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Feb 13 2014, 8:42 AM (558 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95427: Eat All.

An alpha is for adding features and building the core game. A beta is bug fixing and balancing.

May 10 2016, 8:30 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95322: Character lies down everytime.

Does this happen when you press a key for movement? Or any key applicable to the game? Are you injured: have broken legs? If you have broken legs, you will not be able to move without going prone. It's possible you have broken legs and do not know it. Either due to a bug, or you broke your leg on a fall.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95321: Gun flash at night.

Same flash occurs with the Mosin, in version 0.35.115188.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95321: Gun flash at night.
May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95311: Firefighter axe swing (attack) while map is open. You could hurt somebody!.

I believe this issue is related to: Possibly a duplicate. Happens when ALT+TABBING too, nearly chopped my buddy's head off.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95263: [suggestion] Veterancy.

Sounds fine to me. I can't imagine something like this is not going to be implemented. I'm not sure if a perk is necessary, but I would not mind.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95259: [Suggestion] Possible to get rain fall effects on water.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95249: Cannot walk over/past dead bodies, pushing prone people.

After further testing, it appears you cannot walk over the area where the zombie's feet lie.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95249: Cannot walk over/past dead bodies, pushing prone people.

After further testing appears to always be reproducible. Inside, outside, or in a structure, the feet of the dead zombie block your movement.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95249: Cannot walk over/past dead bodies, pushing prone people.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95248: Ladders to get on roof of apartment buildings.

In version 0.35.115188, I also have this issue with the apartment buildings in Berezino. Sometimes I can make it onto the roof. Other times, I just stop climbing and fall to the bottom. If I try to vault at the top, I usually make it onto the roof.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95237: crash to desktop graphics settings.

I don't want to be the bug report police, but the bug reports should be here. And any CTDs should follow: and post a DxDiag and crash dump. Without the proper information you just make it harder for the dev to help you. I do not experience these crashes, so posting the required info so someone could look at your case would be a huge help.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95212: Doorways and alleys not passable without crouching.

Posted screenshots of the particular house and door that has this behavior.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95212: Doorways and alleys not passable without crouching.
May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95212: Doorways and alleys not passable without crouching.

There are several locations in buildings and houses that exhibit this behavior. The doorway appears to be normal, but you cannot move through unless crouched.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95211: Tighten context actions such as climbing ladders and opening doors.

Another example: when climbing a multi-level smoke stack - factory at Berezino - when you get to the middle level, you have to look perfectly down at the lower ladder you just came up to get the context to climb up to the next level.

Climbing the cranes: you can't simply look at the ladder to climb up to the different tiers. You have to scan the area until it finally appears.

Some doors, such as hangar doors, you have to be looking at an exact spot at the perfect distance of this very large door to get the context to open.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95211: Tighten context actions such as climbing ladders and opening doors.
May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95210: Specific door texture absorbs head torch light.

Duplicate of:

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95210: Specific door texture absorbs head torch light.

Closed: duplicate of 0008150

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95210: Specific door texture absorbs head torch light.
May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95207: Using compass with head torch displaces light away from center when crouched.
May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95207: Using compass with head torch displaces light away from center when crouched.

Related to or duplicate of:

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie edited Steps To Reproduce on T95204: Street lights with no apparent source.
May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95173: Players taking advantage of server hopping..

I agree with this. I think it detracts from the experience when a guy can kill you and take your gear; then hop onto a new server away from you to hide and continue playing. I feel like it's an option that undermines the atmosphere that DayZ is striving for. I don't think that a timer keeping a player from playing on a new server is sufficient. I honestly think gear should not be able to hop from server to server.

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95157: Food poisoning sick message goes away symptoms persist.

Just had the same issue in 0.35.115188. I induced vomiting, was hydrated and well fed. I then kept getting status messages about being dizzy and so on. I eventually fell unconscious.

May 10 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T95061: Burlap sack leaves screen black after removal.

Same thing for me on version 0.35.115188. This is a duplicate of:

May 10 2016, 8:17 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T94818: Cannot loot body stuck in garbage can.

In version 0.35.115188, I died from another player who was able to loot my gun I had in hand, but apparently left everything else. However, I could not look any items from my body. Half of it was in a box and wall in a building.

May 10 2016, 8:09 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T94575: Light beam swallowed by doors, sidewalks, hangar walls ....

Posted screenshot of dresser with same behavior.

Could be related to:

May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T94575: Light beam swallowed by doors, sidewalks, hangar walls ....

Was on top of a the Berezino hospital, and I turned my flashlight on directed at a street light that was far away. This caused the light from the street light to disappear until I turned the flash light off. It did not matter if I moved the flash light away at that point. Other street lights closer to the hospital did not have this behavior. I'm not sure if it is related, but I see no reason to start another issue on it. The second light below my center of view is from my friend's head torch. Having his head torch on or off had no effect.

Still version 0.35.115188

May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T94575: Light beam swallowed by doors, sidewalks, hangar walls ....

In version 0.35.115188, this occurs also. I have tested with both Nvidia and AMD hardware. It also occurs on some sidewalks, only have tested in Berezino so far. Posting screenshots.

May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T93766: Spray Paint - painting Mosin causes it to disappear.

In version 0.35.115188, I spray painted an M4 in the inventory and it disappeared temporarily. It finally came back. Spray painted it black.

May 10 2016, 7:30 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T93624: Black screen when burlap sack taken off of head..

This happened to me on version 0.35.115188. I quit the game and came back to fix, but the burlap sack was still showing on my head in my inventory. Screenshot posted.

May 10 2016, 7:24 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T92492: Kaleidoscope Graphics.

I attached an image of what my screen looked like. This is the first time this has happened to me. But this happened after logging back into a server after it restarted. Opening my inventory fixed the problem. AMD HD5850 Catalyst 13.4. Quality very high, textures very high. Post processing very low, ambient occlusion off, AA low. This is in version 0.35.115188

May 10 2016, 6:41 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T92370: Head-torch issues in 1st person (TrackIR & Freelook) - almost unusable currently.

No it does not. Which makes sense since your head in game does stop moving. I am OK with that. However, to fix the awkwardness with crouching or prone, then standing would also be different. This would most likely break the realism or the immersion, at least for the people around you watching you.

At the moment, getting to watch my buddy move his head torch around and check his compass at night or whatever is awesome. That might change if this issue is fixed to where using the head torch when crouching is easier.

May 10 2016, 6:37 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T92370: Head-torch issues in 1st person (TrackIR & Freelook) - almost unusable currently.

Just tested with someone with TrackIR, the head torch is following the full motion of the in-game head properly. The light does not move past the angle of the head. The additional pereph is from the eyes rolling further. This is in version 0.35.115188. As far as centering, I was told it was working just fine for him, and was not awkward.

Crouching is a different matter. I posted this complaint as well when I tested the compass. It does seem awkward even though it is following the angle of the head. I'm not sure if this is the best way to go as it could become frustrating, especially for someone with trackIR. Closed my issue and linked to here. Posted screenshots of using compass crouched with head torch.

May 10 2016, 6:37 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T92370: Head-torch issues in 1st person (TrackIR & Freelook) - almost unusable currently.

In version 0.35.115188, the head torch is centered properly for me using free look. I believe the actual in-game head motion is not followed by your free look pereph. The in-game head stops moving at a certain point. I think it is the simulation of your eyes rolling further towards the back. I will try to verify soon with someone else who has TrackIR. This is tested standing up.

I did not notice the moving issue, I'll check that out.

May 10 2016, 6:37 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T90598: Unusable Ladders.

I was able to access the ladders in version 0.35.115188, but there is a ladder at the rear of the ship that is not accessible. It is on the upper deck, at the very back.

May 10 2016, 5:38 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T89721: Swimming in a pound/lake drops items.

In version 0.35.115188 this bug was repeatable for me when entering the water. I could see some gear floating in the water, but the gear eventually returned to me when I reached land. I lost my M4, and backpack, then it returned after being on land for a moment.

May 10 2016, 5:08 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T89203: Ladders to life saving boats are not accessable.

I was able to access the ladders in version 0.35.115188. However, there is a ladder in the very rear of the ship that is not accessible.

May 10 2016, 4:49 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T88966: Gates disappearing when standing in a specific position whilst rotating the camera.

In version 0.35.115188, an open gate will disappear when right on top of it. Closed gates do not have this problem. This is using FIRST PERSON mode. This seems to be repeatable for all gates. AMD HD5850 Catalyst 13.4. Quality settings are very high. Texture settings are very high. Post processing is very low. Ambient occlusion is off. HDR Quality is low. AA low.

May 10 2016, 4:40 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T88151: Torch Light needs to follow head tracking, not direction 'body' is facing/walking.

With version 0.35.115188, the head torch appears to follow free look to a point. I have not been able to test with anyone else yet, but I think it is moving to the point where your in-game head stops moving. The extended free look pereph, is possibly the simulation of your eyes continuing to roll back over your shoulder.

May 10 2016, 4:09 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T88072: Night is unplayable.

I wonder if some will have problems with night due to their monitors. Some of these LCDs are going to have issue with dark scenes as blacks are almost non-existent. On top of that - even on good calibrated monitors - I think you need programmable 3D LUTs or the ARMA 2 engine will pretty much negate any calibration you have done. This might make for a more level playing field; but I have not tested with a capable monitor. Personally, I like the darkness. It does seem realistic when there is no ambient except the moon; however, I think if they get the flashlight lighting correct, it will be much better for a lot of people.

This is of course in version 0.35.115188. When this issue was reported, it may have been different.

Something I would hate to lose though: a few nights ago, I was looting around with my buddies at an unknown location with a construction site(not a city). It was night time and I was using the head torch as we approached the site. If the scene had been any lighter, it would not have made sense and would have killed the intensity. It was spooky, and a zombie - or worse, player - could have been chilling just ahead.

May 10 2016, 4:05 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T87677: Leaping off edge of build whilst trying to climb down ladder.

In version 0.35.115188, when having my weapon out and hitting the action to climb ladder, my character ran and leaped off the building. I've only seen this happen when holding something in your hand whilst trying to climb a ladder.

May 10 2016, 3:49 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T86519: Logged out in a stuck underneath it.

This happened to me as well in one of the houses that have a single accessible floor, but is on the second floor of the actual house.

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
OfftheHeZie added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

In version 0.35.115188, after a server restart I noticed that 3 zombies followed me into the Berezino hospital and chased me up to the roof without clipping through any walls that I noticed. Screen shots posted.

May 10 2016, 1:15 PM · DayZ