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- User Since
- Sep 28 2014, 10:18 PM (546 w, 4 d)
Sep 30 2022
Jun 22 2021
Is this vanilla main menu? I've never seen it before.
Jun 21 2021
Jul 1 2019
Why dont't we seriousely increase the time it takes to take down a wall? It can work as a temporary fix until the better one is implemented.
Jun 10 2019
I totally support this thread. Devs need to fix this as soon as possible.
Dec 3 2018
I had this bug too. My base was in the wilderness very far away from any urban areas and I had a car next to it. Car had rare weapons while tent had some basic stuff and clothes etc. My tent totally disappeared while car was intact. So it means there are problems with persistance since there's no way somebody raided me. Only persistent thing so far are vehicles.
Nov 29 2018
Nov 15 2018
I can confirm.
I can confirm.
Sep 24 2017
I was exiting police station by the back door.
Aug 22 2017
Aug 21 2017
Jan 6 2017
Here it is. It just happened now. I was running north of Novy Sobor and it crash error just popped up.
Jan 4 2017
I was playing on latest game version, I used to play 64-bit but then tried to play on 32-bit after my game crashed. Seems like it's fixed somehow right now. I'll update you if this problem persists.
Dec 30 2016
Aug 17 2016
When can we expect to see this fixed? It's really annoying to see devs discriminating long-range engagments and focusing only on close range. First not being able to see zeroing because of gray square and now this? Unbelivable...
Jul 5 2016
I can confirm that this is true.
Jun 23 2016
Jun 22 2016
Jun 21 2016
May 11 2016
It's called ice-skating.
My friend tested it, I locked open door and both me, and him saw open door. So it's not desync.
And then people who have mags don't have advantage against chambering freshies? No, IRL you would search in your pockets for ammo more time than just pulling up big magazine and reloading gun. Plus, if you think that any devs come here to check for suggestions, you gonna have a bad time. They dont even check bug reports.
You must be fun at parties :D
They are bugged, a bit fast but not strong.
Oh my sweet Coastal child, you wont survive much longer.
Only thing that they fucked up are guns ( they spawn even in your grandma's house ). A bit more food. I still got plenty of food left. A little bit more ammo and civil guns and that's all. I think 0.55 is cool patch, no better nor worse than 0.54, and I love zombies now.
Duplicate of my thread.
You complain about their stupid AI and now when they get update you complain about them beign too smart. Just stop it ffs
Me, guy with biggest nerves for Alpha Games decided to left. You know how fucked up game is now since I left.
You both look like bush. Also you carry backpack. That's double no. You are terminator if you have both items.
No, I don't want to see people having double advantage for having both backpack and ghillie. One is currently enough.
Does ANYONE even bother to check POSTS?!
@barberousse24 Also I've tried cutting seeds out of Zucchini. Zucchini won. Seems like I'm not the only one that has his plants vanish and inabillity to cut down vegetable to get seeds.
@vatixerid No, like 1-2 people were in server with me. And it was night. And my plot ( next to my tent ) was in middle of nowhere where no one comes, so what are possibilities? MLG? Illuminati?! DEAN HALL?! I've keep asking myself that question my entire life.
And I've just lost tent somehow. I went in another city for 10 minutes and tent disappeared. I had fireplace with stones and etc and it dissappeared too. If someone took it, why would anyone carry fireplace in his/her backpack? So it must've been a persistence fault.
Try disabling cheats, maybe it'll work.
Realistically? I've never had a chance to see any zombies in real life.
Speed is OK, and it should stay like that. They are humans after all.
I agree with this, it's real problem if you're using cover and beign shot at.
Thanks for proof. :)
@Geez I think bug is fixed now, thanks! :)
It isn't fixed yet. People seem to experience same bug.
Thats normal on experimental servers.
Someone just ban this troll already.
You drink a lot of water and your stomatch is full but you are still hungry. Any more quesstions?
Also, if you get this bug, you're actually senteced to death. You get thirsty over time if you don't find deafult game-filed Canteen in house. You can drink from ponds/wells, but it gives you status full from drinking water once.
Nope, it's best the way it is now.
I don't want this to happen
Also you can't repair leather gloves with leather sewing kit!
You can fix backpacks with leather sewing kit ( All backpacks ) instead of normal sewing kit. Leather one should be used on natural backpacks.
Nope, it is way more better with this way.
Let me know if I can help you anymore to fix this issuse. :)
Video Memory - Auto ; Resolution - Full HD
Textures Detail - Normal ; Filtering - Normal
Objects - High
Terrain - High
Shadows - Off
Sky - Very Low
All other settings like Antialising are off/very low.
I know that zombies aren't items, but I haven't seen those crawling zombies for a while.
Hey, after I've gotten hit by zombie and bandaged I wasn't able to clean wounds with alcohol tincture.
Someone please review this thread. :)
I watched one Youtuber's video on Twitch and he says he got hacked or something and his character always keeps punching
Maybe your keyboard is bugged? Or if it's not, make sure you don't run a hotkey script or something ( You can make files in .bat format that will press keys on your keyboard ). Maybe try pressing a lot keys at once until you hear that keyboard can't respond to all keys pressed at once and it should stop. Works for me.
@Geez Thanks, and also one quesstion : If possible can you make system that if you drop your map and someone else picks it, they can see what you wrote on map? It's not important, it can wait few patches :)
It's a small bug, probably easy to fix, and if you guys manage to fix it I would be really happy, I love to use map as I do in real life and mark things etc. :)
Wow, do you think that this will help you? For f* sake post some information, like your Steam account name or etc!
Dude, don't you know that there are millions of these threads on forums? It's duplicate post ^^
Isn't that actually Enivroment sound that we already have?
Not now, but later. I would be happy to make a holster for my gun with rope and attach it to backpack. I don't think about this meele idea because tourist backpack (atleast some of them) have a place where u can put hatchet or something because they are camping backpacks. Also goes for hunting backpacks. Maybe not for school backpack.
A-l-p-h-a. A-L-P-H-A. Get it? No? A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A A-L-P-H-A Still dont get it? You shouldn't have bought EARLY ACCESS game. You clearly don't know what does game in development mean.
Confirming ^^
Agree, I understand you completly. Happen to me also.
Disable launch options.
Disable launch options. Also, this is known issusse.
All hail our king Zorro!
You're taking realism to a new level. :D Confirming