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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 10:04 PM (628 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
In my team we are playing with 1 revive (no re-spawn)so dying like that is very boring.
Yesterday 1 guy was dead near a car in fire (5 M) and a medic come to him to revive him but the medic was killed by the fire at 5 M but nothing alert him that its to hot.
in real life you know that it's to hot before dying.
There is allays collisions problem.
Yesterday, on our private server, 1 guy die because he walk in a ruin house.
and an other because a hunter catch him at 1 Kph
Wee are playing 4 hours missions with 1 revive so its really boring to die like that.
We have a woman in our team (75 members), she like play medic so why not a woman model ?
How old are you Raoul1234 ?
you can try it wish a binocular if you have it in your house.
the sun can't go through your head to illuminate the optic.
the world is made like that, I'm sorry.
Thanks ceeeb , I don't found it.
You can see it in that last Community Guide: Snipers and Launchers by Dslyecxi
you can see it at 7:25, 7:37 and 7:46 every-time when an chopper is hit by a missile .
Really unrealistic, a rotor cant stop immediately like that. (physically impossible)
why don't just stop the engine.
That is a pity because it is really awful for now but it was nice on ARMA 2.
I agree it's no possible
I have made a video about that
Parachute animation and flight model need to be improve.
What I have reproduce
FORUM THREAD all videos on 1 page :
Standup with nlaw+key shift & W+key X=change to primary (appear sometime)
Some time you just have to go crouch or stand up with nlaw to change weapon alone (end of the video)
Standup with Sec_weapon change to nlaw and press key X=change to primary (appear always)
Prone and Take an Nlaw in inventory=stand-up (appear always)
Fire nlaw and key Z=change to primary (fixed on the ground)
Standup with nlaw and just press key V=Little animation bug
Standup with nlaw and just press key B and key X=Little animation bug and change to primary
Standup with nlaw and just press key Z=change to primary
Prone and take Binocular+key X+key X+key X=change to primary and binocular for heach positions
key shift & W -> sprint
key W -> forward
key x -> standup to crouch and crouch to stand-up
key Z -> to prone
key B -> Binocular
I notice that sometime when you take an nlaw in the inventory it appear on your character with a nlaw missile and sometime without.
I wanted to do a video tonight, is it necessary ?
PS: don't forget the Binocular animation problems ;)
I agree.
After firing an nlaw missile you just want to take your primary weapon (to be able to riposte) and take cover asap.
So many times I have been killed by enemy units just after I shot a vehicle because my character start a so long animation before going prone (fixed on ground) when bullets flying around ears.
Very irritating when you play a coop with no re-spawn.
what was great --> Be able to move and change weapon and be able to go prone without change nlaw to primary weapon in crouch position.(appear some-time)
The minimum would be
1 -Firing missile
2 -Be able to go prone with the nlaw
3 -And after that change to primary weapon
for binocular if you have a secondary weapon, when you put away your binocular your character take the secondary weapon and not the first.
I love the bis work since OFP (I'm fan) but I don't understand how animations problems like that could be present arma version after arma version, Devs don't play the game ?
+1 it's needed
a coop missions can be loose just because the boat is blocked on the beach !
They made it in DayZ
as you can see in this video
go to 2:00
bis, please add it in arma (key V when running)
Im French too with a AZERTY keyboard
for example when I press the key "A" in the games channel, a Q is written.
really disappointed to chat whit friends or send command to the server
(I don't know where is key # on a QUERTY keyboard)
in fact, with an "ALT+SHFT" ingame you switch between "azerty" and "qwerty"
is it possible to remove that ?
Key ALT (freelook) and shift (Sprint) are very used in arma and sometime together.
l'etranger made it in a mod
I have made a test
if the AT skill is 0,3 the IA don't shot the vehicle.
but if the AT skill is at 0,7 it work.
May 9 2016
same than this
I want that in Arma 3
Glide over surface.
And Quick stop without gain altitude !
it is possible in real life
Thank you for Arma 3 bis !! excellent
is it possible to add a new key for flying with chopper with keyboard
Chopper control is really good but it would be great for slow down the speed quickly without gaining altitude.
In addition to the key to reduce the cyclic, add a new key to move down faster.
press 2 times the key down for 2 times move down faster for example.
Thanks For arma 3 --> really excellent
What I have reproduce (copy past of the 8298 ticket AT soldiers animations: Odd Behaviour)
FORUM THREAD all videos on 1 page :
Standup with nlaw+key shift & W+key X=change to primary (appear sometime)
Some time you just have to go crouch or stand up with nlaw to change weapon alone (end of the video)
Standup with Sec_weapon change to nlaw and press key X=change to primary (appear all-ways)
Prone and Take an Nlaw in inventory=standup (appear all-ways)
Fire nlaw and key Z=change to primary (fixed on the ground)
Standup with nlaw and just press key V=Little animation bug
Standup with nlaw and just press key B and key X=Little animation bug and change to primary
Standup with nlaw and just press key Z=change to primary
Prone and take Binocular+key X+key X+key X=change to primary and binocular for heach positions
key shift & W -> fast forward
key W -> forward
key x -> standup to crouch and crouch to standup
key Z -> to prone
key B -> Binocular
I notice that sometime when you take an nlaw in the inventory it appear on your character with a nlaw missile and sometime without.
it would be very useful for Anti-tank
After firing an nlaw missile you just want to take your primary weapon (to be able to riposte) and take cover asap.
So many times I have been killed by enemy units just after I shot a vehicle because my character start a so long animation before going prone (fixed on ground) when bullets flying around ears.
Very irritating when you play a coop with no re-spawn.
what was great --> Be able to move and change weapon and be able to go prone without change nlaw to primary weapon in crouch position.
The minimum would be
1 -Firing missile
2 -Be able to go prone with the nlaw
3 -And after that change to primary weapon
Yes me too.
You think that you are in a safe position but no!
IA kill you without put is gun face of you and the mission is lost --> very frustrating
An AI kill me trough the wall (not the windows)
The AI was in a house and I was outside.
The house was made with stones walls.
agree, really boring to take an optic or a suppressor from a dead body
I want that in Arma 3
Quick stop without gain altitude and glide over surface
Thank you for Arma 3 bis !! excellent
I have just change My HD4990 by a HD7970
With the HD4990 (old driver) the Game was at low setting, it work correctly (except in towns on Altis)
With the HD7970 (3Go) drivers 13.9, settings are on High, the game work well but sometimes the game is at 5 FPS for 30 sec, I don't know why.
FPS was more stable with the HD4990.
My CPU Core I5 2400
4Go Ram
L etranger made it in this mod.
VTS Simple weapon resting
The default keys to rest your weapon is : Space + Ctrl.
very useful
Fire do not show up on FLIR
You really thing that vehicle acceleration in arma don't need tweak !!?
arma3 Quad start full throttle (in a little hill)
arma3 Quad start full throttle (on flat ground)
arma3 pick up start full throttle (in a little hill)
arma3 pick up start full throttle (on flat ground)
let see powerful of a kid ATV
I can't said any more.
in real-life Quad acceleration is that (start at 0:35)
Same problem about OffRoad
please do something about that
thanks bis