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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 11:40 PM (629 w, 10 h)
May 10 2016
I dont think ACRE ever will be integrated into arma but install it and it will solve your problem for all future and enhance your experience greatly! :)
In Arma 2 i always use the radio with ACRE to communicate with my group while being airlifted. This is both a more effectiv and more realistic way to communicate. Sadly ACRE aint integrated in Arma 3 so guess this aint a great solution of your problem.
How about reading the comments before posting a new ticket? This is nothing new to the discussion. And its called Melee.
I been hoping for something like this for along time. Both that civilians move around more freely and act more like humans, talk to eachother, go between places and so on... there is a function like this to VBS and i have been hoping for one for along time for arma.
This document show some of the aspects that would make arma to a much more intresting game...,d.bGE&cad=rja
Have you tried playing with your speakers/headphones on? Usually helps in getting a good idéa from what direction the enemy is shooting from ;)
He numbered the steps. Offcourse its arma 3, he said alpha and has given the product version Dont play stupid now.
Seriously?! Kol9yN plz stop. Your not helping your case...
Your gonna get melee combat (as in Skyrim) in DayZ. Why should you carry a pistol and a knife at the same time, not even CoD got that?
Explosive trigger you already got, just use your mousewheel.
Bad, Bad, BAD idea! Now stop it.
Try the searchfunction and you will see all these are already reported. Write one ticket for one problem.
There is a good example on this with Skyrim that has a wonderful wildlife and sounds to complement it.
You have to follow the guide when reporting crashes.
The flightmodel should be updated with beta if the info i got is correct.
Seen too many hollywood movies? Its not that easy to make vehicles explode in the real world...
Offcourse they want the specs and logs.
Follow the guide on or they wont be able to make anything with your report.
Already a ticket. Learn to use the search function before you post.
Tested with every ship in the game, no problems. Please confirm your reports before posting and be more specific in your report to help others confirm it.
Yes you can?
Already solved, check list.
Before any of the moderators say it i could probably say it... you have to follow the guide on to make a ticket of this sort. Without crashreports they wont be able to do anything with it.
Good that you report it, now just add the missing pieces. :)
Hmm this deph was about 50 cm. But offcourse with that in mind maybe its to much job calculating deph versus penetration?
most voted*
There is a good sollution on the way for this (atleast i hope). You got one of the most tickets that describe it.
May 9 2016
Working on the weekend, he? That was a fast response, love you guys! :)
Before any of the moderators say it i could probably say it... you have to follow the guide on [^] to make a ticket of this sort. Without crashreports they wont be able to do anything with it.
Good that you report it, now just add the missing pieces. :)
Usually one of the best way to see if its a enemy or a friendly is communication, communication communication and teamplay. If in doubt and not in any real danger hold your fire. Its a tough game and should continue being so... If there would be a function for people with diffrent handicaps they might be missused by other people to get an edge. Sorry man.
This is just an awesome idea, i hate watching foes in distance with them sinking down into the ground... =) Love the idéas the arma-community comes up with.
The diffrence here is where you shoot somebody... a shot into the spine/brain would have the effect you describe here. A shot in the leg arms/legs/belly would mean a slower death with more muscular response.
Marlon you are actually wrong. Here is a example of a incoming mortar. Its better sound in this video than in Arma 2...
Over the notes written here you can find "Upload File". You can use this to Upload File. ;)
It has stopped crashing, dont know if you found the solution? Will post a new ticket if it happens again. Thanks!
Arma 3 ALFA (not lite)
Arma3 - exe
- ingame 0.5.102571
Try again... you drown, actually sounds really intense... :) Good job Bohemia!
This is a change that drives me crazy... i only play elite and the hud should be as minimalistic with stuff. I only shoot "from the hip" when im in realy close combat and dont have the time to aim proper. I usually hit at this distance but it does make you as a player aim with the sight in more situations as it should be. :)
Its a simulator BogatyrVoss? Offcourse the game should try to mimic as much of reality as possible...
Major? seriously?
If it still doesnt work plz post your missionfile and any of us can check it out, probably something you have done incorrectly cause i have not heard this problem any time before...?
As Alex72 sais, if its a waterjetdriven boat (that i hope it is - future and all) it should be able to do a crashstop as the stridsbåt 90. ...a preview :)
Im not sure but you usually loses your vision in the dark just after a bright flash. Takes a while for your eyes to get used to the dark. Could be a feature?
I agree :) Both parts is a bug in my world.
Same as 0000478.
Have you played with ACE you know they have this function is integrated already. Im sure they will add it to Arma 3 too.
Why integrate something into the game that there already exists a mod for? Let bohemia work on the stuff that only they can change and let modders to the rest. :)