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Cannot host multiplayer games
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Every time I try to host a multiplayer game i get the message "No challenge value was received from the master server". I googled this message to try and figure out what was causing it and it aprears to be related to gamespy servers across many games, not just Arma. However there is not a single solution I can find to this.

I think this problem may be related to Gamespy, are there any suggestions for sorting this problem out? Can someone please post all ports that Arma 3 uses so that I can confirm that I have them all forward?


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Start a multiplayer game, wait 10 seconds, message appears.

Additional Information

Things that I have tried, to resolve this problem.

I have forwarded Arma 3 multiplayer ports.
I have disabled my firewall completely.
I have using a different port when hosting my server.

I can connect to other peoples games and play fine with no problems at all.
Lan works fine obviously.

This happened in Arma 3 Alpha and still happens in dev.

Event Timeline

insum edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 18 2013, 1:37 PM
insum edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
insum set Category to Multiplayer.
insum set Reproducibility to Always.
insum set Severity to Block.
insum set Resolution to Not A Bug.
insum set Legacy ID to 3151339016.May 7 2016, 12:52 PM

I'm afraid that this is not a game bug, but your own problem, e.g. provider blocks something.

Please ask in the forums for help.