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- User Since
- Apr 24 2014, 8:09 AM (566 w, 5 d)
Mar 21 2022
The Steam server window is good to use, because it tells the actual number on each server and not low, medium, and high.
Feb 15 2022
Server window in Steam. Can't filter on game DayZ.
Feb 5 2022
I am not talking about launcher. The steam programs has a server search by game and dayz is not a game to filter on. Most of the dayz servers are displayed in steam server list, when I mark them as favorites in the launcher.
Feb 3 2022
Jul 3 2018
Jun 30 2017
Jun 20 2017
Feb 20 2017
Jan 28 2017
Jan 24 2017
I have reported to steam support about the local file build number not being displayed.
I created new Dayz file and the character menu is the same. The files were not read only.
The game menu does remember your character as long as you don't end the game client. It shows character0 or character1.
You should be able to rename the character0.
When you leave the browser you can see your character in the Dayz scene.
Jan 23 2017
Jan 22 2017
Jan 18 2017
Jan 3 2017
It was in full screen mode, because that is the only way I can get the game DVR to record in background.
Dec 31 2016
Moving rags to pants or shirt, splitting is OK.
May 25 2016
May 11 2016
Seems to be fixed in version 058.128928.
It looks like this last patch has fixed my issue.
I tried most things in the above links. I even reloaded the Visual C++ packages. It still does the crash when I exit the game. It may be based on the Alt tab to windows. It continues to crash on exit even after the game is restarted, if the alt tab is not done the second time. The only time it does not crash on exit is after a windows reboot and the alt-tab is not used.
you should not leave gaps in the top of your packs. The game will delete items if they don't fit in the top of your pack. just a tip until this gets fixed.
you can also go to the dayz.cfg file and edit the two items below to your native screen resolution.
Then you should be able start the game and make other adjustments, because you can now read the menus.
It maybe caused by equiping the fire axe while moving or the first hit is used to raise the axe. I am not sure if this has anything to do with it. it has failed for me at least 90% of the time.
Zombies going through walls and fences has been reported so many times that it could only be about tactics of evasion.
how do you know that is a glitch? There is nothing special about hay stacks. You can climb them all.
climb up a hay stack. The zombies don't climb them. You can then slowly walk down near them and punch them dead without getting hit.
The inventory of the dead player is at the point of death near the weapons.
May 10 2016
You may have to attach rope to ashwood pole first before you can attach the hook to the pole and rope.
You can also find the dayz.cfg file and in it set the
to your native resolution of your monitor.
The item you carried is in you temp inventory until you do something with your hands. Then it is dropped.
I believe in the future you will lose the item you carry.
Add a ball and kicking objects, so we can kick a goal!
Find the DAYZ.cfg file in your user\name\documents area.
set your base resolution in these two lines.
I got the same thing, when I deleted the dayz.cfg file and Dayz created a new one with the wrong base screen resolution. I think that is the VGA resolution as default.
If you wait until you know the server is running again. You only need to hit play on the main screen and it will use the last server you were on.
the bright light makes you lose night vision.
You need to go to the dayz properties in steam library.
Select set launch options and insert this text on one computer.
Do the same for the other computer but use the next port number.
This will force the two client programs to use different ports so the game will not get confused.
You may need to go to your web router and use port forwarding to have these two ports go directly to the correct computer ip address.
backups, mail programs or any other programs can be stalling the game.
forget the date, look at the info it is only 2 days old now.
It shows the last changes in experimental, which were just updated.
I bet you never opened it up.
Did they have experimental 046.124489 in February?
You have been playing Dayz too long. You don't even trust people in real life now.
changelog is updated usually within 1 day of changes.
Did you try taping the key pad zero once or the double shift key?
You maybe have been locked in the slow motion with the zero key or with the double shift.
The ash-wood tree is a bit bigger than the apple trees and are all green with smooth white trunks. They usually have many main big main branches.
There is the usually server maintenance around this time.
I think the UK and EU have separate hives, so the character you had from the US will not be found on their hive.
This is the result of their roll back in the versions because of the rubber banding fix. This was working before Monday. You could also just search on the ground in the woods for sticks and fix a splint.
Are you sure you did not go to a hardcore server? They are only first person.
Some of the region servers have their own hive. Each hive has a different character. I think the EU, UK, and US are different.
You can search for kindling in the woods and then make a splint.
isn't using a macro a hack?
Yes, I know. It has been almost a year now and it was fixed long before your late comment. I can't seem to be able to close this issue.
Please add a note to the dead screen explaining the reason for a person death.
This could have been someone using hack stuff and not really a hacker, which should be no excuse. If you find hacked stuff you should drop it in a field.
You can roll on to the first step of the stairs and then walk crouched up the stairs.
I would say this is correct way to find the bad one in a pile of ammo.
They are not all bad.
It would be nice to have two sort columns. first sort one column and then pick another column to sort. It does it as an and sort of column first clicked and the second column clicked.
Sometimes the dropped item goes to the floor below. The grocery store has a raised floor so I would never drop anything there if you want to recover it again.
On a second floor house the item is usually in the room below.
I only drop items outside on the ground now.
get rid of the hacked items in the woods or open field.
A button to clear history would also be nice to have.
Isn't that the result of not being able to hold your breath for a very long time.
Maps can combine as north with south to make complete map, ne with nw to make north, or se with sw to make south.
It also happens with canteen.
They also disappear when fired at hay bales.
This is OK! You need to sort the ammo to find the bad ones. They are not all bad. This isn't a bug.