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- Mar 9 2013, 11:31 AM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Game still has all the unconscious scripting commands, like
It would be really useful for incapacitation scripts.
You're changing the subject, but that's the least of my worries.
What I've asked with this ticket was a unified and consistent way of array handling by various operators. None of the examples worked eight months ago, and I haven't checked since then, because no note in this ticked suggested otherwise. I will check in the morning.
Killzone_Kid, are you purposefully ignoring my notes? I already gave an example here
This miniature change breaks nothing and allows for a much cleaner and readable code. As mp5gosu outlined in this is not fixable from user code, it's a change that has to be made to the script interpreter.
Things that don't work: array subtraction, in operator. Also, isEqualTo will return a false-positive when comparing arrays with same contents.
in and array subtraction, or I should rather say *element removal from an array*, works with other data types, complex or not.
a = [];
b = a; a == b; // ERROR
This is top notch madness, and I'm asking for it to be fixed.
mp5gosu, if arrays are not references explain how this code works:
a = [1,2,3]; b = a; b set [3,4]; hint str a; //[1,2,3,4] b resize 2; hint str a; //[1,2]
No, isEqualTo compares by value, which has performance penalty. This is not resolved.
I think I will have to generalize this ticket a bit, because what I'm looking for is acceptance of an array as a parameter by some of the operators. Examples of what would be possible are:
arrayOfArrays = [1, [2], [3]]; arrayWith1 = [1]; arrayOfArrays set [0, arrayWith1]; arrayWith1 == [1]; // false, `[1]` creates new array with a new reference arrayWith1 == arrayOfArrays select 0; // true arrayWith1 in arrayOfArrays; // true arrayOfArrays - arrayWith1; // [[2], [3]]
Because array is the only data structure in SQF it would make sense to make operators recognize it as a sort of object, like other object oriented languages do.
I ran into this while making a patrol route planning script. For example:
if (count (_probes select _i select 1) > count (_probes select _max select 1)) then { _max = _i; }; /* */ _maxA = _probes select _max; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count (_maxA select 1)}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _probes set [_maxA select 1 select _i, -1]; }; _probes set [_max, -1]; _probes = _probes - [-1];
could be changed to:
if (count (_probes select _i select 1) > count (_max select 1)) then { _max = _probes select _i; }; /* */ for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count (_max select 1)}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _probes = _probes - [_max select 1 select _i]; }; _probes = _probes - _max;
This change doesn't affect backwards compatibility, unless someone was relying on generating an error (and that's just plain wrong).
I know, Killzone, but if it would be possible to compare arrays by <i>reference</i>, scripts could be cleaner. Im not asking for the actual value checking.
Array reference is nothing but an integer, pointing to the memory or just some internal index of arrays, comparison would take the same ammount of time as comparing two integers.
This restriction is pointless, every other language can do this.
Killzone, did you actually read what I wrote and do you have an understanding of what a reference is?
Knockout gas grenades sound a bit too unrealistic, their effectiveness in (primarily) open word of Arma is questionable.
What isn't mentioned here is pneumatic rifles with tranquilizing charges. That could potentially be integrated into the upcoming health system (alongside other poisons like snake bites).
dev beta 0.77.109799
Called with '[player] call compile preprocessFile "WwRg5LgU.sqf"' when there is a dropped weapon that makes a pile (typeOf returns "GroundWeaponHolder").
STILL breaks when unit (player or AI) ends the reach animation.
I see no real reason as why not to implement an actual rail system. The rails have notches, meaning discrete positions of attachments, there is no backwards compatibility to be looking after either. Maybe kerning and animation matching, but these aren't unsolvable.
Oh no no no, I didn't mean that ArmA should have Receiver's "bullet by bullet" mechanic, I was merely referencing the point that if you tap the R (by default) twice, you drop the mag. This is really intuitive and (at least in that game) gives a certain realism of accidental drops.
I do fair amount of programming myself and I'm aware of most of challenges being faced here. If every separate bullet was accounted for it would indeed bring an unnecessary expense on the processors and network (imagine entire fully equipped squads being synced). The generator which you (basically) outlined is a neat way of dealing with this, though I would like to see this mechanic a bit expanded, for example, loading every fifth tracer (keep in mind, that isn't standard UML).
Discarding magazines just because they are empty is not realistic at all. First off, magazines are refillable, it would be a wasted resource if it's just tossed like some bio-degradable bag. I would much rather see a sophisticated refilling mechanic from the inventory than this.
Take a look at Receiver by Wolfire. Maybe tapping reload twice should trigger the quick reload?
You already receive a headgear item (selected in the profile) directly to the inventory, so picking a watch too is very feasible.
Hey arampirx, there is a slot in the inventory meaning that this compromise can already be easily established. Regular, 24h watches, digital chronometers would all fit there.
The only missing thing at the moment is interaction. Maybe reuse weapon controls while the watch is active, because you would be rather distracted from using your firearm while checking the top of your right (or left) hand.
ArmA 2 has alternative voice samples if the team is in stealth mode, which can be set manually. I'd guess that in ArmA 3 Alpha this is currently limited by lack of VA. The feature should be extended to include the mentioned functionality.
Considering already complicated control scheme of the game, this should be automatic.
Attached more or less ground-truth example. On the left there is no water simulated. The lens is fisheye.
related #0001857
This is true with any layout, DVORAK, AŽERTY, LEKP etc.
Just thowing these in, so search returns something.
I'm pretty sure military smoke grenades work underwater.
I'd say this should be iterated a bit: when the particles of smoke are underwater they are bubbles, but after surfacing get back to their full form.
EDIT 4621:9712 we need a chemist on this topic
I've made a note in another similar issue before. The steam.exe gets stuck on some CreateInrerface method (can't recall the offset), it's reported to be in suspended state. If I attempt to inspect it's stack with Process Explorer the steam.exe suddenly dies and Arma gets launched. Here is the reported stack
Make sure your drivers are not forcing triple buffering on. Triple buffering allows frame-rate to be not at refresh rate divided by integers.
May 9 2016
I'm disputing this ticket, world scale is correct.
@0007562 setPos in editor works in meters. An example is seen here:
Height of a unit is roughly 1.7m
1m spheres are placed using setPos with 1 editor unit intervals, confirming the units as meters
exact duplicates: #0004053 #0004052 #0004051 #0004049
exact duplicates: #0004053 #0004052 #0004051 #0004049
exact duplicates: #0004053 #0004052 #0004051 #0004049
exact duplicates: #0004053 #0004052 #0004051 #0004049
You have to hit a very specific hitbox to take out the light. This can be difficult to achieve if the lamp is far away.
EDIT: just tested it again, each light on a 'Wooden power pole (lamp)' takes 12 MX 6.5 mm shots to the glass part of it. This is unreasonable.
The most upvoted issue #0000716 has more than enough data and is already assigned. Your two cents here is serving no purpose except taking up space in tracker's database.
Duplicate, use search function. There are well over 10 dupes of this by now.
Enable triple buffering from Nvidia control panel. You'll trade one frame of input lag to flexible framerate and V-sync together.
Parachutes are not implemented, ejecting from airplanes is disabled (because you would end up doing a belly-flop).
Duplicate of #0001774, #0002182, #0002891, #0002236, #0002414, #0002348, #0002312, #0001856, #0001665, #0001218, #0000347
EDIT: upon closer inspection discovered that inventory does not have to be empty, unloading the weapon is enough to trigger the bug
You can access the full-screen aiming system (like using a scope on a weapon), just press the appropriate button (default numpad 0).
<del>Reduce the severity because this is just an effect which will be resolved with all the other PIP problems.</del>
Didn't know that this bugtracker is so strict on editing.
Val, you are correct. Baseline game hardware requirements do support geometry shaders. It would have almost no performance hit. But, as it stands, if Bohemia did implement it using geometry shaders, it would be first AAA game I know of that utilizes modern GPU capabilities in such way (read: highly unlikely to happen).
Hey developers,
I checked that minimum requirements cover DX10 support. That means you have geometry shaders at your disposal. If something described here is going to be implemented, use them instead of PiP. That will save the expensive context switching.
I get a similar behavior but after several attempts game does launch.
Furthermore, every fail leaves an instance of steam.exe running with one thread suspended on CreateInterface+0x5697c.
It uses less than a megabyte of memory. Parent process appears to be Arma, but it dies very quickly and I cannot confirm that.
Command line:
"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -applaunch 107410
Current directory:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\
Strangely, attempting to inspect the stack with Process Explorer gets it unstuck and game gets launched. Here is the reported stack:
Direct impact to fuel tank does not result in explosion.
In general, vehicle damage model is "Hollywoody." Individual parts should get damaged, not vehicle as a whole. In reality, a lot of time goes into making sure that vehicles are safe and do not catch fire or EXPLODE at a slightest jolt.
Of course, only catalyst of fire is the fuel, but it's the vapor that burns. In case of diesel (most of military transport is powered by it), a fairly high temperature is required to set it off.
Explosions are completely unreasonable with civilian or unarmed vehicles.
Other helicopter reference:
A: this is alpha, certain content is missing
B: unnecessary, already achievable through the means of modding (Arma 2 addons work fine on Arma 3 alpha)
C: it's in the game anyway (to those who say that's a civilian: remember the outfit system)
Also, animations don't have to be redone. Male/female skeletons don't differ too much to notice in a game.
Furthermore, if there will be at least a basic cloth simulation (and by basic I mean static 'lattice' transform) various body builds could displace the shape of the outfit, in effect adding a possibility to accommodate certain bulges of a female body.
forum is that way →
Dupe of #0000691
In 0.55.103923 this is fixed by allowing to fire regardless of stance, but one thing was overlooked, the bug is still present while sprinting!
Also, I think that there is no need to simulate recoil during this kind of discharge, because the character clearly isn't aiming using sights and the point of reference isn't influnecded by the rifle jump.
Open up the editor, launch Stratis, spawn yourself in a Hunter (no weapons) and execute the following command:
h = vehicle player; h setVectorDirAndUp [[1, 0, 0], [0, .5, -.894]];h setPosATL [2415,5844, 2.7];
Watch the Hunter recover in a very unrealistic fashion.
This roughly aproximates to car being at 30 degree angle, which appears to be the minimum.
Issue is already assigned, bugtracker is not a forum, please stop adding notes. This is not a 'thread' that needs 'bumping'.
The whole UI should honor DPI, meaning that, for example, height of a character in pixels would be same no matter the resolution, XGA or FULL HD. This problem would be avoided then.
Duplicate of #0000716
Let's not have yet another button, shall we?
I'd suggest [Stance Change] + [Aim] for invoking this feature, seems most intuitive.
I, for one, welcome our new control scheme overlords. It recycles that one key that becomes meaningless, since you are in a certain stance already.