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- Mar 14 2013, 2:01 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
The Vanilla AI are terrible, I find myself looking for AI mods to make the Firefights more fulfilling - but I do resent having to do that a bit. Upvoted
Was just about to post this. Good ticket, it's very annoying :D
Considering what they have achieved with Altis, and existing issues with the way the game plays I'm not sure this should be a priority. And when i'm getting shot at i'm not sure I care if the wallpaper is aged.
Downvoted simply because some people can never be satisfied. My two cents.
Yep and Half the Team ends up running around in their tighty whities lol Upvoted!
He hates it so much he still finds time to comment on and troll the Feedback tracker....
There are a few modules that give me this Error too. I think the Editor is still far from Finished. UpVoted!
Can you post the link to the File on Rapidshare Wolf?
I see this Error pop up alot in Multiplayer! Not had the problem myself though.
@bixer I'm still having trouble getting the choppers to land, it's bloody painful.
This issue has been lingering for awhile now, pretty sure there's alot of tickets in for this one. It is very frustrating when mission building.
I use it to fly Aircraft, I find it much easier. But thanks for your Judgemental and pointless comment.
I think using the mouse and Keyboard for Flying is more "precise", but for my purposes the Controller is the better option. Hence, why its included in the game at all.
Good Ticket, I've had all sorts or Trouble getting my XboX controller setup properly, and then finally got it to a point where I was happy and all the mapping reset. :( UpVoted.
Id have to agree, can't imagine not being able to hold binocs more steadily than a rifle. Upvoted :)
IRL burying is really the only way to "destroy" a chemlight I would think? It's not like you can just shoot it and it goes away - Fluro GOO everywhere! Could be fun :P
Oh I thought this was just me having this problem... Clearly not! UPVOTED! :)
I made a similar post about this issue, got no attention. The vehicles up hill behaviour Is nothing short of painful. Upvoted!!! :)
I know what you're saying, but it's a tricky one, trying to code a module for all those different locations it can be dropped would be no easy task.
I find I usually just occupy the building manually in the Editor, it's a little tedious but at least you have control over it that way. Though, i think the presence of all those GMG's when you drop that module is a bit overpowering.
I'd have to agree with gutsnav on that one. Some things you just have to do the hard way.
In saying that, I do hope the modules in general are better in Full release.
The poor developers are going loopy from so much work Sorry can't stop now, you've got an EPIC game to finish for us
Thanks! :)
It's not a word I can find in Any dictionary online...?
This Drives me batty, especially when looking through a scope.
Something tells me they will add this one In for the Final release.
I'm glad you think you're right. But I'll say it one last time - my Gripe is more directed at how they operate on ROADS (Inc Dirt Roads) not how they perform mountain Climbing. I don't expect my vehicles of any type to Climb off road Mountains covered in rocks. However I don't expects a very low inclined Grass hill would give them much trouble either.
@Grinya If you make these vehicles any less capable you may as well remove them from the game.
Your post refers more to their off road capability - which is extremely hard I would imagine from a developers point of view to govern. However, when On a road a 30% incline should not present any problems for the Marshall or Madrid.
The manufacturer doesn't specify it's actual speed at inclines, only it's maximum capabilities probably because it does depend on what configuration it's running.
But as you can See, She's pretty agile off road. And ingame, at an incline of about 30% on a Road she almost comes to a complete stop.
@TROPtastic The link above ( of the Piranha -
And I agree with you whole heartedly.
The vehicle I'd say the Marshall is based on; Though it doesnt specify exactly the speed at which it climbs each incline, look at its specs and each can decide for themselves if they think it performs adequately in Game.
I understand its a hardcore game, and for the most part its what I enjoy about the game, but simply down voting because I used the words less hardcore is a bit rough. This process is about giving them info on aspects of the game that are still WIP so they can improve it for the full release. All your down vote achieves is that the possibility of this issue being addressed is reduced.
I'm pretty sure a vehicle with a Diesel engine putting out somewhere around 2000NM of Torque at 1300RPM can get up an incline on a road without too much trouble.
I'm also pretty sure they know as much about the vehicles specs as I do.
From the Latest Sitrep: "The next patch (dev branch already) has enabled the reporting of uninitialized scripting variables. The behavior of scripts containing such variables is unchanged, but an on-screen warning is shown so the script author can solve the situation. An uninitialized variable may cause logic errors in the future, even if the script currently appears to work as intended. The change may cause a transition period of errors being shown, but it will result in better script quality in the long-term."
I get this sometimes with MP Missions. I'm pretty sure it's the mission just looking for something that isn't there. More an issue for the mission maker I'd say?
Notice this is fixed in Latest Build.
Some great ideas for sure. But I would think their decision to base the Game in the distant future is a more politically correct way of doing it without ruffling to many feathers in the real world. Just gives them the freedom to make up any "storyline" they want :)
And to be honest, I like using today's current tech level of weaponry in the game - as in - what is in common usage today. I think too much fancy future tech would detract from what makes Arma such a good game.
My Two cents. Happy Arma'ing.
I played around trying to get this to work so Long I just gave up. UPVOTED!! :D
I've also noticed if you hit a rock under the water line, you are pretty much stuck - the wheels don't work and the props lack the drive to move you past it. Also on a side not, the AI seems to struggle in transitioning this vehicle from Sea to Land.
I would have though it only renders as far as your View distance is set therefore it's demand should only change based on that setting not on the overall map size?
That's all I have to say about this one.
Good Ticket - Upvoted. :)
I have noticed the Exact same issue - good report, it drives me bonkers. Apparently disabling SLI or Crossfire "fixes" it - if that's what you call a fix.
May 9 2016
Had this problem on a MP server last night, but haven't noticed it anywhere else.
Anyone seen the Size of a Marshall in the Editor? lol it's tiny. Makes it quite tricky to place. UpVoted.
Nothing would make me happier than having female friends to play Arma with and I'm more than happy to shoot female characters alongside the male ones.
On a side note, where are these women - I must meet them!! lol
All the other issues aside, when it comes to this game this statement covers it all. "Everyone is a body in a uniform, vest and helmet with a rifle." - Cypher
Boom Problem Solved. Make female soldiers an option and be done with it.
Agent, here all week - Thankyou.
@NathanRyan They have always been like that - even in Game some weapons have BiPods on them but they are simply for show.
I must say though, i would be VERY surprised if they don't implement weapon resting or bipods in some fashion.