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- Mar 16 2013, 10:23 PM (627 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Hi Iceman, I usually disable mods to make sure but I think I may have had VTS weapon resting loaded last night. Ill try again on todays update and make sure I dont have any mods loaded.
EDIT: After testing on todays dev branch the problem is gone. I tested with and without mods and no crashes.
Im not sure if this is supposed to happen but I posted two bugs in the last 30 mins and they where both automatically set to 'assigned' immediately upon posting.
This is the other one I posted:
Re-tested today and this issue is still present in latest dev build.
This issue is fixed in the latest dev build.
Thanks Iceman, ill wait for the fix. Just an update to my last post, I tried loading Camp Maxwell after the mission Blackhawk Down and that mission loaded successfully for me.
Thanks for the Update Iceman. The mission does load now but the same error message that appeared in a black box is still there and persists throughout the entire mission. Its the same error message as what is in the attached screenshot. Something about line 131 in fn_sortby.sqf
Hi, im not using any mods. I reverted the entire campaign and started again and the game crashes every time when loading Gori either from the continuation of the previous mission or by loading Gori from the campaign menu. I also tried the campaign cheat to unlock all missions and then tried running Gori again and it still hangs on loading. The mission after Gori loads fine though.
Someone also mentioned here that this same problem is happening when entering camp Maxwell after the mission Survive: Blackhawk Down, ill test that now to see if the mission also crashes for me and update in a few mins.
Flares still arent working as of 6th Nov 14. Please fix.
That looks amazing I wish Arma III had this.
Same problem, if i turn head slightly right of where sound is coming from it gets louder even if speaker is standing directly in front of me. Could be a problem with surround sound.
This happens in BI missions too I posted a ticket here sometime last week. For me it seemed to happen after turning ON unlimited saves in the difficulty settings.
Yeah they werent working before but they are working in dev branch.
Ok I tried reproducing today and after about 40 save/reloads and messing around with game difficulty and on diferent missions I could not make it happen any more.
Yes I had the same problem trying to reproduce it and I was scratching my head at first thinking it must just be this one person getting it, but once it happened it happens almost every time after that. Ill try and get a video of it later if I get home in time. If the problem still exists in todays update that is.
I can confirm this, I was about to post the error myself. It gives an error in line 47 of patrol.sqf but seems to function correctly anyway.
This is fixed in latest dev version, you can close this now.
What seems to happen is the person in the truck dies after one or two shots, but his animation still carries on playing. Notice that the steering wheel (get in as driver) icon appears in the video, this would not appear if he was alive and getting into the truck boots the corpse out.
Bumping because This is still happening in current dev build.
I uploaded a video of this here:
See here if this helps.
Yes please! That grouping is really annying and there is no actual benefit from it doing that in the first place.
Just an update, this is still apparent in 0.77.109136.
Arma 3 already does have dogs.
I havent tried since last patch but I always use module position for the task destination and it always worked. I did not notice anything wrong when testing one of my missions earlier so im assuming its still working.
This one is fixed now.
Yes. I uploaded a video of player in third person.
Video is set to private.
Yeah well done that explains why they keep acting like that on some of my missions. In fact it all makes sense now. This needs fixing ASAP.
No problem, thank you.
This isnt really about how stealthy the weapon is.
You can place a trigger with detected by opfor with a single opfor unit in the entire map inside the trigger, shoot that opfor unit with silenced weapon and even if its one hit kill from a headshot the trigger will still fire. Weather theres no other enemy ai on the map or an enemy ai 200m away it does not matter, you will still be detected.
Right now there is no way to make stealth kill missions unless you use unnecessary scripting or plan on having the player go weaponless so that they do not fire a single shot toward an enemy.
If an enemy with no other enemy around is dead before they know you are there then you should not be detected.
Arent all firearms designed to be shot right handed? Wont you get hit in the face by empty bullet casings if you fire it shouldered with the left arm?
That is good to hear. Now that it does not crash the game I can at least try a few things without annoying people on my Steam list with the constant restarts of A3.
...*Insum is now playing Arma 3 Beta*
Anyone else had this issue?
This is still not fixed in 0.75.108717
Thanks for bumping this issue Kid18120.
I just tested this in the middle of Agia Marina and I dont have this problem.
i7 860
GTX 480 (314.22)
8GB ram
On latest Arma 3 dev build 0.55.104266
I too would like to see some better rain effects to compliment the beautiful weather system in Arma III.
Its working for me, check the screenshot I uploaded. I took it a few seconds before writing this.
Yes I think so MadDogX. The only problem now is the missing strings chose mentioned but thats another matter which he said are being added back now.
I had a look at closing this myself but I cant find an option under resolution, only "open".
Thanks chose, let me give it another try then.
EDIT: It is definitely working with 5-1-1 right now, sorry astaroth not sure why it did not work last time I tried it, I must have done something wrong in the editor. Keep up the good work jolly old chaps.
Doesnt work with any number, all you get is a "negative" reply no matter what support option you choose. In Arma 3 Ambulance is listed as support option 2 when a medic is given a support waypoint.
Syncing the player and medic doesnt work either. Also the support option only appears if you have squad members. If you are solo the option will not be there.
Looks more like the textures alpha map isnt transparent.
I can confirm this, I noticed a lot around the airport earlier today. Seems to have started with latest dev build.
I noticed this too on the Headhunters mission when laying mines for the vehicle that was patrolling near the start. As soon as the vehicle hits the mine everyone in the car instantly bails, knows where you are even though you are hiding and even some from 400+ meters away at the firing range they know where you are hiding.
Tested on map editor and its easy to replicate, just set up a random enemy patrol, lay some mines in their path and then go hide somewhere.
Yes it would be nice if this was fixed.
I would like to see some snow but I think Bohemia will be saving that for their next game in the Arma series.
I like highest setting how it is, it runs fine and is the smoothest picture. Adding shadows to the highest setting might change that for some people. If anything another ( higher )setting should be added if this is implemented although i think its quite pointless TBH.
I love having the new freelook in vehicles option but I also like to control air vehicles with mouse, I would like to see a "land vehicles only" option. This has my support.
Just tested this and it is indeed true that you cannot drag the rebreather directly to its worn slot. However you can remove the rebreather from the backpack and place it onto the ground and afterwards drag it to its worn slot.
May 9 2016
Nice input johncage but scroll menu still prioritizes touch off bombs and you HAVE had that problem if you are playing the same game as everyone else. Weather its a problem to you is a different matter but its clearly a problem to many.
Grenade subset would be perfect for a detonator instead of using the menu.
Could it work by using PIP for the outside area of the scope and regular view for zoomed scope?
I ask this because the pip view can be quite blocky and blurry and this wouldnt matter if it was the out of focus foreground as apposed to what your aiming at in the scope.
I wish I knew what it was iv tried everything short of reformatting my computer. I have no problems in any other games, even Arma II/OA.
Maybe this is why every time I try to host a server I get the message "No challenge value was received from master server".
Magazines DO show up on dead bodies, they are usually located in the vest or combat armor. Click the combat armor or vest and voila! Ammo.
An even easier method is just to scroll the mouse wheel near the corpse and choose "rearm at ..." after you have taken his gun.
Most of the rifles are zeroed to 300m. there is definitely bullet drop, im not sure how accurate it is but seems ok to me.
I dont understand why there is so much votes against this. Is more variety in player models such a bad thing?
I dont understand why there is so much votes against this. Is more variety in player models such a bad thing?
I think he is right, snakes should produce quite a small heat signature.