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Ability to Save/Create Custom Control Preset's
Reviewed, NormalPublic


ARMA is a fantastic series that is known for it's fantastic realism. Realism that is in partly achieved by the robust number of different controls that the player has at there disposal. ARMA 3 is no different, yet there is very important feature that would inscrease the ease of playability of ARMA 3. That feature in the ability to create/save our custom control present's.

As a left handed gamer, all my keybinds are shifted left on the keyboard (with w,a,s,d becoming i,j,k,l), whitch takes a long time to set. Also with the unablity to chage your screen name without creating a new 'Profile' (that sets the controls to the default kebinds) it is simply a very unefficiant prossess that waists time that I sould be spending in-game. The addition of this feature would also allow me (as well as other's with taylored presets) to share my 'left-handed' taylored keybinds with the rest of the ARMA community, saving them the time that I had to use.



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MicOne edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 17 2013, 4:34 AM
MicOne edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MicOne set Category to Controls.
MicOne set Reproducibility to N/A.
MicOne set Severity to Feature.
MicOne set Resolution to Open.
MicOne set Legacy ID to 3079217181.May 7 2016, 12:46 PM

im also left handed but use the normal wasd, but still, sometimes you just want a key thats shared in helicopter smf infsntry to have another position on each so an option in the control options would make it easy to switch between them too :D

Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 12:46 PM
Hanz added a comment.May 29 2013, 4:22 PM

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Agree, it should be simple to save/load keybind profiles both for the current profile and any other profile that the user might create to save having to reconfigure from scratch.

JamieK added a subscriber: JamieK.May 7 2016, 12:46 PM

I'm a lefty too, but I've gone with TFGH instead of WASD or IJKL (im guessing you went with the 'J' key because it usually has a little ridge on the surface of the key [as well as the 'f' key] that your index finger rests on so you can find it without looking; same reason I went with the 'F' key)

But I agree, i've spent hours tweaking controls, only to find I have to do it all again when I create another profile (which i'm only creating because I can't change the name of my default profile).

A save control preset would be a very welcome addition, especially in the lefty community ;) Glad they're looking into it.

I've just spent the last short while mapping my PS3 controller, and tweaking sensitivities etc. It would be great being able to save this setup. I also use an X-45 stick so maybe I could save a setup for it specifically too? But also, Im expecting to get a new computer. Instead of having to redo those setups (even choosing character, voice, sunglasses etc.) it'd be great being able to save it to a file and have it reusable. Or, if it's possible now just to use some existing folder in the game to do that, maybe just let us know the procedure?
Thanks in advance!

Any new info on this? Would be useful as my 360 controller loses the binds every now and then and I have to remap it.

MicOne, I saw on your YouTube channel that you had saved presets of this IJKL configuration. Is there any way that I can download these(i.e. Dropbox, OneDrive, MediaFire, etc.)? As you said, it takes a while to set up every key, and it would really help me save some time. Thanks in advance.

I want this to happen! I would also like to see an option to save it to the cloud. It would make it a lot easier for us.

I would really like to see this feature, because I switch my mods frequently and most of them require some tweaks to key config (e.g. in TFR you cannot use CapsLock for PTT, because it interferes with the radio).

Also, when adjusting controls it's nice to be able to set a backup. If I decide to swap several keybinds to see if they work better, I would like to be able to go back without changing every single one of them again.

Plus, like many people mentioned before, it would allow us to create new profiles and share configurations easily (I guess you can still do that by manipulating files, but not everyone likes to mess with that stuff).

So please look into this feature. The key preset feature is already in the game, just give us an ability to create custom ones. It shouldn't take more than couple hours of programming and few more hours of testing and bugbashing, but it can save hundreds of hours for players. Thanks in advance :)

Hi. Can someone please put the presets you use on a zip or something like that and put it in MEGA or Google Drive, for example, so I/anyone could download them? I'd really appreciate it! There are SO MANY keys to be set and as I'm new to the series (have the Arma 3 Apex), I've no idea of which ones are more important, so I don't need to use them or which ones do what I think they do, so if anyone could put the presets available, I'd really appreciate it! (and maybe not just me). Btw, I used to play with the arrow keys, but a few days ago I saw a person saying that he used IJKL so now that's what I use (after more than a decade I had to see someone saying to realize I've been dumb all this time with so few keys....). But any preset will do it. I can play with any keys (except the WASD and near which give no space for left-handed gamers). Thanks in advance!