considering the number of votes, it can't be of high priority. :-)
May 10 2016
neokika: Yes, it is seems to be fixed (I've tested it for several days, no problems), thank you! I think it is safe to close this issue now.
(What would be good (for the future) is to be able to pass additonal user parameters as (for example) BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler does and, maybe, use user function return value as a new delay value).
MaHuJa: Sorry about that. Changed to public.
neokika: Thank you! Yes, my real code spawns harmless vehicles like "Land_CncBarrier_F" etc, not modules. The point was to make something that takes long time, then call BIS_fnc_runLater for onEachFrame to interleave with BIS_fnc_runLater execution.
IMHO it would be more convenient to have CF_ONLY_INFANTRY(64) in lineIntersectsObjs. What do you think?
Yes, tried on dedicated server.
Looks like this is fixed in todays update.
Killzone_Kid: Thanks for you comment. Btw, I think onUnload should be also called after 'duration' seconds.
Why do you think this is not a bug? This feature is documented and very useful because one can assign value to a control instance so that value lifetime matches control's lifetime (like RAII). What is workaround for this issue? Globals? Monads?
But seems to be working on dev.
Yes, I tried on dedicated dev server.
Yes, this is fixed already in dev branch. :-)
Another issue with this function is that _dify is not checked against zero before devision:
_dir = atan (_difx / _dify);
Here is an error from rpt file:
Error in expression < select 1) - _tPosy;
_dir = atan (_difx / _dify);
if (_dify < 0) then {_dir = _d>
Error position: </ _dify);
if (_dify < 0) then {_dir = _d>
Error Zero divisor
"look for server by name", then wait 10 minutes. This is how it is supposed to work now.
You're right. I've tried it incorrectly (in SP).
I've tried this in lates dev, it looks like
#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp"
works now.
dup #10179
Change all *Cargo commands to *CargoGlobal.
@Iceman: If this issue is 'assigned', why it is in 'acknowledged' state?
I've seen similar behaviour for two players - driver sees ["Driver"] for himself and [] for passenger. While passenger sees ["Driver"] for driver and ["Cargo",[whatever]] for himself.
X39: every game you say? Check Just Cause 2 -
JC2: view distance 30000m, island area - 1000 km^2, number of players on single server - 800+, client FPS - 250
A3: view distance - 1.5km, island area - 270 km^2, number of players on single server - 40, client FPS - 30
Correlation between server FPS and client FPS is a bug, FPS reduction because of higher draw distance (without adding vivid complexity to scene) is a bug too.
I'd suggest to extend disableTIEquipment to work on player:
player disableTIEquipment true;
I'd suggest to read this - HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WheelScrollLines value so that everyone can set scroll speed he likes.
It's not just reloading. Sprinting, lowering weapon, diving, and most of other animations make switchCamera work incorrectly.
(backpackContainer player) addItemCargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries", 1];
Adds unusable battery.
What about goggles?
(uniformContainer player) addItemCargo [goggles player, 1]
doesn't work in 110951.
Adding backpack to backpack doesn't work:
player addItemToBackpack (backpack player)
Adding magazines doesn't work too:
player addItemToVest (currentMagazine player)
supportInfo "" doesn't report unitVest and unitUniform.
unitBackpack is already here as "u:unitbackpack OBJECT"
So, in order to not to be locked by enemy missile, one should turn the engine off, leave the tank, enter the tank again, wait for targets with engine turned off. This leaving/entering nonsense gives an advantage to tank crew.
It is not mission related.
Some ruins can even throw you in the air.
Making game accessible, eh.
AD2001: exactly.
It is true, they've fixed this -
related to #12475
The ё letter is missing in Purista* fonts, it is OK in Etelka*. Please check this screenshot:
Also it doesn't return "Laserbatteries" in "Laserdesignator".
You can close it yourself.
Is this issue really belongs to "Anims" category? Maybe "Scripting"? What do you think?
Those stances (animationState player) are:
Goat_random_F is invisible too.
Maffa: Feedback tracked said "ticket timed out" when I was creating bug #12473, so I had to create it anew. IDK why it was actually created.
Medikit can be added only into backpack. Even though vest capacity might be enough to carry Medikit.
Duplicate of bug #9629
I've attatched a mission accessing absolute path "res\mydefines.hpp" via #include directive (see mycode\fn_test.sqf) - this will crash the game. This same mission calls preprocessFile "res\mydefines.hpp" (see init.sqf) and it works just fine. It would be nice if #include (when failed to find a file starting from current folder) will try to find the file starting from mission root.
There is no gamespy support anymore, game over.
No, there is no such issue when using Steam list - all servers (I care about) are showing ping correctly. But! Steam list is much slower than Gamespy (when filtering by server (or mission) name, it takes more than 4 minutes to get all matching servers in Steam mode, and almost instantly in Gamespy mode). Please check this video -
I had 'Download Region' set incorrectly, but changing it doesn't really help. Steam's "View > Servers" list has the same low performance for me.
Yes, exactly what I've seen - client don't even try to send an ICMP request.
falconx1, could you plase tell me what "Run as administrator" of _client_ has to do with ICMP blocking on _server_? Thank you!
Here is my 2 cents:
_dummy = [] spawn
_sign = "Land_Sign_Mines_F" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; while {true} do { _ep = eyePos player; _ed = [eyeDirection player, 10] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; _s = [_ep, _ed] call BIS_fnc_vectorAdd; _sign setPos _s; sleep 0.01; };
May 9 2016
Duplicate of #3278
There was a version of Alpha (or that was Beta already?), idk the build number, where they have fixed this problem. I had 80-99% GPU and 50-60% CPU utilization on all Stratis. Now I have 20-30% of CPU/GPU used regardless of what island I play.