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- Mar 7 2013, 9:28 PM (628 w, 5 d)
Oct 4 2017
Could you confirm the issue? This is the only recall what i missing for the achievement.
Sep 17 2017
Aug 2 2017
Ok! Thank you!
i installed shadow play so now if any strange thing happen, i will have a video evidence. How can i get his steam ID?
One important note: I haven't find him on the leaderboard so maybe he changes his name over time to be in shadow. Could you track the name changes?
I forgot to create screenshot from the bomb incident but i will enable shadow play and try to create a video if this i not enough for the ban.
Related to: T126137
I also noticed this issue. It's happens on the same spot every time no matter which side i play on airfield. So sometimes i behind enemies.
Are you able to reproduce it? Maybe it's related to player disconnecting (after death or still playing) as i noticed.
May 25 2017
May 4 2017
OMG, thank you! Nothing says that is should hold it, not even the help. The action says "Launch" and noting about Attach/Positioning. Maybe with the name Attach/Position i would find out that i should hold. For me the "Launch" means launch. Single action which trigger the launching of the catapult.
I tried it in the editor also and same.
I placed the USS Freedom and one Wasp on it.
May 10 2016
razazel: You misunderstand the ticket.
What ceeeb says is that there is no benefit to use bipod when you deploy the weapon(by default C). You can deploy if you have bipod attachment attached and if you haven't.
Edit: Basically there should be 3 type of resting.
-normal resting
-deploy without bipod
-deploy with bipod
I could solve the issue. I changed back my sound quality settings in windows back to 16 bit 44100 HZ and it's OK now.
Previously I increased the sound quality to 24 bit 192 000 Hz, because I though it wouldn't have any effect on the gameplay. As it's turn out it have. Probably it's related to my sound card and it can't handle that much high quality sounds, but sure.
I will try it. ;)
Caused by the sound settings.
Have you watched the attachments?
"The only issue is the direction of stairs but changing that would be a drastic change that would affect the whole map"
Whit this you agree that there is something wrong.
I don't want you to change the direction of the stairs, only the door. If you open it, you have to go backward on the stairs to open it. After that you have to go beside the opened door at the edge of the stairs to enter into the building. It's not ergonomic design and nor a security too.
It would be an another solution for this issue, if the door do not stop at 90 degree. If it would turn 180 to the wall the entering would much easier.
I don't think it's related. That issue is about flying up from prone position.
This is about the wrong starting position/setup of the ragdoll in kneeling position. This is always reproducible.
Sample mission attached. It's makes the testing easier because it's kill the AI and slow down the time.
APFSDS will simply penetrate through the walls and hit the tank. It's a flying spear.
Are you kidding, aren't you? What should be the proper behavior in your opinion? The house should stop the shell?
The mdmp is not generated. The game crashed without any post notification. It just simply disappeared.
EXE rev. 131862 (game)
Fixed: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vehicles
I can confirm that it has been fixed.
Hurray! Is there any chance to push it in the 1.50?
I found this in 1.48 changelog:
Tweaked: Moderate overhaul of freelook, ‘Numpad’ looking and head-tracking behavior (more adjustments in the near future, depending on feedback)
Maybe because of this can we look around while get in animation is played.
This issue is not present in the 1.46 legacy. In 1.46 the character looking forward during the get in animation that's why it isn't happen. Check the video:
The issue is exist, because we are able to turn our head while entering(during the animation) into the vehicle.
Btw I don't know why you can't reproduce it.
I was able to reproduce it in EXE rev. 131644. I entered into Huron and Ghost Hawk as a pilot, while i looking down.
I have a TrackIR 5 with software TrackIR version 5.2.200 (Build 14548)
I'm not sure what decisions are made when they configured it, but i made a simple sheet earlier to demonstrate how many pixel should be the human at 50m(ingame) on 15.6 inch display with 1920x1080 resolution. It should be 64px if we want to see in the same size as the real human at 50m.
In normal view it's 36px, which is 56% compared to the human eye.
In zoomed view it's 110px, which is 170% better than the human eye.
Here is the sheet:
"But which is best? may be you offer other solution?" I would, if i were a game engine designer, but I'm not. Maybe DX12 which reduce the draw call count for displaying an object.
"I doubt, that this command can facilitate map. If the player will search the ID of each object in the Altis map, and then delete him, then he will go crazy." you can search by class name:
"... at least approximately by 20-25 percent. I am sure" try it with nearestObject command, I bet you wont get 20-25, maybe 1-2.
mickeymen read again what i said. It would make issues in MP and I bet reducing the object count by 10-20 doesn't increase the performance at all.
Try it! Delete these object from script and you will see what I'm talking about.
Whould you play on empty streets and hills jut to have 60 FPS? I don't think so.
Do you want less objects in the city? Eg. Buildings and fences only?
Btw it cant be client side only, because in MP you have to have the same objects at the same places. If you lower your settings and I don't. Then I could hide behind garbage which is not on your client. So you would see me.
I think this is not the best way to increase the performance.
btw: you can do it in your mission with deleteVehicle command, can't you?
I can't reproduce this issue. I tried everything. New profile, removed dll folder and nothing. I played 1 hour epoch, finished the Armed assault showcase and still nothing. My DXDiag is the
Are you guys having this issue in first person view too? Because every video about the issue is in third person mode.
Try it: Play in first person mode ONLY. Not even once switch to 3rd person!
Edit: I will try the opposite, because i always play in 1st person and i haven't noticed this kind of degradation.
I uploaded my DxDiag and RPT. In the RPT i marked the fps drop position. 20:03:29. I checked the steam time just after the fps drop. It was about 1s long.
swissMAG: I thing some newly reported issues are ignored because they are reported in wrong time. E.g. Nobody no dev, moderator online. That's why is suggested this: Where you could see the high voted bugs based on categories. The current View votes is useless, because most of it are feature request which are require lot of efforts.
EXE rev. 131862 (game)
Fixed: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vehicles
Can be closed too.
I wonder what did they changed which caused this issue. Pleas fix it, because currently it really problematic.
related to this:
It's a good idea, but what if you change the stance? Should they do it for all stances?
Ceeeb: I noticed too, that some of the old(not marksmen) optic zooming behave strange.
This ticket is about the inventory description of the holosight. It's misleading, because holo don't have 2x magnification. It's just like ironsight or reddot.
Therefore the ironsight and the eye has 1x-2x magnification, because we can zoom in with right mouse button too? It's not magnification change. It's more like focusing.
Magnification change is what we can change with Zoom in/Zoom out. Try it with bigger scope ASM(3x - 10x).
Based on the description(1x-2x) the holosight should have zoomable level 2x same as the ASM scope. Do you know what i mean?
"Then go to the camera and observe any squad under fire, using slowing game time. I think within 5-7 minutes you will see the problem." I did that 3 times with 50vs50 and not append single times.
That fix is in the dev version. I'm not sure that they put it in the stable. It's not in the 1.46 release change log. Could you try it in the dev version? Or you could attach an sample mission with high reproducible rate i will do it.
EXE rev. 131109 (game)
Tweaked: Non-local ragdoll weapons now collide as kinematic actors, so they don't break walls / trees
I tested it and it seems that this issue get fixed as well. Can you confirm it mickeymen?
They added the "ragdoll blending on hit" because players wanted something natural behavior. I think it's better than nothing.
Btw i think that the "body fly upward" thing caused by the *weapon jammed between the ground and the soldier*. At mickeymen's video it's clearly visible, that the weapon is vertical and not laying on the ground.
It's marked as fixed in the 131590 dev.
Nice to see that it has been assigned. :)
Fixed in version: 1.43.129986
Just finished the Marksman Showcase and my experience was that the deployed weapon has lower accuracy because of the missing hold breath.
Somehow without hold breath the bullet randomly miss the target at 300m with +-30cm.
This should be fixed in the Marksman DLC, because its break the immersion that the deployed weapon is more precise than the not deployed.
Are you able to reproduce it? There is an another way to do it in Zeus.k
Place a ground vehicle in the air(it will open parachute) an while falling down, change the vehicle armor to zero(aka blow up).
Some of the smoke particles are on the ground.
I created DMP through the task manager(windows 8.1).
It is a little bit big, but maybe contains some information:
Yes, always with Version: 1.43.129768
no :(
I using the Game updater.
I forgot to mention that i changed the resolution and the aspect ratio before restart.
related/duplicated: <- i have crash dump here
Sorry for the duplicates. I had internet connection issues.
I have Lenovo y510p with GeForce GT 755M. It's run pretty well the Arma.
From 129555 changelog:
- Fixed: Possible CTD on shutdown
Is that related to this ticket?
Any captain here? What kind of overhead does it generate? CPU or GPU?
Maybe it should be optional setting in the video options.
These happened on the stable version. Not on the dev branch.
4 crash files uploaded
As a developer i know that if you can't summarize the issue into very specify description, it's almost impossible to fix/change it. As oukej said, you should summarize it into very specify scenario.
oukej: Has the previous combat mod any effect to the new combat mode when it change? I mean. Is there any difference in changing from SAFE MODE to COMBAT or AWARE to COMBAT? Because there should.
I think what Fighting Power(0097680) said can be a solution. If you in SAFE MODE and you hear shooting, the last thing will be to find attacker.
oukej: it's possible that this issue related to the new AI fix?
Tweaked: AI versus clutter visibility (Altis & Stratis)
Tweaked: AI versus tree trunk visibility (Altis & Stratis)
I will test this issue again with the current dev branch. Maybe it's changed something.
I tested this issue and i agree with guys.
oukej: If you change the enemy in the sample mission to recon units, then you can observe the AI side. Test the difference where You can hear the weapon sounds and where the AI detect your position based on shooting.
I didn't noticed the weapon sound until I moved closer than 150-200. The AI has a double or triple the distance compared to this. Beyond 200 m all I hear is sonic crack of the bullet. Snap, snap, snap, snap without any directional information.
Sonic crack itself should not provide any information about the player location. The weapon sound delay and direction should or if the bullet has tracer should, but without these the sonic crack it self is just a crack.
I hope this is enough information to do something with this issue. :)
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