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Suggestion: improve information given by GPS
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Little big change I suggest here. I think GPS should have a system slightly more immersive than X/Y coordinates, like add some real (fake or invented for the lore) latitude/longitude, and reflect them on the tourist map as well. I explain what I mean with an example:

GPS showing the following:

53°13'03.3"N 23°34'49.1"E

And in the map it shows some horizontal and vertical lines (I would keep the grid too) that shows

horizontal lines: 53°13'N, 53°14'N, 53°15'N... vertical lines: 23°34E, 23°35E, 23°36E...

These separate in real life about one kilometer each, so it's viable in my opinion.

This makes it not to be so straight forward at first for a new player but once you know it, it's fast and easy to use this GPS information together with a map, apart that IMO adds lots of immersion.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

If legally tricky just put them in the middle of the ocean, or invent a more complex system than just X/Y

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 26 2022, 3:42 PM

@Kathosky Thats what some of the IP geo locators do. There was a house in Kentucky that kept getting the FBI sent to because the entire state defaulted to the homes location. Now it's in the middle of a lake in Kentucky.