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- User Since
- May 7 2013, 10:44 AM (617 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
There's probably a better way but you could try something like this:
{this removeMagazine _x;}forEach(getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (handgunWeapon this) >> "magazines"));
Unless there is already a way to do this these commands would be really helpful. People have apparently been wanting it for a long time (earliest request I could find was nearly 6 years old).
Same in stable, no damage is done to nearby units.
We already have disable and enable AI.
I don't think calculations would be a problem, every AI unit has to make the same calculations.
probably related #0015298
Would this explain addUniform not working in multiplier even when put in unit inits?
Cannot reproduce in 1.06.
Still present in 1.06
Getting an AI gunner to fire at all seems difficult.
It's fixed in dev version.
Confirmed fixed for me
Could not reproduce, 9mm smgs worked fine through the bamboo. The auto cannon HE rounds do penetrate but they also have the exploding effect at the point of penetration, pretty sure that is a bug.
It's not extended armour. They do the same amount of damage as a 6.5 round. The RoF for the miniguns is extremely low and this combined with the pinpoint accuracy (#0001834, #0001747) they have makes them pretty useless.
The RoF is tied to the framerate (#0009828) so unless they add more shots per frame or add some splash damage they are always going to be terrible.
didn't see dupe in search
I would think all cas planes would be able to have a CCIP, more fun then having a lock as well.
Wouldn't most people have view distances smaller than the height of the clouds.
Would adding a parameter for the radius of the area searched like nearObjects has fix this?
Still present in 1.06
duplicate of #0012852
When you say custom loiter radius do you mean having an option to change the radius of a loiter waypoint?
confirmed fixed
Uploaded an image of the problem and a reproduction.
Can you please include more detailed descriptions in your tickets, I had to load up the editor to see what this is about.
The problem is that rockets fall short of the ranges when using the marked reticule.
eg. to hit a target at 300m you have to use the 500m marking.
It was definitely working in a previous dev build.
Helicopter's tail rotors aren't usually powerful enough to turn the helicopter when it is travelling at speed's greater than ~70km/h.
@AD2001 I believe it's called a 'joke'.
Do you have a time and date this happens because I couldn't reproduce it.
Have you tried linking whatever triggers the second task to the second task destination as well?
Still present in 1.22 and seems to have gotten even worse (see attached picture).
Still present in 1.06 with all underbarrel launchers.
It happens to any unit that you switch into and then leave. Also when re-spawning in multiplayer on your old corpses.
Another vehicle it was suggested it could be based on, and looks more like, was the 2T Stalker which has a road speed of ~100km/h.
When vehicle crew dismount they also can get stuck in a loop, forever rearming from their vehicles or another nearby source.
For a simple reproduction:
Place an AI Marshall APC.
Give it a "GET OUT" waypoint.
When it reaches the waypoint they dismount and get stuck in the loop.
The AI also use the Zafir in semi-auto mode. Perhaps this is related.
#0010736 is related
For some reason the FOV for drivers in the Marshall and Marid is larger than other vehicles.
Don't forget that decibels are a logarithmic scale. I think an increase 6db is approximately doubling the perceived loudness.
I think what he means is that actions that become unavailable while you are using the action menu become greyed out.
Thanks tarciop, that works well.
I don't think this issue is anything about balance, it just doesn't really make any sense. It doesn't even look dirty, just grey.
They aren't PiP so you can't have two different levels of zoom. PiP uses to many resources to be used this way.
Personally I think the current 3d scopes are much better than the old 2d overlay.
#0001747, #0001834 both related issues.
I can confirm that it happens with an xbox 360 controller. I am not using any extra software.
Any new info on this? Would be useful as my 360 controller loses the binds every now and then and I have to remap it.
May 9 2016
Tested in latest build 0.71.107443 using the in game vertical speed meter and a 360 controller.
Collective raise and lower get the same (max) values when assigned to keys or axis as the keyboard inputs.
Analogue collective is a bit weird. Collective up actually covers collective up and collective down nearly entirely. Collective down only covers about the last 5%. So by assigning collective up (analogue) to one axis you can fly fairly well.
I think collective (analogue) should be renamed as both collective controls are analogue and it seems to be confusing people. Also collective up (analogue) and collective down (analogue) controls changed into one.
There already is a ticket for the roll axis
Both collective forward / backwards and the rudder / pedals seem to work fine.
You can assign the normal collective up / down to an axis and it will work. It's not just off and on.
And I assume collective (analogue) is supposed to be assigned to a joysticks throttle or similar and therefore works as intended.
This should be marked as fixed, however roll still has the same problem (not being able to reach 100% either way).
Additionally other MX weapons have semi and burst fires modes with a suppressor and semi and full auto modes without.