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- Mar 11 2013, 5:13 PM (627 w, 5 d)
Feb 28 2023
Aug 4 2021
Little diagram of direct damage case A
A bullet with 1m penetration is shot at a triangle. A teeny tiny bit above the 1m thickness, and a teeny tiny bit below the 1m thickness.
Result is this:
May 8 2021
Feb 27 2021
I noticed that if you deploy the grenade launcher (bipod) then everything works correctly, as soon as you end deployment, it is busted again.
Feb 22 2021
Dec 29 2020
It can also be reproduced just on the stair case of Land_Factory_Main_F -> when running down the stairs you can get into the glitched state, and "slide" along the level platform.
Nov 1 2020
Oct 19 2020
Oct 18 2020
Jul 29 2017
May 28 2017
May 21 2017
There is some spilling because of the effect described in this ticket under b) that gets magnified when bullet damage is too large. When bullet damage is reduced however it can be mitigated. Both issues should be fixed imo.
May 20 2017
Not necessarily true. The wiki could have been right, but some change in development resulted in the handledamage beeing changed (possibly unintentionally) to the state it is now.
May 16 2017
May 14 2017
Feb 27 2017
Feb 6 2017
Feb 5 2017
Jan 11 2017
Jan 4 2017
Dec 11 2016
For an equivalent usability this replacement needs one more feature - the damagestates themself need to be usable as animation sources in model.cfg, like the Hitpoints currently are.
Dec 6 2016
Dec 5 2016
Alternative (more workintensive) to untangle this issue: define damage states independantly, that way we can get rid of Hitpoint dependency entirely.
Nov 20 2016
Dr. Muerrte, this damage system works the same for everything. Infantry and Vehicles.
This has nothing to do with bloody tactics and stuff - it is a large issue for reliable damage modelling (which has plagued combat in A3 a great deal), especially when trying to improve the damage models by making firegeometry and hitpoints more detailed - which is what i'm doing for a total conversion, otherwise i would have never bothered to investigate deeply how the damage actually works.
Nov 19 2016
Nov 1 2016
suggestion: Put a delay in the AI's retargeting procedure, so it keeps its crosshair on the target until a burst is complete. While this does not solve the "issue" (which comes due to the fact that AI bursts are implemented as long mechanical burst, which means all rounds will complete no matter what), it solves the issue of AI shooting unintentionally at friendlies or into the environment, after their target has been killed.
another issue that relates to "invulnerable" infantry / inconsistent damage to infantry comes from the way the dependencies in the hitpoint systems are defined.
Then decouple the updating from setHit and give us a script command that enforces an update to the hitpoints, so the hitpoints we read with getHit match the internal values, and also trigger hardcoded game functionality (death, handshaking, limping, vehicle engine damage, etc) in case a child hitpoint was damaged enough to trigger the parent.
Oct 28 2016
It might be arkward, but it is alot less arkward, than setting damage 1 to the Neck of a soldier and have nothing happen. One look at the Hitpoint configs will tell you what hitpoints you should damage and which ones not.
Oct 27 2016
Oct 15 2016
Oct 12 2016
Jul 13 2016
It's very irritating.
Jun 30 2016
Jun 1 2016
May 10 2016
it would also make artillery more realistic. Right now, without cover, the 155 covers a huge radius where everyone just dies or gets seriously injured from one hit, making artillery and other explosives way too strong against infantry.
mismatched decimal symbols - doesnt that depend on system/user settings?
FIRSTLY steeringwheel animation source for TankX and throttle Animationsource for PlaneX needs to be fixed! They don't work but are very important. Particulary for TankX vehicles that are not enclosed. Throttle animation is also important for animating the engine on the plane properly. Related
rpm source also need fixing for PlaneX simulation (ticket #17020)
Scratch the engine and oil temperature thing and exchange it for a direct link to the bodyheat, the one which is used for FLIR (vehicles and humans alike)- it is already simulated (basic but still), so why not utilize it directly?
A usefull thing would be acceleration animation sources (time derivative of velocity) for all sorts of stuff. Preferably for all 3 translational directions (in model/object space) if available, but at least for forward acceleration. PlaneX have all the 3D data, it would be nice to be able to use it.
it would also be really usefull to allow integer division for animation sources, so that the floating point gets deprecated.
Say, if you want to make a digital clock you have to write a complex script and do constant updates, when all you want is to display digital values
For the 1minute digit you want the floating point value as integer, for the 10 minute digit you want the floating point value/10 as integer. Especially for animationsources that are 100% floatingpoint like ammo count for ammo counter displays and such things.
For weapons we could really need an animation source for having the weapon holstered or not. It would be very usefull for weapons with folding stocks or other collapsable stuff (e.g. LAW AT Launcher).
Rotation of the model in the world around all 3 axis in modelspace would also be very usefull to have for every simulation class, not just planes& helicopters
This is a different matter.
If you set hideProxyInCombat=0, you disable the option to turn in/out for the entire vehicle and every passenger will be forced to turn out, not just the driver. For some vehicles this may be usable (single person vehicles), but for others this is no good.
It doesnt fix the problem that you can't kill a driver by penetrating shots when he is turned in in a normal tank, because this command is unusable for a normal tank.