ARMA is a fantastic series that is known for it's fantastic realism. Realism that is in partly achieved by the robust number of different controls that the player has at there disposal. ARMA 3 is no different, yet there is very important feature that would inscrease the ease of playability of ARMA 3. That feature in the ability to create/save our custom control present's.
As a left handed gamer, all my keybinds are shifted left on the keyboard (with w,a,s,d becoming i,j,k,l), whitch takes a long time to set. Also with the unablity to chage your screen name without creating a new 'Profile' (that sets the controls to the default kebinds) it is simply a very unefficiant prossess that waists time that I sould be spending in-game. The addition of this feature would also allow me (as well as other's with taylored presets) to share my 'left-handed' taylored keybinds with the rest of the ARMA community, saving them the time that I had to use.