Today, the performance issue in A3, this is the main problem. Especially it is very annoying to the player, when he play missions, with many number of units in the map. Complaining about most players in an MP game.
I noticed, that most negative impact on performance is the amount of any 3D objects near player in the map. Make a simple test: Place the player in an empty space of the map(empty hill) and after this, put the player in the centre of city. In the boths cases, try to rotate the players character and move at the same. If you compare FPS, the difference will be palpable!
Today, the maps in Arma3 (!especially in the cities) have a set of all kinds "garbage", that is absolutely not necessary for gameplay. This is all kinds of car wrecks, piles of garbage, bricks, pipes, tables and chairs, etc. everything else, all the "garbage" is compounded by the presence of swarms of rabbits, snakes around the player! WHY ALL THIS WEIGHT NECESSARY FOR THE COMPUTER AND PLAYER!? This "garbage" is periodically incremented, after some updates. For example, I remember as after DLC-Helicopters, were added to the set of additional ambient objects in the maps. All this objects, reduces the number of FPS in the game at the same time, not how many does not affect the quality of gameplay! Thus BIS, you are unnecessarily taxing the game.
In the game there are no settings for the number of ambient objects that are in the map. Please give these settings for the player and then the player, at request will be able to significantly improve performance in the game! Today, this want most users ARMA3! A large amount of ambient objects looks is nice, but then we have to sacrifice game performance. I think the player should have the chance to choose what to sacrifice. Beauty or Performance.
This will give you more flexibility, when creating missions or settings in a MP games. {F26642} {F26643} {F26644} {F26645} {F26646} {F26647} {F26648} {F26649}