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- Mar 7 2013, 8:01 AM (628 w, 5 d)
Jun 2 2022
May 30 2022
same error, also GetTask isn't in SCR_BaseCampaignInstallation it's in SCR_CampaignTaskManager
May 10 2016
i have a similar issue. if i alt+f4 out of the game, steam will still report the game as running even though the process has been terminated.
ugggh why hasn't this been fixed yet. this triviality is single-handedly ruining one of the most atmospheric aspects of the game
doartilleryfire doesn't work in general. arty just twitches and doesn't shoot at anything
EDIT: mag name appears to be case sensitive
this isn't a discussion forum
let me guess, you're playing wasteland and can't take weapon from cars. what you need to do is get in the car, get out, and then try taking weapons.
yeah i've had this problem as well, both in arma 2 and 3. can't join a friend's game and can't join lan games.
doesn't look like it's going to be fixed any time soon.(adding fish and snakes is serious work you know, can't be bothered by trivial 4yr old issues)
host a lan game then come back here and tell me what happens. this has affected a large number of users going back to arma 2(and probably arma 1), and it's one of those game-engine things that can only be fixed by devs, not through an addon or mod. the feedback tracker was designed for these very issues, not "LOL i can't hit my target because i don't understand zeroing" which seems to be the trend nowadays.
ffs is this the next "female character models" thread?????
where did this care-bear politically-correct hippy crowd come from? jeez go back to reddit
yeah physx is a joke right now. i haven't noticed any "dynamic" physics modeling and quite frankly arma 2 handled a lot better(and more realistically)
sounds like a scripting issue. make sure you broadcast the class change to all clients
Never had this problem. When you're decreasing thrust aren't you adjust tilt simultaneously?
May 9 2016 this isn't far cry 2. not by a mile.
Don't talk about optimization when you obviously have no idea what it is. If you can't run PiP then disable it.
The in-game zeroing value for guns is just there for your own reference, it doesn't mean that you can actually modify the zeroing. Only certain weapons/vehicles can do so, like the grenade launcher and vehicle turrets.
Otherwise you have to use the scope-markings for accurate shot placement.
Update: I was also able to run a server instance with 2 client instances simultaneously on the same machine, so we finally have a way to test multiplayer scripting.
I did a bit of searching and it's possible to run multiple instances at once after all:
- go to your arma 3 directory(steam/steamapps/common/arma3)
- then make a new txt file called "steam_appid"
- type "107410" into the file
That's it you can run multiple games at once. I was able to host and join my own local network game, and the game behaved just as you'd expect. There were no problems of any sort. That said you are running x2 copies at once, so system usage will double. Maybe now we'll finally see 100% CPU usage hehe
you can't eject from helis because there's no parachutes in the beta. it will be added later
Yep it's completely unrealistic, but at this point you probably know the standard response to these issues.
i've only noticed a radar in the ka60 attack version. but i only play on elite difficulty. maybe it has something to do with it?
EDIT: just tried some vehicles in the editor and none of the cars seemed to have radar
nope slinging a full size assault rifle and pulling out a sidearm while on the move is pretty difficult in real life. sorry guys this isn't cod
There's the camo...and maybe there's the fact that people are griefing you. You are playing public after all. My private group hasn't had any issues identifying players.
No one is saying that female models shouldn't be in the game, we're just saying that it's not worth development time to add a feature so few would use.
So as stated for the hundredth time, if you want it that bad then mod it in yourself. No one's going to stop you. But don't selfishly petition for something that practically benefits no one.
inb4 omg sexist pig omg
Nope try reading the thread before going for the "historical accuracy" argument. It's been established several times that women do NOT serve in front-line roles. No conventional military has ever employed women in front line infantry duty.
Arma is a conventional warfare simulator. Women do not fight in conventional wars.
So coming back to this thread from yesterday I can see that Emualynk is still responsible for over half of the posts. And as usual he/she(it?) can't respond to basic arguments without resorting to the sexism-card.
Personal suggestion: channel your femi-nazi fervor into something productive instead of crusading on a video game website.
You seem upset. Can't come up with an actual argument?
Ok let's use your argument, let's say that you're right and 99% of the community is human. Why is that? Does not being able to play as a monkey have an impact on that? I'm pretty sure some monkeys would buy the game if they were able to plays as monkeys.
All "sexism" aside let's objectively analyze the demographics:
I'm confident that 99% of Arma 3 players are men. I'm also confident that 99% of those same men won't be using female character models. From a developer's standpoint, it's not worth spending time adding those models when there's more pressing issues to be addressed.
But guess what, the community is used to this. And we have something called "mods". When players weren't satisfied with the game they simply added the needed features themselves.
So that said, if you want female characters, mod them in yourself. Otherwise don't petition for something that only benefits you and no one else.
Posted in another female-model thread and I'll summarize it here:
99% of players are men. It's not worth the development time to add something so few would use. If you want it that badly then mod it in yourself.
sounds like a zeroing issue
i personally prefer the "high" recoil. makes shooting more challenging and not some laser-tag experience like cod or bf. quite frankly i haven't had any trouble shooting when crouched and holding breath. it's only unmanageable when standing or fatigued, at which point that's simply realistic
switch to freelook and you won't have this problem. i do so automatically when entering vehicles, it's basically second-nature