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Mar 11 2013, 12:05 AM (628 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

ViiK added a comment to T63092: 5040x1050 to 1680x1050 doesn't look right.

In ARMA options, did you changed aspect rate settings after changing resolution?

May 10 2016, 12:29 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62904: Only own explosives explode, even if they are near ( less than 1 m ) to explosives that someone else planted.

I'll repeat, in RL explosives are used to destroy other explosives, by breaking their integrity, NOT by provoking a detonation. It all depends on a particular kind of explosive material, but you are talking about a satchel charges or claymores which are NOT suppose to detonate from the explosion.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62904: Only own explosives explode, even if they are near ( less than 1 m ) to explosives that someone else planted.

In RL most of explosive devices are destroyed using explosives - you break them apart, you are not provoking a chain reaction. Heaving c4 bricks explode in a chain as you can do in BF3 is exactly OPPOSITE to realistic behaviour.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62889: The Rocket Launcher Seems way too fast.

Well, some AT ammunition is indeed very fast. You need to take this into account. As an example RPG-7's V round has a muzzel velocity of about 110m/s RPG-29 has twice as much and both of them are actually granades, not even rockets. With an average engagement distance as of now it would take less then 2 seconds to hit target.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62772: Too much weapon sway.

From my understanding he means that idle movement of ironsight due breathing is too much pronounced.

Not sure, seams fine, maybe the pattern of the movement can be tweaked a bit, to make it more random. Anyway, you have to get used to hold your breath before shooting.

May 10 2016, 12:15 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62765: Shareable Editor Sessions / Simultaneous Mission Editing.


Have you ever tried 3D editor? As basically it runs after you start a mission, not like 2d editor which you run before.

What we can do now is run empty mission with RealTimeEditor (RTE) and brush-out things, but unfortunately you can't save your changes.

Another case-study is when people work on new islands, ability to multiedit environment would incredibly help to anyone who wants to get help from community or friends.

May 10 2016, 12:15 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62765: Shareable Editor Sessions / Simultaneous Mission Editing.

That would be incredibly helpfull for mission makers! I see a lot of possibilities here as for creating more complex scenarios and mission specific scripts, even just debugging and testing mission this way would be waaaay easier.

May 10 2016, 12:15 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62747: TrackIR could use more function (6 deg. of freedom).

Yes it works but I don't get why it don't work for infantry, +/- on keyboard still works for that. Anyway it's alpha and imho TrackIR is a low priority atm.

May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62692: No bullets when shooting through certain windows.

Can confirm that. But did you tried different distance from the window, like does it work in the same way if you are 1-2 meteres away from it or as close to it as possible?

May 10 2016, 12:11 AM · Arma 3
ViiK edited Steps To Reproduce on T62679: Zoom in/out using TrackIR.
May 10 2016, 12:11 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62622: "Roger WILCO" is improper radio procedure.

Well, you play as a soldier in NATO, I haven't seen any specifics that you play as US NATO. So you can be a guy from UK, Australia or even New Zealand. I bet they have THEIR rules. As well as guys from other countries. Like guys from Bundeswehr would speak german and this nuance would be completely irrelevant.

English language used for voice over dosn't impply that we are playing as native from english speaking country.

May 10 2016, 12:08 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62622: "Roger WILCO" is improper radio procedure.

Well, they guys currently in game are from UK, so they might be using NATO procedures... Not every game is about US Army or USMC, just saying ;D

May 10 2016, 12:08 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62547: Light sources (except sun and moon) shine their light through objects / do not cast shadows.

This might be good for marketing pitch but not correct technically. We usually don't call SSAO a solution to global illumination. But it doesn't stop other people from doing so. The same way clipping lights by specifically modeled volumes is not really a shadow rendering technique :) Especially when most of the assets in PS2 a structurally less detailed and just copy pasted.

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62547: Light sources (except sun and moon) shine their light through objects / do not cast shadows.

Yes, really. There is a huge difference between just "Dynamic Lighting" and "Dynamic Lighting with Shadows". Visibility calculation - aka essential part of knowing what is in shadow and what is not is a very big problem in real time graphics in general, not only in games and not only for shadows.

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62547: Light sources (except sun and moon) shine their light through objects / do not cast shadows.

You would need to have a shadow map for each of the flashlights, explosions, chemlights, streetlights and etc. Unfortunately there is no technology in realtime rendering available right now which would provide support for hundreds of dynamic shadow casting lights. Probably you could do some smart resource management and try to re-use just 8 shadow maps for the most important lights in your vicinity but this won't work for everyone. Anyone who will simply switch of shadows in PvP missions will have leverage.

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T62525: Cars can't flip over.

Fliped pickup only ones - by hitting a tree while 'flying' at about 5m height with around 100km/h speed, it landed on roof.

I'm really worried that developers did this "balancing" hack to compensate lack of experience or time to prepare physics assets. Hope that we will see some higher quality content before beta.

May 10 2016, 12:04 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

ViiK added a comment to T62321: BIS: Stop using the "sink into ground" solution for long range grass concealment.

This feature have to stay untill a better and more efficiet method is implemented. Right now its as usable as it is.

Rendering grass around your point of view as you zoom in is not a real solution as position of grass won't match a lower detailed mesh of landscape, you would have to load higher resolution patch of landscape too. Solution proposed here seams to be more reasonable: [^]

May 9 2016, 11:56 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61949: Multiplayer friend and foe.

You don't even need to see a color of a cammo, learn silhouettes, helmets are different, gear is different and finally weapons different in shape and color. You guys clearly never played CWR mod for Arma2.

May 9 2016, 11:37 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61870: PROPOSAL: Seperate Keybind for Red Dot/ Scope.

You can press CTL+RMB to switch between modes, just get used to it and get used to know which exact mode you have right now, just as how many bullets you have in clip, which granade is selected and all other small things which are important to remember. I'm sure that many ppl like it as it is right now, but devs could add a keybinds which allow you to directly switch to particular scopes.

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61625: Slight lag when using binoculars.

I do use ssd but in principal it should work properly with hd as well. Try with different settings of rendering for "objects quality" and "landscape quality".

May 9 2016, 11:15 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61625: Slight lag when using binoculars.

Didn't experienced this, maybe your hardware is the problem? Game needs to load a higher level of LODs for models, some of them probably will be read from HD, that's where your problem might be.

May 9 2016, 11:15 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61417: Kill shot on an enemy doesn't feel real..

We need a mod of "realistic" death animations from bullets. Just client sided. -- backflip from shot to the neck or head

  • 5 meter fly from shotgun or 40mm granade shot (exactly like CODs icon depicts)
  • overhead forward roll after being shot at legs
  • 180 degrees turn when shot at arms

and finally 3 meters side slide when shot while prone...

May 9 2016, 11:06 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T61020: Suggestion for Stance Changing.

General solution would be to give ability to bind anything on mouse scroll up/down. Just as we can with other controllers.

As for sub-stance switching, simpliest solution is just give ability to map them, to anything you like. Myself, I would just bind them to mouse scroll up/down and bind menu interaction to ctrl+mouse scroll instead.

May 9 2016, 10:39 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Yes you would probably need a better hardware, Arma always needed better hardware, that's her Zen state. It's like having one of the back view mirrors in a good resolution most of the time with you. But if you plan such feature upfront then I bet a lot of optimization can be done.

May 9 2016, 10:20 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

@Polaris, you can use both eyes while using acog, pso-1, pretty much any low level scopes. But in arma scope with any zoom factor will have a blackout. Difficulty in usage might be a case for >8x optics but anything lower - you pretty much see a target with a naked eye. Why not have a alternative scoping mode for high end optics - like we have it on tanks and vehicles - aka press 0 on numpad to switch to full screen optics and rest of the time have it as in red orchestra.

OK, we don't have a stereo rendering to support eye relief properly but getting a feature which would provide ability to simulate a variety of scopes would be extremely nice for modders. For example, there is no way we can build a magnifier properly atm, maybe we can do it with PIP, but something tells me that it wasn't designed with such usage in mind + we need not just an image, we need ability to pass it along the custom shader so things such as chromatic aberations, distortion and polarization can be added.

We had discussion about this feature long time ago, everything went into a "wait for new render to texture feature". So it's here and we want to use it, not just as an image on some part of the vehicle, not just for sniper scopes, but as a source material to model for example these things: [^]
half of them can't be modeled properly as of now, like for example already mentioned magnifiers.

May 9 2016, 10:20 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

I don't see how it ruins 'concept of the game as a military simulator', ever used real optics? Sure this won't convey the same experience as in RL but it's definately much closer than a 'blackcircled' scope.

May 9 2016, 10:20 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60820: Water stops bullets instantly.

FMJ or not dosn't have much difference. If we forget about gravity, bullet traveling in fluid (air/water) will be slowed down by a drag of said fluid, which depends heavily on density of fluid and speed of a bullet, school physics btw. That's why just a couple of meters is enought to stop bullet of any caliber - it's speed generates huge drag, which can actually destroy bullet. For the same reason, bullets/ammunition designed for underwater usage has exitspeed several times lower then of a typical pistol.

May 9 2016, 10:16 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

He doesn't say anything like that...

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

Learn to pull down your mouse? Problem solved. 0_o

'at least don't have the miliseconds of not beingable to fight the recoil.'
feels like it needs a separate ticket...

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

So you want game to automatically return barrel of the gun almost to the same point as before shot was made? Which is fine, that's how it's done in many FPS. The question is, what should effect the speed and precision of the "return"? Weapon mass, handle, grip, weight balance, physical fitness of a soldier?

Typically in games, this is approached in purely syntetic and balancing way - speed is the same for all guns or depends on achetype of gun. Do we need this in Arma3? I don't think so, reason for that is that it will be too much of work to properly calculate return motion which would create a different "feelling" to each gun. As of now retarget speed is completely depends on your skill and weapon mass (actually smoothnes and speed with which you can move it). So you just need to train your skill, just as in RL.

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60740: Make this game livestreamer-friendly.

How about because people don't agree with OP that it is a 'high' priority...

May 9 2016, 9:56 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60556: More realistic balistics(bullet drop, windage) and other ACE features on "expert mode".

"Minority", not sure who you mean by that, last time I recall the most populated servers were DAYZ/Wasteland, ACE based scenarios, Warfares (many running veteran) and different kinds of closed community servers. What is most important all those "minority" servers were running MODS, not just vanila games with a recruit settings.

I've seen a number of mods that have partial features of ACE or the same features with a different implementation and their own twiist. All that work people had to do from scratch.

I'll just ask our community to vote this up as one of the main reasons why we still play (almost) the same game for the last 10 years is modability of the game. If requested feature gives more advantage to modders - people who create content versus people who just consume it - aka casual ARMA players, we will vote it sky up as some of us are modders as well.

This is not about some elite old gamers versus casual players, this is derived from past experience spent in modders driven game, which attracted huge amount of casual gamers at the end, not the other way around.

May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60556: More realistic balistics(bullet drop, windage) and other ACE features on "expert mode".

@goldblaze and Rewan
I don't get your arguments as OP requested these features only for specific difficulty settings. Next step would be to have a proper support for custom difficulty settings where you can enable/disable features to your own liking or tailor them to a specific server. Half of this stuff is done again and again by mission makers - re-inventig a wheel (aka having markers on map but no 3-rd person camera, by running veteran and making their own map markers using script).

Another point. Year after realise each ARMA/OFP game becomes a platform for mods, this is what keeps new people joining, this is what brings new sales. It's not like if BIS implements requested features then we don't need ACE or game will become a solely for hardcore players - there will be mods which will add even more complex features and newer players will have even more choice and variety of server without need to deepdive into specific mods. More or less what you want - to have balistics, winding and etc. without let's say ACE wounds, that exactly how you can get it when it's not a part of the mod but a switchable feature of the core game.

Another point here is that it was extremely difficult and limiting to make features such as balistics and damage model just by using scripts. Now it seams that basis for modular damage model is already in game - I don't see you complaining about that.

PS: There are many people here who served in army, including me, this dosn't make our opinion on GAME/MILSIM more valid then others. We are not discussing RL here, leave your "I've been to army - I know better" for other places.

May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T60533: no discrete option for motion blur.

First of all it looks awful, second it's done only on camera level - only camera movement produces motion blur not the actual spatial movement of objects in frame and finally the third it's too strong and creates a perceptive frame drop. I would say remove it completely until you have something way better and properly implemented. We had the same ugly motion blur in Arma2, that's why almost nobody was using post-processes at all, except the ones who found a way to disable it in configs.

May 9 2016, 9:48 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

Yes, we do want to babysit stuff like that, this is why we play Arma/OFP for the last 10 years. Besides that, we want to "basysit" things such as having a choice of tactical reaload; manual or realistic if automated, cocking of the gun; interactive sights, which you can adjust; reload and fire speed depended on a type of the feed, not some archetype of the weapon and etc.

Enemy AI in Arma2 was quite ok and challenging before tons of winnings on forums turned them into a half-retarded half-blind automatons. Their accuracy is one of the few handicaps that they have against players.

May 9 2016, 4:11 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

Human body is not just springy by itself, it's a matter of reacting to stimulus with consideration of the current intention. You will resist recoil because your intention is to hold muzzle on target, not because you are some sort of spring designed for shooting guns.
What you trying to argument here is that we should feel uncomfortable by pressing buttons to move character because we don't need to press any buttons to walk in RL, the same is that we have to use mouse to rotate our body and etc.

Just pull your mouse down :) and your gun won't be pointing to sky after 30 shots. Feels very realistic to me. The same way how we developed reflexes to catch a ball in "springy" manner, we can develop reflexes to play this game...

May 9 2016, 4:11 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

Anyone who says that muzzle will itself return to it's original (or almost original position) is missing something, don't you think?
Put a gun between two soft supports into a vise and let's see where the hell it's going to point after 20 shots - ceiling.
Muzzle doesn't return magically into original position your hands do that, so start practicing, sooner or later you will have a skill to do it fast and precise with one rifle, keep practicing with other guns to be more flexible.

I personally don't want Arma to simulate for me skills which don't need to be simulated (something like light adaptation and stamina HAVE to be simulated). Why you keep saying that we play as some trained soldier? There are many custom scenarious where this is not true, you can be a militia or even a civilian. Another thing is why would typical rifleman automaticall have the same level of skill when using sniper rifles or lmgs? That doesn't make much sence unless you want controls to be more streamlined as in other games.

FFS, stop these "I've been to army I know better" arguments, you are not the only person here who've been to army, many did, we are not discussing RL here and definately not your personal opinion and perception of RL. Next step we will be comparing quality of training, years of service and amount of awards to improve our arguments? Just stop it.

May 9 2016, 4:11 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.

Guys, please don't forget that there is a difference between muzzle climb due recoil and a need to re-target your gun. Later is usually done automatically in most shooters, here you just need to learn to do it manually, it's just another skill.
Please don't bring arguments about gravitation, by this logic it should constantly pull muzzle down to the ground ;D
Yes in RL you will train to do retargeting without thinking, here you can do it too. Why the guy who we play can't do it already? Well, we can play not only as a trained soldier, we can play as a militia for example, or another case is that someone who uses carbine for last 10 years won't have the same skills in controlling lmg.

Another thing, please stop bringing caliber of amunition into discussion, it effects muzzle climb due recoil only partially. Handle, muzzle break, grip, barrel and etc. have a large effect on how muzzle will climb AND how fast you can re-target.

May 9 2016, 4:11 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58917: Hand grenades are OP against buildings.

You can break a concrete fence using pistol rounds... Looks hilarious when you try to shoot a guy and one of the bullets depletes fence's "healthbar", so it just slowly drops on side :D

Nades need to re-done in general. They have to be as ACE granades - like simulate fragments of granade for appropriate types.

May 9 2016, 4:06 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..

Same issue on GTX 590. Definately SLI/Crossfire related. Asked my friends, everyone with SLI setup has this issue.

May 9 2016, 4:01 PM · Arma 3
ViiK added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.

If it's not added by BI it will be added by ACE3. Meanwhile, I think devs have more freedom and access to lower level engine functions to add this feature with a better performance and make experience a whole reacher. Like moving rotation pivot from torso to deploy point - I don't think this can be addded just by scripts at all. So we do need devs help on this feature.

May 9 2016, 3:35 PM · Arma 3