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- User Since
- Apr 18 2019, 9:33 AM (309 w, 5 d)
Nov 20 2024
Oct 30 2024
Especially the continuous lightning and the dense "10 meter view" fog is horrendous and very frustrating, and they last two weeks in Livonia! Last year was it in Chernarus too!
Oct 25 2024
I am also getting this issue since some updates ago, sometimes it's quite frustating. My buddies get it too. I think it has been happening to me since 1.23 update or so last year.
Oct 24 2024
Oct 23 2024
Hello Geez.
Oct 17 2024
Oct 13 2024
Jun 3 2024
Mar 1 2024
I support a more alive game as with helis, convoys, static gas, police situations, etc., these blend fine in my opinion and doesn't interfere with the feeling that the world has collapsed and there are only a few survivors in a calm quiet Apocalypse, as it was before 1.14. Dynamic gas artillery makes all the opposite, moreover it's too frequent and prevalent in any playthrough hits/artillery here and there at any time you play, in the coast, up North, everywhere, any city at any area of the map not matter if it's a spawn city to the South or Tisy way up North.
Nov 8 2023
So you don't have the chance to temporarily connect to the router via a long Ethernet cable? If you do, try it and my guess is it will fix it, since happened something similar to me in the past.
Playing yesterday, I felt that they were intensity increased in 1.23, opposed to you. Can you post a screenshot where shows god rays? I will try to post one screenshot too.
Oct 19 2023
Perfect. Thank you!
Oct 13 2023
Oct 10 2023
Ok, after having the opportunity to play for a few more hours, I resume my feedback in the following points:
Oct 5 2023
Aug 31 2023
Good find Mike. I support the side note that audio is too low range from high calibers.
Jun 3 2023
I agree with you, WeirdXone. Against melee should be very protective in general, but against bullets it should struggle even with .22, chain mail and plate on top. These new medieval armor in game are supposed to be replicas from museums or similar, so even more.
Nov 30 2022
Nov 14 2022
I don't have problems in seeing the whole map using zoom and alt to move my head.
Oct 14 2022
Memories to the fallen and congratulations to those who fought with honor, persistence and bravery. I am not between you guys since I don't have a wide screen, but it's a pleasure to be a witness of this great victory of our time and gives hope for the future of all us. Stories will be told about the T155551 and their brave feedback tracker members.
Sep 26 2022
Thank you for posting this. I played a couple days ago and the first thing I tried when logged in was to test inertia and exactly this happened to me when going left to right running or even walking I can remember. To me feels very annoying to see such sttutering. Makes me think I am lagging a lot.
If legally tricky just put them in the middle of the ocean, or invent a more complex system than just X/Y
Sep 10 2021
Sep 8 2021
I strongly support this. Small but important detail to add tension and immersion when in this toxic zones.
Sep 6 2021
Agree and good thought. I was thinking that they should be less frequent, but I like your idea that they should be less deadly. Instead of reducing maximum health, I would make it so you get the same stages and symptoms as now, but a lot slower. I think they should force you to leave but not immediately, like you can stay some time in them but not forever because you get the gas poisoning sickness and if too long you eventually die. I would make the same stages and symptoms as now, but a lot slower. Still, I would make this dynamic toxic events rarer in terms of frequency.
Jul 24 2021
This ain't no bueno at all. There has to be a way to disable it.
Apr 26 2021
I don't believe so Jerry. Personally I didn't miss the point and for what I have read, others here haven't missed it either. No doubt that you are in your right to think that someone has missed the point but the change is so obvious that there isn't a problem with that here. Small, medium, big, very big, then sound related to size. Not logic in terms of what firearms are. Firearms make noise, a lot, even the smallest of them. The gap is not small, it is huge. Those changes are made just in the name of gameplay "balance". Balance taking account the size in this case. Not right, not realistic, not authentic, not DayZ. Why change it, push to stable and change it again?
Aug 10 2020
As seen above, "this issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix" but it has been almost a year since then and it is not fixed yet.
Jul 27 2020
@Geez This is a big deal when in night time. Have you looked into it?
@Geez It happens to me in two computers and I saw a streamer a few days ago that also had this issue. Not the most important right now, but a bit annoying though.
Jul 14 2020
Jul 12 2020
Jun 11 2020
@Geez Probably we need to make a different ticket, since this one is for wolves' howls not being heard at all. What Lex and I are saying is that when they do howl, two or more players can hear then randomly and only rarelly at the same time. If so, I can make it.
Exactly what Lex said about wolves, has been around since at least 1.07. Happened to me numerous times; when playing with a friend, and we hear howls, seems completelly random the way we hear them at the same time. Sometimes he heard one and I did't, and next time happened the opposite, I heard one, and he didn't… I have not noticed it with other animals' sounds but probably happens too.
Nov 7 2019
Happens the same when having the Saiga in your hands
Nov 6 2019
Happens this when driving a car too. The bullets of the double barrel shotgun are seen floatting around the steering wheel.
Nov 4 2019
Here is a video trying to climb down